DN4EVR, on 14 May 2011 - 12:29 PM, said:
Japan has problems, yes, but so do many countries really. And let us not forget all the awesome to come out of Japan...anime, awesome cars, etc.
Forgot about the invention and manufacturing of a lot of the microchips we use in our electronics. Chances are, even our PCs would be different nowadays if it weren't for them.
Without Japan we wouldn't have had Nintendo and the good old days of playing NES / SNES classics either.
I know there are a lot people who don't like Anime, and I'm not huge into it myself, but I will suggest searching for Hellsing Ultimate on youtube. It's awesome. Blood, Gore, Guns, Vampires, Nazis, Cultural References Galore(Star Wars and the Konami Code, to name a couple), Foul Language, Great Animation(Improves drastically from episode 5 and beyond.) and a main female character with massive tits that turns into a major badass later in the series.