For DN codes all you need to do is type out the full word
DNCLIP : does no clip
DNWEAPONS: alll weapons
DNDEBUG: brings up debug stuff
PC console commands Much thanks to Coheed82
looking through thread compiling atm that is why this part looks like a mess xD
Go to steam & right click your duke nukem forever game out of the list of your games, Now in properties, and click set launch options..
Now here type -log & then exit that properies window. Load your game of DNF. you'll see a white window like "Notepad" before the launch of the game. let the game Run. now when you begin in the bathroom, press ALT & TAB to go to steam again..
Now, click on that new window... and type in Set dnWindow.DukeConsole ConsoleKey 192
press enter....
Now, go back into your game. and now EXIT. re start the game leaving that window alone now, Important! ..
Finally as you get to playing in the bathroom again press the button right under the ESC key.. should be that squiggly thing ~
Now Voila! you'll get a big duke nukem forever sign showing up! with a small area to type in commands... "cheats actually"..
So there is a good few cheats here, i know of a few.... after you type a cheat in then press enter and your set mate!!!
SUMMON assaulttrooper_grunt
SUMMON pigcop_grunt
SUMMON pigcop_dualpistol
SUMMON pigcop_machinegun
SUMMON pigcop_rpg octababy
SUMMON pregnator
SUMMON cycloid
set Engine.PlayerPawn bInfiniteAmmo true
set Engine.PlayerPawn bInstaGib true
set Engine.PlayerPawn bGodMode true
:set dngame.playerpawn vehiclepov vpov_firstperson
old stuff below
So far I have found these secrets and cheats :3
please feel free to add your finds
also I swear someone is going to be dumb enough to come in this thread ignoring the spoiler tags and the tag in the title and be like O: SPOILERS YOUR GOING TO HELL RAGE, you only look dumb if you do that epically after this ending sentence xD