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Maybe Rep Feedback Option Wasn't Such A Good Idea  "I'm Speechless"

User is offline   Hank 


@ Yatta and Deeper Thought
If you abuse the rating system, your privileges should be suspended for a time. It's for fun, let's not take it that serious and make it complicated.

People actually contributing should get say honor logos. As they get at MSDN or Qt. After all, Eduke32 is about programming. Say a button “M” for a Mapster32 contribution, “E” an Eduke32 contribution. If it is substantial, the admins can put two or more buttons for a given submission.

Just a thought. :D

@ Mr BlackCat Yatta is what? He owns this site :)


View PostHank, on 17 May 2011 - 12:19 PM, said:

@ Yatta and Deeper Thought
If you abuse the rating system, your privileges should be suspended for a time. It's for fun, let's not take it that serious and make it complicated.

People actually contributing should get say honor logos. As they get at MSDN or Qt. After all, Eduke32 is about programming. Say a button “M” for a Mapster32 contribution, “E” an Eduke32 contribution. If it is substantial, the admins can put two or more buttons for a given submission.

Just a thought. :D

@ Mr BlackCat Yatta is what? He owns this site :)

hehe look under his avatar :D

@ Mr.blackcat.
I gotta admit that you aren't going to take my previous post that you so beautifully replied to so seriously :D
To summarize my previous post:

People vote differently on the modding section than the other sections. I'm not sure why.
So much trouble about the rep system so maybe they should just cut the system. ( This has been talked about maaaaany times before). And this was just another reason for them to cut the rep system out of this place.

And i highly agree now that i think of it, instead of removing it, optimize it. But a little faster please xD and maybe you should just remove it till you find a new way the rep system could work. So many people hate it :(

This post has been edited by Jhect: 17 May 2011 - 01:05 PM


User is offline   MrBlackCat 


View PostHank, on 17 May 2011 - 12:19 PM, said:

@ Mr BlackCat Yatta is what? He owns this site :)

Hehehe... well I was being silly because Yatta has "Banned" under his image and I was playing with that a bit.

View PostJhect, on 17 May 2011 - 01:03 PM, said:

hehe look under his avatar :D

@ Mr.blackcat.
I gotta admit that you aren't going to take my previous post that you so beautifully replied to so seriously :D
To summarize my previous post:

People vote differently on the modding section than the other sections. I'm not sure why.
This does not surprise me as the people who post there are very different from most who post in other sections... in my opinion.
I will take your word for it... :(

I am sorry that you feel the system is being abused.

I wonder if I had the dramatically negative feedback I expected if I would view things the same. In fairness, I can not answer that.


User is offline   TerminX 

  • el fundador


DeeperThought's idea is rather good, it just can't be implemented without hacking on the backend code, which I don't necessarily want to do right now since I expect to be upgrading to a newer version of the forum software sometime in the next few months.

Anyway, yes, the system does involve a bit of pointless dick waving, but as far as I'm concerned that's okay. Some people like it, some people don't, but the people asking for it to be removed are just wasting their breath because, frankly, I like it a lot and while I wouldn't go so far as to say I don't care what you think, I would say that nothing anyone says will ever get the system removed. :)

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostTX, on 17 May 2011 - 03:27 PM, said:

...I wouldn't go so far as to say I don't care what you think, I would say that nothing anyone says will ever get the system removed. :)

only those who abuse the system will be removed. i was made aware of such an abuser that was shown the exit. now, with no friends like you to pal around with, he abuses himself

never seen you so mad. you okay? need a hug big guy?

User is offline   TerminX 

  • el fundador


LOL. That was pretty good.

User is offline   Nukester10 


View PostHank, on 17 May 2011 - 12:19 PM, said:

People actually contributing should get say honor logos. As they get at MSDN or Qt. After all, Eduke32 is about programming. Say a button “M” for a Mapster32 contribution, “E” an Eduke32 contribution. If it is substantial, the admins can put two or more buttons for a given submission.

Just a thought. :)

I believe, we are on page 5 of this long and lengthy discussion so far and I have to admit,beyond reading every single post in this thread.Your suggestion here Hank is the best of them all in my own personal opinion.If the admins wish to continue with the current rating system,at least your idea here would or should at least level the current playing field as it currently remains.Giving a member a trophy so to speak on top of the current rating system would or should once again give the member at least some sort of sense of accomplishment in a way.

Which in turn, will most likely cause many members to work harder to come up with better contributions each and every time.Iam going to be completely frank with everyone right now for a moment and state that,since I've been a member of D4 I have only honestly used the rating system I believe once or twice and that's it.I don't really have any interest in it and I don't really understand what usefulness it could represent except perhaps,as
a tool of punishment of some sort.

For example,as useful as members post may be,some members may believe,what you have to say,should not necessarily be stated in certain Forums and this is where obviously, the tool of punishment falls into they're hands.I for one, do not fall into this mindset,for I believe it to be entirely counterproductive for one thing.Yet Iam also starting to understand how procedures work on this site as well.If you post in the wrong thread,basically you are cattleprodded to repost in another.Now,I'm not saying all downvotes work strickly in this way,because the definitions aren't refined to that point.If this where to be true,then I could absolutely show you posts that other members have made, that really shouldn't have been made in relation to the particular Forum they where making they're statements known.....and yet,this member wasn't downvoted.Hmmmmmmm,how very strange indeed?

Once again,Excellent post Hank!

And in this very rare occasion as it may be,I will be using the rating system and giving you a thumbs up on this one as well.

This post has been edited by Nukester10: 17 May 2011 - 09:06 PM


User is offline   MrBlackCat 


View PostDeeperThought, on 17 May 2011 - 10:06 AM, said:

I don't know if this has been suggested before, but a simple way of eliminating a lot of rep abuse just occurred to me. Instead of rep going up/down a point for every up/down vote, make it take two votes on a post for every rep point. For example, if I write a post and it gets a -1, then it has no effect on my rep. Even if I have 10 posts each with -1, it has no effect (same with +1). But if I write a post that gets +10, then I would get 5 rep points for it. Think about all the abuse this would eliminate. If a person working alone downvotes all the posts of their enemies, then it will have no effect unless other people agree with them. Likewise, if two friends decide to upvote each other's posts, this would also have no effect (although the scheme would work if 3 friends got together). In most cases, a truly commendable post gets more than one vote for it (for example, if Helixhorned introduces an awesome new EDuke32 feature). Similarly, a blatent troll post will usually get more than one downvote. Of course there are potential downsides and it would still be abusable, but it seems like it would be an improvement.
Smart people think of ways to get things done... but brilliant people think of easy ways to get things done. Nothing is bullet-proof, but this would really change things though. Can you dupe the existing data over to a DB or SpreadSheet and filter it with this condition and see what impact it has if applied to everyone? That would be interesting to me... you could instantly see the effectiveness the modification would have.

If you applied this to the system can you alter and replace the existing data to make it retroactive?


User is offline   Hank 


@ Nukester10 - Thanks, but just in case, it's not my idea. The principle is simple, once you get an award, it stays an award, just as the work behind it stays; and it is not subject for discussion. And the logo images can be embedded where the title would be.

Yet, since you elaborated on the green point, mine to you is simpler – for being positive during a negative period. Just hang in there. A guy called JS warned me about Edukers: "They are the tough guys, watch out!". - But I love them, sort off, well, most of the time. Posted Image

@ MrBlackCat, it's not that simple to program! Have you read TX thoughts on it? You need, JavaScript, XML, PHP, MySQL and what not to implement this code. Then it needs debugging, and testing. Posted Image

User is offline   MrBlackCat 


View PostHank, on 17 May 2011 - 08:15 PM, said:

@ MrBlackCat, it's not that simple to program! Have you read TX thoughts on it? You need, JavaScript, XML, PHP, MySQL and what not to implement this code. Then it needs debugging, and testing. Posted Image
Most of my post was just talking about running a test on the existing data externally. Export the score data per person with the associated point sources, import the data to a DataBase or Spreadsheet, apply the new grouping condition as suggested above... I could write an excel formula in a couple of minutes to do this... as most any Excel user could... just to see what effect it has on the current scores. Once the logic is clear, start porting the formula math back to the site. :) On test machines of course at first...

Surely the data is accessible. As far as actually implementing the program, I don't know what this site is written in and if I did, I probably still wouldn't be able to help with these modern languages. The suggested change is mostly math I would think. I am a FoxPro/DBase programmer and I can program in lost of old stuff like COBOL and several of the Basic languages, some C. Mostly PC stuff. I have written some of the most complex spreadsheet formulas I have ever seen. Not trying to do a resume here, but I can't see where it could be a huge deal to implement, but I could be wrong.
My main area is networking, but have worked as a Software Engineer and many related areas etc. Invention is not my strong area, but Problem solving and modification is where I perform the best.
Besides, I am a CNE, so I am trained to do everything live! "Never Reboot" is the motto! No testing, just get it right and get it in! :D Ok, that didn't always work, but I was learning the hard way... thrown in. :(


This post has been edited by MrBlackCat: 17 May 2011 - 09:50 PM


User is offline   Hank 


@ Mr. Back Cat. :)

CNE as in Novel? It should be right down your alley. One develops websites 'live', or in run time programming. And the suggestion from Deeper Thought could be considered as a 'solving a problem'. The catch, the moment one user clicks on one red or green button a chain of events updates the data base on the server and sends the updated data right back to the user. One needs to track that chain to implement an alternate interpretation for the reputation system. With those script languages used, one can look for days to find a solution. Because, there are many ways to do the same thing, and unless you wrote it yourself you won't know what twisted logic your predecessor used.

I have no idea about Excell as a data base, never used it. The Data Base is here is probably MySQL accessed with PHP.

Best Regards

User is offline   MrBlackCat 


View PostHank, on 18 May 2011 - 06:10 AM, said:

@ Mr. Back Cat. :)

CNE as in Novel? It should be right down your alley. One develops websites 'live', or in run time programming. And the suggestion from Deeper Thought could be considered as a 'solving a problem'. The catch, the moment one user clicks on one red or green button a chain of events updates the data base on the server and sends the updated data right back to the user. One needs to track that chain to implement an alternate interpretation for the reputation system. With those script languages used, one can look for days to find a solution. Because, there are many ways to do the same thing, and unless you wrote it yourself you won't know what twisted logic your predecessor used.

I have no idea about Excell as a data base, never used it. The Data Base is here is probably MySQL accessed with PHP.

Best Regards

Yep... Novell. I am not very skilled at web coding after HTML. Even that was limited. I have not done much with web sites since IE5.
And yes, I am pretty familiar with live operations... the servers I have built and maintained were taken down every 700 days for maintenance and that was it. All I learned from my MCSE training was never to use NT for anything important... and never take a job as an NT Admin. That is a LOT of unnecessary hard work. At the time I took my training Server up time for NT was 33 days. (Deep Breaths... not getting started on NT and Windows)
Anyway, I also work with models (for testing) as well even for WAN. Like using routers to translate internal addressing to "fake" external IP's for when programs with hard-coded addressing needed to be tested (like VPN custom code for instance) The point is that I know how to drive a forklift... but not every forklift. :(

I don't know much of anything about MySQL, but with a comparative tutorial (against something I know like FoxPro for instance) I could start learning it probably.

I was/am not downplaying what Deeper Thought and TX and others may know in any way... they seem smart and wise enough, so when I said it wasn't a big deal, I wasn't saying it was easy... but easy in the sense that flying the Space Shuttle is easy... if you know how. I don't doubt they are good pilots and I didn't mean anything I said in a disparaging tone.

I do really like the idea of making the system less vulnerable to manipulation. I don't have to be an admin to see there is already abuse.

Oh... and using Excel as a Database... it really isn't much as a database, but it is very easy to integrate MS Access, which is a full featured database. But the level of formula and filtering available in Excel makes for a very powerful tool in so many ways... and you can always automatically import your data into it from most any DataBase software. :D


This post has been edited by MrBlackCat: 18 May 2011 - 04:12 PM


User is offline   Hank 


@ Mr. BlackCat = Ah, so then I actually do recommend getting into it, the web that is. - Yes, I'm getting off-topic.

You have may have certain advantages. To know HTML based on IE5 is all you need, actually. That bit has not changed much, except the header is very short now.
Don't take my word for it
http://www.aptana.com/products/studio3 free
http://www.zend.com/...roducts/studio/ commercial
that's it.

You need to deal with a lot of different scripts. Once you view those as team members, say as, in a Soccer Team or Chess board, you'll program at a different style. It's not easy, but like my beloved C++, when you are the master you really are one. - For me it's ego; for you - it's whatever works for you.

As for the fork lift, lol, once you learned how to use your brains what difference does it make what it is used for? Programming is programming, methinks.
Bottom line, it looks like that we will disagree on a lot of things. So … :)

User is offline   Nukester10 


Is it me or is this tread getting off topic a bit,no offense guys but I'm hurting right now,15 years I put into that plastic factory.With my arm hanging with tennis elbow one late 3rd shift night,they decided to fire me in the winter of 05 on a technicality.It wasn't the doctor note they wanted when they asked for it.The comp doctor was obviously out of the picture after he slapped a bottle of pain killers in my hand.The company wanted a note from 3 days previous that was impossible to get,so they had me trapped only because I made a few more dollars per hour briefly.Fast forward 6 years later,one Amerimexican run saw mill hardwood flooring company that once would have been all American and 3 well known temp agency's who are what they call,pulling now or pooling resumes,whatever the hell they are talking about in this seemingly endless candy coated depression we're stuck in.It's like the worst of the twilight zone episodes all wrapped into one big ball of crap.

To add to this I just got done reading about these college kids today who are pretty much fucked,"Yahoo,The Great Recession's Lost Generation"read that one but don't be surprised if you see a rocket scientist flipping hamburgers,I bet the conversation would be great though if you understood what they where talking about.

I feel so bad for these kids and yet I need to get a job to survive myself as well.I guess perhaps we'll all end up at Six Flags working for $8.50 and hour in the end,then we can all reminisce about our own individual nightmares.This whole thing just pisses me off so bad,

there is so much money in this world it's not even funny and yet there are real things wealthy people with common sense could do by getting organized and straightening this whole mess out once and for all but look what's continuously allowed to be happening everyday year after year.Is somebody trying to teach society a lesson,I don't know,maybe.

This is all,Nonsensical Bullshit.We are in a NeoDepression whether anybody wants to admit to it or not.It's kinda like the depression they had in the 30's except the media skilfully turns it into this big jolly M&M with crap on the inside.We're supposedly down from 10% to 8.8%..... Ah yeah right.Wait till QE2 runs out and then the real party will begin.Well at least for a couple of months then when Bernenke starts seeing the S&P 500 start to climb again,he'll start requesting another package,I predict that will take place in around September.

This post has been edited by Nukester10: 18 May 2011 - 11:45 PM


User is offline   Mikko 

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You trying to gain sympathy points with that?

View PostNukester10, on 18 May 2011 - 11:35 PM, said:

.We are in a NeoDepression whether anybody wants to admit to it or not.It's kinda like the depression they had in the 30's

Right, because the unemployment rate is nearly 25% and the GDP has fallen by a third, right?

The recent crisis is nothing like the Great Depression.

User is offline   MrBlackCat 


View PostNukester10, on 18 May 2011 - 11:35 PM, said:

Is it me or is this tread getting off topic a bit,no offense guys but I'm hurting right now,15 years I put into that plastic factory.With my arm hanging with tennis elbow one late 3rd shift night,they decided to fire me in the winter of 05 on a technicality.

This is all,Nonsensical Bullshit.We are in a NeoDepression whether anybody wants to admit to it or not.It's kinda like the depression they had in the 30's except the media skilfully turns it into this big jolly M&M with crap on the inside.We're supposedly down from 10% to 8.8%..... Ah yeah right.Wait till QE2 runs out and then the real party will begin.Well at least for a couple of months then when Bernenke starts seeing the S&P 500 start to climb again,he'll start requesting another package,I predict that will take place in around September.

What does this have to do with making the feedback system a better thing?

I find your post offensive actually. Everyone has problems. America is rich... I can't change that, or how people don't understand that.
There is a lot of things messed up, but reading your post reads like you are blaming "us" in this thread for something... I think that is BS, but I write it off as not understanding what you meant or how your post is related to any of the above material.

It is a myth that as individuals we have any control over most government operations especially finances. When was the last time you voted on how taxes are spent? It has nothing to do with us. All that "of,by,for the people" crap is gone. The American Government is its own big fat entity because "they want it that way".

Metaphorically speaking, the only "say" the American public is allowed in American government today is what color to paint the trim... how the house it built and where the doors go we are not involved in.

So... did I miss something? If not, don't fuss at me about things I can't control.

I am sorry to hear you are struggling of course... but I can't change that... and because of corruption in our government and our own expectations of what "poor" is, neither can we.

Think metaphorically of the government as gravity... as individuals, only a few can overcome it, at great expense and fly their home built plane. But most will have to group together and at GREAT expense built flying machines to defeat gravity to live as they wish. Some will never overcome it in any way.

So if I am missing the point, please explain... I am open to being wrong.


This post has been edited by MrBlackCat: 19 May 2011 - 06:38 AM


User is offline   Nukester10 


View PostMikko_Sandt, on 19 May 2011 - 05:40 AM, said:

You trying to gain sympathy points with that?
Right, because the unemployment rate is nearly 25% and the GDP has fallen by a third, right?
The recent crisis is nothing like the Great Depression.

No,I'm not trying to gain sympathy points from anybody at all.I'm just trying to gain a job,so I can pay my bills on time,like your expected to every month and then that makes another person happy then another etc.etc..And btw,if Uncle Sam would have not givin the Big Banks and half of Wallstreet a,"Bailout"like they didn't do back in the 30's we wouldn't be having this conversation right now and we most likely would have rode most of this mess out by now.But that's not the way the U.S. operates anymore,it "used to" but not anymore.Right now the U.S. is all about,"IMAGE".What do I mean by that?" I'll tell you.Here's one good example,

I'm driving into town in the morning to get a cup of coffee at either Double D or Wawa.This county dump that's nearby where everybody stops by beyond showing off they're new gas spewing monster trucks 2 or 3 times a week,they can also drop off they're tree trimmings.The dump has this large fence surrounding it.Along this long fence,the property extends out to the highway by about 20 feet and the grass is now about 3 feet tall."Huh,perhaps the township isn't going to cut the grass this year do to the budget,but at least that would give the cops a better hiding place,I mean cripes they're having a hard enough time to find volunteers for the local fire and first aide dept's anymore?"What do you think happened,when I went to get coffee today though?They did cut the grass that was 3 feet tall, heading on 4 because,if the politicians had to pay for the gas to have that tractor cut them weeds down by using they're own pocket change to get it done,they would in a heartbeat out of fear of losing votes down the road in next election.

You see,it's all about,the "IMAGE" "MIRAGE" or the "ILLUSION OF REALITY that I'm speaking of.This new mindset is only new to America though.I remember reading a Mad Magazine one time that had a cartoon in it that showed you,some city in France,most likely Paris as an entirely wealthy looking city.Scroll over to the next page and then you really see how poor this city really is,because they had these giant pretty cardboard cutouts in front of the slums of what the city actually was,you see?"IMAGE Inc."does not just apply to the government either.The shit always flows down from the top where it started though.

This post has been edited by Nukester10: 19 May 2011 - 07:49 AM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Any more OT posts about the economy in this thread will be deleted, and I'm tempted to delete the ones above. So if you wrote something that you want saved, you might want to copy it.

User is offline   Nukester10 


View PostMrBlackCat, on 19 May 2011 - 06:32 AM, said:

What does this have to do with making the feedback system a better thing?

I'd like to apologize Mr.BlackCat,I was up late last night and I was drinking,I'm not hearing from the many company's I've applied to and that is kinda frustrating me out a bit.I suppose in a way I was letting off some sort of egotistical steam at best.It just seemed to me for a moment that most of you guys and gals on here are rich or very wealthy and could care less about the rest of the world as it may be.Once again,crazy,My sincere apologizes to all.To you too,Hank.I guess I just kinda went off the deep end there for a minute and that was entirely wrong and selfish of me and I'm not normally like that to begin with,I don't know what came over me.it's just this damn job market.

View PostMrBlackCat, on 19 May 2011 - 06:32 AM, said:

I find your post offensive actually.

Sorry,I have a tendency to bring those kind of thoughts out in the worst and best of people sometimes,and it's not because I'm conscientiously doing this on purpose either.Subconscientiously? perhaps.I believe I have what's called a Napoleon Complex.I've never been evaluated for it before and I don't think they have medicine for this anyhow,but I'm not 100%sure.

I was the kid who always used to sit with Grandmom and talk about the world instead of running around outside all day.I had enough of that,I think even more so back then I was trying to figure out how the world works,how to put all the puzzle pieces in place maybe it's in my nature.But I've found for years this world to be an extremely difficult puzzle to figure out.Especially woman lol.Years ago I gave up trying but these thoughts still linger with me from time to time now and then,like I said,"in my nature"and don't worry,this curse of mine has caused me many a fight and barking by others directed towards me in the past,that's for sure but I don't believe I've Always been wrong as others would liked me to admit.

View PostMrBlackCat, on 19 May 2011 - 06:32 AM, said:

Everyone has problems.

Yes,leading into this,this is where my imagination runs wild sometimes now and then,I need to understand
that not everyone is going to lay they're cards on the table for you nice and neat,plain and simple.
A lot of people tend to act as though everything is peachy and not speak openly about they're
problems because they figure,even if they did,"how in the hell are you going to help me in the
end anyhow"and I can respect them for that but sometimes I'm not always on the ball and
get caught offguard and feel that people like to feel miserable on purpose and that kind of stinking thinking doesn't compute with me,because I don't believe everything is a joke and should be treated in a stupid evil way.These people like to place an "Illusion"on things.I don't think like that,perhaps I'm also a supernerd as well,
I don't play games with people I like to fix things,puzzles,people, the world if I was allowed the chance but
they'res always that next damn hurdle in the way,the next puzzle piece that slows me down and puts me
in place once again.

View PostMrBlackCat, on 19 May 2011 - 06:32 AM, said:

America is rich... I can't change that, or how people don't understand that.

I'm not really sure what you mean by that,I mean I think most people know America is a rich nation,
I've just been hearing lately on yahoo blogs that "America Doesn't Take Care Of It's Own".From more
then one person posting too.But I don't believe that to be entirely true.I mean look at the fuss the college
kids in the UK made when they where protesting not long ago but you don't see American college kids getting
organized and doing anything about it because they know the GoonSquads or StormTroopers as I like to
call them would be sent out in full force with they're tazerguns and smashing kids skulls into the pavement one
after the other with ease.They're parents,what would they do about it?Most likely there would be more kids killed
in the end then what happened at Kent State.But you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs either.It's always been this way since the birth of this Nation and it probably always will be.I'm not saying violence is good,I'm just saying that's how the Revolutionary War came about.Maybe the Megarich have just decided to just worry about themselves anymore and not let the money flow downhill to the sheeple as they would like to call you and I anymore.Most likely.

This post has been edited by Nukester10: 19 May 2011 - 09:57 AM


User is offline   Spirrwell 

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View PostJhect, on 14 May 2011 - 08:57 AM, said:

How did deviance get all his +votes? Is he using more than 1 account?

Actually, part of that is due to me, I agree with the guy more often than not, but I try my best to keep a neutral stand point.

Anyway I don't really have a complaint about the rep system, except for when I get downvoted for no other reason than the fact that I asked a question. That's probably the only real problem I've had with the rating system. Other than that, I could care less about it.

User is offline   MrBlackCat 


View PostSpirrwell, on 19 May 2011 - 07:07 PM, said:

Actually, part of that is due to me, I agree with the guy more often than not, but I try my best to keep a neutral stand point.

Anyway I don't really have a complaint about the rep system, except for when I get downvoted for no other reason than the fact that I asked a question. That's probably the only real problem I've had with the rating system. Other than that, I could care less about it.
Do you vote on every post you agree with? Or do you have a system you use to decide which posts to vote on or not?

There will anomalies like you describe... where the reasoning escapes the observer.

Here is one of my negatives that I find myself wondering about...
Interesting Negative post...It makes me so curious...
Possibilities might be:
1. The post was misunderstood.
2. The post was off topic.
3. The score was related to other posts and not this specific one.
4. It was accidentally clicked.
5. I signed my post.
6. Post was too short.

My assumption is that it is outside of my understanding... and that is the core of my curiosity. :D
I have found the motivations for people leaving Reputation marks to be somewhere between fascinating and interesting.

There are positives I wonder about also... why did someone decide to click that in any way I wondered.
When I looked at lots of posts with positive and negative feedback I find myself completely unable to imagine what the basis for the feedback was... and that is interesting. :)


User is offline   Spirrwell 

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View PostMrBlackCat, on 19 May 2011 - 07:43 PM, said:

Do you vote on every post you agree with? Or do you have a system you use to decide which posts to vote on or not?

I don't vote up every post I agree with. I try to weigh out facts vs opinions. I don't like giving an opinion if I don't have any facts to back it up with. As I said, I like to remain neutral to the best of my ability, so I try to stick to what I know, and if I do make an opinion I make it clear what I presume to be true vs what I presume to be false. That's how I like to treat my voting. I admit that sometimes I snipe back with a negative when somebody says something to me to try to piss me off and\or provoke an argument.

View PostMrBlackCat, on 19 May 2011 - 07:43 PM, said:

My assumption is that it is outside of my understanding... and that is the core of my curiosity. :D
I have found the motivations for people leaving Reputation marks to be somewhere between fascinating and interesting.

There are positives I wonder about also... why did someone decide to click that in any way I wondered.
When I looked at lots of posts with positive and negative feedback I find myself completely unable to imagine what the basis for the feedback was... and that is interesting. :)


Curiosity fits your name here :( . I hope you don't die on this forum from curiosity...

I myself also have great curiosity in anomalies and other things that interest me. I compare myself to Dr. House in that sense.

I like to think that the people on this forum that give random negatives to people who don't deserve it are just trolls, and those that do it repetitively are also stalkers.

User is offline   Master Fibbles 

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View PostMrBlackCat, on 19 May 2011 - 07:43 PM, said:

Interesting Negative post...
2. The post was off topic.
5. I signed my post.

Most likely causes, at least from my observation and reasoning. Of course, I favor* the signing at the end, but others don't for some reason.

*Or don't care, but favor sounds better. :)

User is offline   MrBlackCat 


View PostSpirrwell, on 19 May 2011 - 08:23 PM, said:

Curiosity fits your name here :D . I hope you don't die on this forum from curiosity...

I myself also have great curiosity in anomalies and other things that interest me. I compare myself to Dr. House in that sense.

I like to think that the people on this forum that give random negatives to people who don't deserve it are just trolls, and those that do it repetitively are also stalkers.
Curiosity does kill the cat... which is why we have nine lives. :)

There are several personality traits that could result in occasionally giving literally random responses that we could factor in as well. :D
Sometimes it isn't personal is what I am getting at. The conceptual chaos makers... those who like to remind others that the world is not safe and not predictable and not black and white. I embrace thee... :( (Partially... the other part of me wants to knee you in the crotch! :D )


This post has been edited by MrBlackCat: 20 May 2011 - 05:15 PM



View PostSpirrwell, on 19 May 2011 - 07:07 PM, said:

Actually, part of that is due to me, I agree with the guy more often than not, but I try my best to keep a neutral stand point.

Anyway I don't really have a complaint about the rep system, except for when I get downvoted for no other reason than the fact that I asked a question. That's probably the only real problem I've had with the rating system. Other than that, I could care less about it.

Were you in the TROR topic? People are crazy there. Was it Nukester who got downvoted multiple times because he asked a simple question? And if you join him, you get downvoted too xD kinda lame because downvotes doesn't tell why you don't like the post. Nukester asked a question of something that could be wrong with the TROR system and then BAM. I joined him. BAM. I guess it's not the rep system that is wrong but the people that votes. Why do they even take the time to read a whole post and then only press a single button to express what they think of the post? It's lame. And may i ask who the fuck is downvoting all my posts right now? i can see it going higher and higher every time i update the site lol. Well ir proved that you can get all the +votes you want, now i don't care, and without posting anything specifically negative, i get downvotes all the time. Even for the posts that are days old.

And one more thing. Why the hell can people still read my posts when i ignored them. What's that all about?

This post has been edited by Jhect: 21 May 2011 - 03:17 PM


User is offline   Master Fibbles 

  • I have the power!


You ignoring people does not prevent them from seeing your posts. It gives you the option to not see their posts.


Yep, that's what i said xD And it's lame.

User is offline   Hank 


View PostJhect, on 21 May 2011 - 03:12 PM, said:

Were you in the TROR topic? People are crazy there. Was it Nukester who got downvoted multiple times because he asked a simple question?

for the record - Spirrwell and I got a red one each for asking an on topic question, those were either neutralized by a moderator or by someone else, they are gone. Nukester got a lot of reds for lamenting about one other post where he received one red point.

People are not crazy there. (you will probably get more red one's here, for your statement) That section (Duke Nukem 3D) of the forum is the most normal. Some members are harsh, yes. But at the bottom are three official moderators, I'd suggest to take the subject up with one of them.

User is offline   CruX 


View PostHank, on 22 May 2011 - 03:03 AM, said:

People are not crazy there. (you will probably get more red one's here, for your statement) That section (Duke Nukem 3D) of the forum is the most normal. Some members are harsh, yes. But at the bottom are three official moderators, I'd suggest to take the subject up with one of them.

Harsh doesn't mean unnecessary. People should be harsh when it comes to shitposts in the modding forum, because they simply don't belong there. That doesn't necessarily mean that it belongs in another part of the forum, but it's a bit more acceptable to see that kind of garbage in something like the General Discussion forum. Productive members that actually contribute to the modding section don't want to see it get shit on by other members who are willing to act like brain-damaged sixth graders, and they shouldn't have to. Though it hasn't happened much here lately, this is one of the reasons overall instances of thread deletions, locks (etc.) tend to be higher in that forum.

This post has been edited by EmericaSkater: 22 May 2011 - 05:46 AM


User is offline   Hank 


View PostEmericaSkater, on 22 May 2011 - 05:46 AM, said:

Harsh doesn't mean unnecessary. People should be harsh when it comes to shitposts in the modding forum, because they simply don't belong there. That doesn't necessarily mean that it belongs in another part of the forum, but it's a bit more acceptable to see that kind of garbage in something like the General Discussion forum. Productive members that actually contribute to the modding section don't want to see it get shit on by other members who are willing to act like brain-damaged sixth graders, and they shouldn't have to. Though it hasn't happened much here lately, this is one of the reasons overall instances of thread deletions, locks (etc.) tend to be higher in that forum.

Please look at the What Are You Doing For Duke Right Now thread. Let's assume for a moment someone posts about imaginary work. In my not so humble opinion, it's quicker to ignore a given member than to give him/her a red mark. It takes even more effort to give out a green mark with a sardonic comment. However, it was a clever move. Almost as programmed, the subject in question further elaborated on his/her imaginary work and earned something like six red one's in the process. That is justifiable but also harsh, in my books. Posted Image
Why not make a rule: Projects, to be announced, need to be supported by images or samples. Do not post what the Duker's will not be able to see, let alone play.- This would be clear cut and straight forward, and no one get's hurt, or wastes other people's time. Posted Image

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