True Room over Room "A truly 'über' feature for classic and Polymer"
#181 Posted 03 July 2011 - 08:50 PM
I can't copy and paste into the bottom area of a TROR sector like I normally would be able to. When I drag some sectors into the area and release them with alt, it doesn't ask me if I want to create an inner loop, and if I try to delete an inner loop in order to paste the old fashioned way, that breaks the TROR connection between upper and lower sectors. Will this issue of not being able to paste into TROR sectors be addressed? It's so convenient and it'd be a shame it if weren't possible.
#182 Posted 04 July 2011 - 09:14 AM
Is it me or is the mouse pointing innacurate again? I point to the floor and then the ceiling raises...
EDIT NERVERMIND I was on soft mode.
EDIT NERVERMIND I was on soft mode.
This post has been edited by DavoX: 04 July 2011 - 09:24 AM
#183 Posted 04 July 2011 - 01:29 PM
Revision 1928 addresses posts #180 and #181. Specifically,
For the non-displaying of gray walls, the restrictions -- only inner walls, no manual grayout -- are there because otherwise you could end up with "dangling walls". The very first TROR version (r1888) suffered from that.
- it is now possible to paste (and have an outer red wall automatically) highlighted sectors into a sector that is extended on one side and non-sloped on the other. For this, the highlighted sectors must be in one connected component.
- Make it possible to not display inner gray walls, toggled with Ctrl-Alt-A, but only when no manual grayout (Ctrl-R) is in effect.
For the non-displaying of gray walls, the restrictions -- only inner walls, no manual grayout -- are there because otherwise you could end up with "dangling walls". The very first TROR version (r1888) suffered from that.
#184 Posted 04 July 2011 - 01:36 PM
Now I know how you manage too pull out these updates so often. Seems like your avatar is not just some random image

#186 Posted 04 July 2011 - 08:33 PM
This is a monumental day, when the human race came to realize that Jesus Christ has been reincarnated as a man known only as Helixhorned.
#187 Posted 04 July 2011 - 09:21 PM
Helixhorned is pretty awesome. He lent me a hundred bucks the other day when I mentioned being broke and needing it for something on IRC. That's completely aside from just how goddamn impressive his additions to the engine and editor have been. I'm very happy to have him in our little gang of "three stooges." If I'm our Todd Replogle sort of guy, Helixhorned is our Ken Silverman (and Plagman is our Carmack

#188 Posted 05 July 2011 - 04:47 AM
TX, on 04 July 2011 - 09:21 PM, said:
He lent me a hundred bucks the other day when I mentioned being broke and needing it for something on IRC.
It sucks to hear that man

#189 Posted 05 July 2011 - 05:40 AM
Now that TROR has polymer support and is much more stable and developed than when it started, can we please have a news item about this? For the past few months the news items have all been pretty much DNF related, yet DNF has been out for several weeks now. I for one, am sick of DNF, and I think we can all agree DN 3D is a better game.
So let's refocus the community and make that news item! (I can't wait anymore, I'll see if I can submit something myself)
So let's refocus the community and make that news item! (I can't wait anymore, I'll see if I can submit something myself)
#190 Posted 05 July 2011 - 05:57 AM
It's alright, I should be less broke soon. Money was just really short this last month because an error on the behalf of a random government bureaucrat caused my family's food assistance funding to be delayed by almost 2 weeks. Btw, your package should go out today as long as my wife makes it back home early enough from taking her dad to whatever today's random cancer appointment is. Feel free to publicly lambaste me if I don't get that out within the next couple of days... it was never supposed to take so long!
#191 Posted 05 July 2011 - 06:58 AM
Lol it's not that it's just that bad luck follows you like this guy :

Now back on topic! In my spare time I'm making something I hope you all like, stay tuned

Now back on topic! In my spare time I'm making something I hope you all like, stay tuned

#192 Posted 05 July 2011 - 09:08 AM
DavoX, on 05 July 2011 - 06:58 AM, said:
Lol it's not that it's just that bad luck follows you like this guy :

Now back on topic! In my spare time I'm making something I hope you all like, stay tuned

Now back on topic! In my spare time I'm making something I hope you all like, stay tuned

#193 Posted 05 July 2011 - 06:47 PM
Helixhorned, on 04 July 2011 - 01:29 PM, said:
[*]Make it possible to not display inner gray walls, toggled with Ctrl-Alt-A, but only when no manual grayout (Ctrl-R) is in effect.
For the non-displaying of gray walls, the restrictions -- only inner walls, no manual grayout -- are there because otherwise you could end up with "dangling walls". The very first TROR version (r1888) suffered from that.
I tried this but I see no change...
#194 Posted 05 July 2011 - 08:24 PM
I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the WGRealms section, because it's relevant to both.
The rain in WGRealms, and I assume DukePlus as well, doesn't work when you're in a lower extension of a bunch in which the top extension has a parallaxed ceiling. When you're in the top extension it works, but not when you're in the bottom sector. However, when the player moves out of the lower extension into an adjacent sector, the rain starts up again.
In lower extension: no rain.

In adjacent sector (you can see the overhead stone texture on the left of the screen, so Duke is 'under cover' and the rain starts up again.

Another example is the arena I did, in which there's no rain when you're on the floor, but it rains when you're standing on the roofs of the stands.
The rain in WGRealms, and I assume DukePlus as well, doesn't work when you're in a lower extension of a bunch in which the top extension has a parallaxed ceiling. When you're in the top extension it works, but not when you're in the bottom sector. However, when the player moves out of the lower extension into an adjacent sector, the rain starts up again.
In lower extension: no rain.

In adjacent sector (you can see the overhead stone texture on the left of the screen, so Duke is 'under cover' and the rain starts up again.

Another example is the arena I did, in which there's no rain when you're on the floor, but it rains when you're standing on the roofs of the stands.
#195 Posted 06 July 2011 - 04:00 AM
DavoX, on 05 July 2011 - 06:47 PM, said:
I tried this but I see no change...
As I said, it's restricted to inner gray walls, i.e. those having no TROR neighbors. This means that most of the the gray walls won't be affected, but those "independent" ones on different levels, which are most likely to stand in the way, will. Try toggling it with the TROR test map to get a feeling of which ones those are.
MickyC (or DT): I'd need to have more precise information about how that effect works. For example, on what condition are the rain drops actually spawned?
#196 Posted 06 July 2011 - 09:52 AM
HelixHorned, I tried it on the TROR test map and still see no change... when I press control + R it says "reset z range" is that ok?
Then I try CRTL+ALT+A and nothing ever happens. No matter which height I'm in.
EDIT: Nevermind, I tried again it works not many walls dissapear but well... it's something
Then I try CRTL+ALT+A and nothing ever happens. No matter which height I'm in.
EDIT: Nevermind, I tried again it works not many walls dissapear but well... it's something

This post has been edited by DavoX: 06 July 2011 - 09:55 AM
#197 Posted 06 July 2011 - 10:20 AM
@Micky C and Helixhorned
About the rain: I'm on holiday now and I don't have a copy of the code handy. Rain spawns in a radius around the player. Each tic, random locations are generated within the rain radius, and then the locations are checked to see if they are suitable for rain spawning. If a location is suitable, then a rain drop is spawned near the ceiling height at those coordinates. Rain spawns only in sectors that have parallaxed ceilings (i.e. the first bit on ceilingstat is set). There's a few other conditions, but that's the main one. I can download WGR2 and post the code in the WGR2 forum for further discussion, if necessary.
About the rain: I'm on holiday now and I don't have a copy of the code handy. Rain spawns in a radius around the player. Each tic, random locations are generated within the rain radius, and then the locations are checked to see if they are suitable for rain spawning. If a location is suitable, then a rain drop is spawned near the ceiling height at those coordinates. Rain spawns only in sectors that have parallaxed ceilings (i.e. the first bit on ceilingstat is set). There's a few other conditions, but that's the main one. I can download WGR2 and post the code in the WGR2 forum for further discussion, if necessary.
#198 Posted 06 July 2011 - 10:28 AM
But if a room is made with RoR. What will the ceiling actually be if there is no ceiling? You know what i mean?
#199 Posted 06 July 2011 - 10:37 AM
I'm preparing something with this effects and I've created a few complex structures, I hope someone can help me with this:
As you can see in the picture I've got a square with 5 sectors inside, I only want to select the outer 4 and NOT the inner sector. Is it possible to select various sectors in steps to achieve this?
As you can see in the picture I've got a square with 5 sectors inside, I only want to select the outer 4 and NOT the inner sector. Is it possible to select various sectors in steps to achieve this?

#200 Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:12 AM
I always move the sectors I don't want to outside. Afterall, if you do this with Crtl selection there should be 0% of chance of error.
#201 Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:15 AM
I've run into DavoX's problem in the past and always did some hack or just restarted the whole thing to get it right. I think there was some feature added at some point but the commands are buried in there somewhere.
#202 Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:21 AM
DavoX: That's what the [;] and ['] modifiers to the RAlt (and RShift, for that matter) commands are for -- they're the set operations "union" and "difference", respectively. Combined with the RCtrl modifier of RAlt, it should be a piece of cake to select any strangely shaped sector in the map.
I'll have a more thorough look at that rain code, but my suspicion is that updatesector is to blame...
I'll have a more thorough look at that rain code, but my suspicion is that updatesector is to blame...
#203 Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:31 AM
Yes!!! That's awesome HelixHorned!
Here is the proper way to do it cause I've had to figure it out a bit
1) Select first sector or bunch of sectors normally
2) To add press Ralt and select the sector, but before releasing Ralt, press " ´ ". While you keep pressed the " ´ " button, release Ralt. You added a new sector to the selection.
Here is the proper way to do it cause I've had to figure it out a bit

1) Select first sector or bunch of sectors normally
2) To add press Ralt and select the sector, but before releasing Ralt, press " ´ ". While you keep pressed the " ´ " button, release Ralt. You added a new sector to the selection.
This post has been edited by DavoX: 06 July 2011 - 11:34 AM
#204 Posted 06 July 2011 - 12:11 PM
OK, about the rain code... it is updatesector. Here's an overview of DT's rain state:
The subtle part is what updatesector actually returns with given coordinates. Its basic working is like this: from a passed initial <sectnum>,
1. if (x,y) is inside that sector, change nothing (i.e. return <sectnum>)
2. search all red-wall neighboring sectors
3. search all sectors
4. if still no sector found, return -1.
However, what is passed as third argument to the updatesector CON function isn't actually considered as starting sector -- instead it's the sectnum of the currently processed actor (THISACTOR). [note: if the former were true, updatesector would receive an "uninitialized"--garbage--value.] Thus since this code presumably runs from somewhere where THISACTOR is the player sprite, updatesector returns quickly with the sector the player is currently in (assuming the random coords didn't stray too far). "Fixing" this is left as an exercise to the reader
. Maybe some very basic TROR access to CON would be beneficial though... ah well...
state raincode
getplayer[THISACTOR].posx x, getplayer[THISACTOR].posy y
while "need more rain"
(generate random coordinate in some radius around the player)
rotatepoint x y xydist y angvar tempb y
// tempb and y are the new x and y coords
updatesector tempb y tempd
ifvarn tempd -1 // if that position falls inside a sector (=tempd)
ifvarn sector[tempd].hitag 101
ifvarand sector[tempd].ceilingstat 1 // if ceiling parallaxed...
(generate rain or snow here...)
(sound stuff)
The subtle part is what updatesector actually returns with given coordinates. Its basic working is like this: from a passed initial <sectnum>,
1. if (x,y) is inside that sector, change nothing (i.e. return <sectnum>)
2. search all red-wall neighboring sectors
3. search all sectors
4. if still no sector found, return -1.
However, what is passed as third argument to the updatesector CON function isn't actually considered as starting sector -- instead it's the sectnum of the currently processed actor (THISACTOR). [note: if the former were true, updatesector would receive an "uninitialized"--garbage--value.] Thus since this code presumably runs from somewhere where THISACTOR is the player sprite, updatesector returns quickly with the sector the player is currently in (assuming the random coords didn't stray too far). "Fixing" this is left as an exercise to the reader

#205 Posted 06 July 2011 - 01:46 PM
Helixhorned, on 06 July 2011 - 12:11 PM, said:
Maybe some very basic TROR access to CON would be beneficial though... ah well...
Thank you for the analysis!
And yes, that would be helpful, because otherwise it seems the code would have to search through every sector to find all the ones that share those xy coordinates before deciding whether to spawn the rain, and that sounds awfully expensive. (And before anyone mentions it, I am not using updatesectorz there because at that point there is no particular z coordinate of interest). The basic problem is that more than one sector shares the coordinates, but updatesector only returns one result. But if the linked sectors were accessible through the sect struct, then one result is all I need.
#207 Posted 07 July 2011 - 11:03 AM
Saw the post on the front page, thanks for the write-up, MickyC! Let's hope that this (and the awesome maps to come) will draw many old dogs and newbies alike to the community!
As far as CON access to TROR structures go, here are my thoughts. The engine provides various functions to query TROR stuff, but at the beginning you're almost always getting the bunchnum of a given sector (with one additional parameter, saying whether it's the ceiling or floor you're interested in). This one is likely going to make it into CON, because you'd already be able to e.g. make grass spawning conditional to non-extended floors. The other functionality is a bit more involved, owing to the N:M model, and I'm not sure whether seeing all that "guts" will be a benefit the CON coder. Maybe "getneighborsect" is another good candidate, giving the neighboring sector above or below at some given coordinates.
As far as CON access to TROR structures go, here are my thoughts. The engine provides various functions to query TROR stuff, but at the beginning you're almost always getting the bunchnum of a given sector (with one additional parameter, saying whether it's the ceiling or floor you're interested in). This one is likely going to make it into CON, because you'd already be able to e.g. make grass spawning conditional to non-extended floors. The other functionality is a bit more involved, owing to the N:M model, and I'm not sure whether seeing all that "guts" will be a benefit the CON coder. Maybe "getneighborsect" is another good candidate, giving the neighboring sector above or below at some given coordinates.
#208 Posted 07 July 2011 - 02:23 PM
Helixhorned, on 07 July 2011 - 11:03 AM, said:
Saw the post on the front page, thanks for the write-up, MickyC! Let's hope that this (and the awesome maps to come) will draw many old dogs and newbies alike to the community!
Agreed! So very awesome...

#209 Posted 07 July 2011 - 03:38 PM
Wieder, on 07 July 2011 - 02:23 PM, said:
Agreed! So very awesome... 

Time for Duke Caribbean: Life's a Beach 2?

#210 Posted 08 July 2011 - 05:43 AM
Why is joining of sectors with different bunchnums not allowed? I created extensions above basically the entire outside area, and all their ceilings have the same height. I'm going to be adjusting their heights a lot and it would be easier if I could join them all together instead of having to select all of them each time.
On a side note, I don't know what I'm going to do with all these layers, it's probably going to be hell trying make parallaxed walls.
On a side note, I don't know what I'm going to do with all these layers, it's probably going to be hell trying make parallaxed walls.