AMC TC released - Merry x-mas! "One hell of a christmas present"
#331 Posted 16 February 2012 - 05:34 AM
#332 Posted 16 February 2012 - 07:54 AM
Does it depend on the ammount of enemies killed? Or is it a set reward for all levels?
This post has been edited by RhaiNukem: 16 February 2012 - 08:56 AM
#333 Posted 16 February 2012 - 12:10 PM

As for the year, it's exactly as Mikko states - IW got tied down badly by setting a date especially since the actual date was old by the time it was finally released. Considering that AMC TC considers many Duke mods as well as Blood and SW to be actual 'events' setting a date would just make it very hard to work them together. It's something that's best left off

#334 Posted 29 February 2012 - 09:38 AM
I'll update you guys on progress as well; I'm adding the Gold trophy weapons before the patch release as well as a few other minor things. So far I've got 2 down with 6 more to go. The idea behind the gold weapons is that you can get them by beating the episode on Expert. They cost ALOT of base budget, but are effective against ALL enemy types. This will help for beating the episode in Professional mode; if you can do that and get Platinum trophies on all levels than some more guns and stuff will be available for Episode 2.
#335 Posted 29 February 2012 - 01:33 PM
James, on 29 February 2012 - 09:38 AM, said:
Highwire did a terrific job voicing himself ("Hail to the Tsar, baby"). Maybe if he toned down the "roughness" in his voice it would sound convincingly enough for a new character?
#336 Posted 29 February 2012 - 02:13 PM

#337 Posted 29 February 2012 - 08:17 PM
#338 Posted 01 March 2012 - 01:13 AM
Mblackwell, on 29 February 2012 - 08:17 PM, said:
That's not a problem, I'm looking for a cheesy russian accent anyways

#339 Posted 09 March 2012 - 10:36 PM
#340 Posted 11 March 2012 - 02:11 AM
#341 Posted 14 March 2012 - 04:32 AM
I have a few questions though:
1. Where do I need to unzip the v1.07 patch ?
2. I completed the episode once but I'm puzzled about something: In Millhaven, in one of the kindergarten houses, there are 2 locked doors that need a key (they are in the same building as that portal to the hellish region where you pick up another key that opens another weapon cache in the same building). But I haven't found a key for those other doors ! Where can I find it ?
#342 Posted 14 March 2012 - 06:07 AM

#343 Posted 14 March 2012 - 12:53 PM
James, on 14 March 2012 - 06:07 AM, said:

Oh OK, thanks for the quick reply

I'll replay this more times for sure !
#344 Posted 18 March 2012 - 02:10 PM

#345 Posted 18 March 2012 - 02:23 PM
#346 Posted 24 March 2012 - 01:23 AM
#347 Posted 24 March 2012 - 03:56 AM
#348 Posted 06 April 2012 - 09:49 AM
AMC TC v1.10 -Modified Red Dot/EOTECH sights, Crosshairs now point exactly to where bullet will go -Modified For Providence, adding minor details + couple of enemies -Modified Snow Base, added scanning items to bodies and Plasma gun to altar room -Modified Megabase, added detail to Radiation chambers -Replaced Hard skill with Expert, replaced previous Expert with Professional -Fixed rolling bug -Fixed not being able to melee after using FG42's bayonet -Fixed Rusty's Overunder shotgun not showing alternate ammo graphics when reloading -Fixed graphic bug with Sang's BAR reloading tile -Fixed oversight with Sang reloading with wrong hand on FN FAL and AK103 -Fixed 48 ammo being given to pistol when picking another; now gives double proper ammo amount -Fixed M1911 not taking 2 silver ammo when firing 2 pistols -Fixed loadout screen not removing OTs-33 when selecting the M1911 -Fixed loadout screen not removing AK74s when selecting the M41C -Fixed reloading glitch with Protecta -Fixed Allys who could fire armour piercing guns at selected targets didn't -Fixed Ice frost to spawn at enemies' midsection rather than feet -Fixed display bugs with Magic Trap and Proximity Bomb -Fixed Heart leech so it actually works -Fixed Merlijn's blunderbuss accuracy -Fixed Scientist not appearing in Snow Base -Fixed EDF Soldier's dying animation -Fixed bug with jumping to exit Upgrade machine -Fixed shooting protected enemies playing character's line too often -Fixed Rusty's HUD so that proper ammo pictures show for all weapons -Fixed crosshair not updating to show decreased accuracy underwater -Fixed crouching still effecting accuracy whilst underwater -Fixed error with pentagram shading -Fixed Zaxtor's HUD to show flechete shell count when using a compatible weapon -Fixed Geoffrey's Mine/Discomb graphic cutoff -Fixed training needed door closing in later base revisit -Fixed exploit in Millhaven -Fixed zombified Chaingunner to play body-drop noise when killed -Fixed zombified Scientist to play body-drop noise when killed -Fixed Uzi akimbo graphics, now Sang's proper hands display when reloading left Uzi -Fixed Merlijn's death animations having blue blood and old frame appearing when dead -Fixed destroying a vase that player is searching stopping the mouse working -Fixed Cultists grabbing player even if they can't see them -Fixed several temporary weapons not displaying ammo count on pickup HUD -Fixed Temp nailgun giving it's properties to other weapons -Fixed oversight with M16 Shotgun's muzzleflash -Fixed Shotgun Cultist becoming invincible if killed by something else during a shotgun struggle -Fixed graphic error with animated computer texture -Fixed Mercenaries and Zombified humans not being set on fire properly -Fixed Light Power suit enemy flipping on last death animation -Fixed Tripbomb being spawned when using Merlijn's Trap-Sphere -Fixed mag count showing up when using Sang's slot 3 weapon -Fixed temporary shotguns spawning wrong shells when loading after alt ammo types run out -Fixed Red blood being spawned when shooting a protecter drone -Fixed being able to change weapon ammo types whilst shooting -Fixed weapon switch keys being usable in interfaces/vehicles/misc things -Fixed gun smoke spawning incorrectly on the PPSh-41 -Fixed being able to slide on water -Fixed being able to pick up Heavy armour when already at 200 armour -Fixed Liz Troop being able to play dead on water -Fixed some redundant code in Fascist enemy shoot state -Fixed ally icon display code error -Fixed Long axe not triggering slashing animation on Triads -Tweaked Highwire's Support radio; can be used twice but brings in one soldier per use -Tweaked and reduced clock ticking noise radius -Tweaked and reduced Shotgun pellet damage to body armour, to both player and enemies -Tweaked and increased Merlijn's shield protection angle -Tweaked and reduced Light Power Suit enemy's health -Tweaked and increased PPsh-41's damage -Tweaked and increased Silver Talon's reload time -Tweaked and increased Riot Shotgun's accuracy (does not affect Pigcop's accuracy, just the temp weapon they drop) -Tweaked visibility on Sang's HUD -Tweaked Satyr so that it's not knocked back by gunfire so much when charging -Tweaked Gunshop so added weapons are colour-coded (Blue for sold by default, green for Matvei, yellow for gold) -Tweaked Sang's shield buff to 50 maximum instead of 100 (so that armour pickups aren't made redundant) -Tweaked sliding to reduce Stamina -Tweaked Pig Cop tank; Pig cop will now always spawn if you hit it's self-destruct, and will never spawn if you blow it up -Tweaked Pig Cop tank to spawn smoke and some sparks when heavily damaged -Tweaked Pig Cop tank wreckage to be destroyable -Added Skill trophies, displayed in mission select screen -Added extra detail, new enemies, equipment and some minor TROR to Dis Base, as well as more mission updates -Added new graphic to weapon shop highlighting new equipment -Added new Maephisto enemy -Added new female zombie soldier enemy -Added new magic spawning circle to Sorcerer, Lost Spirit, and Dark avatar -Added protection sigil effect for attack supernatural enemies with ineffective weapons -Added Mission update to Snow Base, explaining the enemy light power armour -Added new Gold Jericho for James -Added new PP-19 Bizon for James (which replaces his SR-2) -Added new Gold dagger for Merlijn -Added new Gold Skorpion for Highwire -Added new PKM for Highwire -Added new Automag for Highwire (Purchasable at Shopkeeper's hideout) -Added new Gold Ring for Sang -Added new flame spell for Sang -Added new Suppressor upgrade for Sang's Uzi -Added new SR-2 for Sang -Added new Gold Talon for Mikko -Added new MS-Corp Assault Shotgun for Mikko -Added new Nailgun for Mikko (Purchasable at Shopkeeper's hideout) -Added MS-Corp Silenced AP SMG to Snow base, was left out by mistake -Added new voice for EDF Soldier in gameplay, by Sangelothi -Added M60 EDF Soldier (Spritepal 16) -Added unique reloading sounds for FN-57 -Added missing researchable weapons to mission select room -Added motion blur to Merlijn's sword animation -Added motion blur to Merlijn's great axe animation -Added couple more deceased scientist sprites -Added more death animations to Zombified Chaingunner -Added ability to headshot zombified Chaingunner -Added ability to headshot zombified scientists -Added another death animation to Satyr -Added 5 more body-dropping sounds -Added blood graphics to Merliijn's sword -Added blood graphics to Merlijn's long axe -Added widescreen support for Zaxtor's HUD -Added widescreen support for Merlijn's HUD -Added sound effect for when a nail hits an enemy -Added new firing sound for M16s -Added ability to destroy trees with explosives -Added ability to headshot Light power suit enemy -Added ability to headshot Mercenaries -Added sight and death sounds for Light power suit enemy -Added 'Spirit damage' that covers enemies in blue flames -Added new death animation for Humans killed by an energy weapons -Added new death animation for Humans killed by a Spirit weapon -Added new ability for Shade enemy; will teleport near to player if player's in or near a dark area -Added new blood graphics for shooting protector drone -Added better floating code by Dan (Also fixes items slowly floating upwards forever) -Added new options to AMC Settings file -Improved HUD weapon bar to now show grenade modes and akimbo weapons -Improved EDF soldier's graphics -Improved AK-74's reload animation -Improved FN-57's reload animation -Improved MS-Corp Shotgun's animation -Improved Jackhammer's reload animation -Improved Red Materia gun's animation -Improved MS-Corp Plasma gun's idle animation -Improved Green Materia gun's animation -Improved Nemesis Staff's animation -Improved Rusty's revolver reload animation -Improved Lightning/Ice Spell's animation -Improved Uzi's animation -Improved Long Axe's animation -Improved widescreen support for Merlijn's sword -Improved Various dropped shell and magazine graphics -Improved Gun and Bullet smoke graphics (Thanks to Eddy Zykov for the graphics) -Removed Nemesis Staff's ambient sound, because it was infuriating
This post has been edited by James: 06 April 2012 - 09:50 AM
#349 Posted 06 April 2012 - 12:47 PM

James, on 06 April 2012 - 09:49 AM, said:
AMC TC v1.10 -Modified Red Dot/EOTECH sights, Crosshairs now point exactly to where bullet will go -Added blood graphics to Merliijn's sword -Added blood graphics to Merlijn's long axe -Added ability to destroy trees with explosives (watch out for the treehugger guys, they love trees :) ) -Added ability to headshot Light power suit enemy -Added ability to headshot Mercenaries -Improved AK-74's reload animation -Improved FN-57's reload animation -Improved MS-Corp Shotgun's animation -Removed Nemesis Staff's ambient sound, because it was infuriating (depends, music and sound is a personal thing)
Can't commends on everything, but all the best. And please don't forget updates at moddb/indiedb.

This post has been edited by Hank: 06 April 2012 - 12:49 PM
#350 Posted 09 April 2012 - 02:29 PM
#351 Posted 09 April 2012 - 05:44 PM
but links in 1st post don't work. And the links in the wiki page don't work.
When you have a moment please update the 1st post and let us know.
Quick question: do all the little updates (1.05 1.06 1.07) need to be applied or is the latest update comprehensive of all of them?
#352 Posted 09 April 2012 - 06:07 PM
(you may need to be signed in) and install
download number two
install as per desciption
I love this TC, and James is making more improvements, thus get ready for download number three, in the meantime, this TC rocks

This post has been edited by Hank: 09 April 2012 - 06:09 PM
#354 Posted 09 April 2012 - 11:22 PM
Slippy_Pig, on 09 April 2012 - 02:29 PM, said:
Jane's the girl in the robo-suit - they're basically minor characters who were made to be playable for story purposes (Like John is playable towards the end of of 'For providence')

#355 Posted 14 April 2012 - 03:06 PM
rsd: spec=blK:udnt, idx=3, mem=00fb5cc0
(compressed): read -1, expected 1!
read: Bad file descriptor
sv_loadsnapshot: doloadplayer2() returned -2.
Loading save game file "dukesav0.esv" failed (code 5), cannot recover.
Any advice?
Nevermind. I "solved" this. I played some custom map and saved game to slot #2. Then slot #1 started to work.....Yeap...
This post has been edited by pmw: 14 April 2012 - 03:22 PM
#356 Posted 15 April 2012 - 08:24 AM
#357 Posted 15 April 2012 - 10:59 AM
Slippy_Pig, on 15 April 2012 - 08:24 AM, said:
Because it's a reference to MGS3, put in during the beginning stages of development when AMC TC's general feel wasn't yet established. At the time the feel of the mod was slightly tongue in cheek and as more of a AMC community gag but as development carried on, as gameplay improved and many other features were added the TC's general feel was made more serious rather than 4th-wall breaking stuff, but a few smaller things still remained in the game

This post has been edited by James: 15 April 2012 - 10:59 AM
#358 Posted 15 April 2012 - 03:39 PM

Why is it that with John, the PDA says "World Info", with the Cultist ( I like that you can play as a cultist ) it says " Member Bios ", with Merlijn's brother ( forgot his name already ) it has "Ally Info"? ( Also, Jane's PDA says "Statistics" but because she only works for the EDF I suppose she got a different one, which would make sense. )
PS: Thanks for tolerating my annoying questions!
#359 Posted 15 April 2012 - 11:36 PM

#360 Posted 16 April 2012 - 01:06 PM
James, on 15 April 2012 - 11:36 PM, said:

I am sorry if this question was asked before but what inspired you to develop the TC ?
For example, i made a horror game 2 years back, after all those years of watching crazy movies, internet videos and playing the scariest and strangest games, i created some ideas over the years and put these in my game, but never finished it.
So another question, what kept you motivated to finish the TC ?