thedrawliner, on 16 November 2015 - 10:22 AM, said:
1_ I've been thinking, since the MIA shells are supposed make you feel less constrainted to using the MIA Gun then why not have a similar system for the Mini-Shrinker by implementing "Shrinking Shells" which would act just like the "MIA Shells" but with shrinking effect instead and just like with the "MIA Shells" you would get only 5 of those (AKA half the ammount of shots you would have with the Shrinker) ?
I can definitely see that happening. Would like to as well. Crushing a Commander under your foot is always satisfying.
thedrawliner, on 16 November 2015 - 10:22 AM, said:
4_ James had had the idea of making something like Zaxtor's Galil's ZML (Zilla Missile Launcher) for some of the other OCs. I had suggested (and so I put it here as a reminder or something) that it would be possible to implement a piece of equipment that would allow the player, using a gun fitted with an M203 GL, to replace the underslung GL with the ZML from Zaxtor's Galil or something equivalent to it by using the Alt-Ammo/Alt-Fire sub-menu. BUT this would imply using slot 6 grenades as ammo for it which could make them redundant just like in Ep1 before the appearance of 40mm grenades, so in order to avoid that this would require a new alt-ammo specific to it but then this would make Zaxtor's Galil either less likely to be used or the only exception to the rule which is nice but weird at the same time. Either way that would be very hard to code in BUT it's clearly easier than the other solution I thought of which is to propose a new speciality replacement that copies an already existing gun fitted with a GL but with the ZML but that would stuff up the Loadout Editor like crazy ! and it would not solve the problem of wether it would use a new alt-ammo or slot 6 weapons as ammo ...
To be honest, the Super Galil (along with the D2 Firestorm) made me pick Zaxtor more often. IMO, there are some enemies that require a crapload of damage to die and Zaxtor's weaponry -that is, basically, the same Duke Nukem uses in the original game- sometimes feels a bit underpowered (I don't like his Slot-7 weapon being, basically, the Shrinker/Expander. The rest of OCs have a badass weapon in that slot. Yeah, yeah... his Slot-0 weapon is almost an instakill, but still...) What I mean is that his weaponry doesn't resemble the one of any other character and the ZML of the Super Galil is a nice distinctive touch that I would like to be of his alone (I still haven't been able to fire one DUP missile using the ZML though... damn bug).
In any case, I disliked James' AUG since EP1, but the new LR-300 + M203 (add some HE 40mm shells to the recipe) is... well, my favorite weapon. So, maybe, EP3's new weaponry surprises me for good.
All in all this is just my opinion, and we all have one.