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The Post Thread

User is offline   Mark 


I mentioned Eddings for the Malloreon series. I almost forgot about the first series of that storyline The Belgariad. 10 books in all. Another set I have read more than once. Some people say after reading a book once you give it away. For me I'll go to the bookshelves at home and look for something to read. Sometimes I'll grab books that I haven't read for 4,5,6 years and read them again. A lot of times I remember the basic outlines of the story but not all the details so its still good reading. After all, I can't memerize the 10's of 1000's of pages in all the books I have here. And the older I get, the newer the books become. :lol:

User is offline   Robman 

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View PostMark., on 25 January 2015 - 11:31 AM, said:

Some people say after reading a book once you give it away. For me I'll go to the bookshelves at home and look for something to read. Sometimes I'll grab books that I haven't read for 4,5,6 years and read them again. A lot of times I remember the basic outlines of the story but not all the details so its still good reading. After all, I can't memerize the 10's of 1000's of pages in all the books I have here. And the older I get, the newer the books become. :lol:

same. I keep the books I like and re-read them after so many years have passed. I have no idea how many times I've re-read things like the Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, or Watership Down.

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User is offline   Robman 

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People must be used to being pleasantly milked and even demand it. Steam's a whore on all fronts :lol:
Yet I own Redux and Megaton, hehe

- Just watched "Lucy" the movie with Scarlett Johansson. Pretty cool.

This post has been edited by Robman: 25 January 2015 - 07:55 PM


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View PostForge, on 25 January 2015 - 02:37 PM, said:

Watership Down

That's a book originally? I never knew.

I just grabbed the Blu-ray and can't wait to revisit one of my childhood's classics.

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What's that game?

User is offline   Robman 

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View PostThe Commander, on 26 January 2015 - 05:36 AM, said:

What's that game?

Attack Of The Weeping Whitey 3D.


This post has been edited by Robman: 26 January 2015 - 05:25 PM


User is offline   Robman 

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Please downvote all my posts. Following the crowd is not my fortƩ.

User is offline   Robman 

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Star wars was gay, Picard's head looks like a penis.

Triple post.

This post has been edited by Robman: 26 January 2015 - 06:15 PM


User is offline   Lunick 


I love how you always get carried away over the littlest things.

User is offline   Robman 

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View PostLunick, on 26 January 2015 - 06:18 PM, said:

I love how you always get carried away over the littlest things.

Maybe you're not leaving room for somebody who just doesn't care... or maybe I do care and am using reverse psychology, you'll never know Lunick.


But you love me, and I shall reciprocate vigorously.
I do however get carried away by the look, by the light in your eyes.


This post has been edited by Robman: 26 January 2015 - 06:31 PM


User is offline   Lunick 


Someone's a little feisty tonight.
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User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


I'm not your pussy, Mr. Other than that you're spot on. Spot on good Sir.

Morning edit - don't drink and duke4.

This post has been edited by Robman: 27 January 2015 - 08:02 AM


User is offline   Wienerhole 

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View PostRobman, on 26 January 2015 - 06:38 PM, said:

Morning edit - don't drink and duke4.

I thought that was the entire point.

I'm much more impressed when someone is clever when their perception has gone tiny than when they have full conscious access.

Many of the brilliant minds of the past had the benefit of massive time lag. They could go get raging (insert vice here) and then soberly reflect on it. Then do it again. And write it down. Then do it again. And write more down. THEN they soberly sum up the combination of all their experiences, then "do it again" to see if their sober account "works for them". Once their sober account is brilliant to their vice account, they publish it... and are hailed for 200+ years for their deep insights.

These days, we observe the making of the sausage and bitch at people for engaging in behavior that in previous times would eventually lead to enlightenment... but since we have to be "right... now" we can't knowingly smile at buffoonery knowing that the buffoon is sometimes the furthest along the path of genuine self awareness in the entire community.

You are not a buffoon... but you do trigger the critics of how sausage is made who still consume the sausage.

User is offline   Robman 

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View PostCharlesT, on 27 January 2015 - 08:41 AM, said:

I thought that was the entire point.
I'm much more impressed when someone is clever when their perception has gone tiny than when they have full conscious access.

It's true, I sharted all over the forum last night and had a good time doing it, lol. With 1 or more filters removed of course.
I meant everything I said, in all 3 threads! I don't mind Star Wars though. Indeed many people can't take a joke anymore :lol:

Thanks heavens we have you around here Charlie, you understand life and humor. For this I am grateful.

This post has been edited by Robman: 27 January 2015 - 06:06 PM


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View PostRobman, on 26 January 2015 - 06:38 PM, said:

Morning edit - don't drink and duke4.

hehehe maybe I should listen to this advice xD But it's hard not to Duke4 when you drunk as hail trust me I know all about it *takes another sip* wake up next day like "ahh shit what did I post again? I know it wasn't anything good"

User is offline   Robman 

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View PostDuke64, on 27 January 2015 - 09:30 AM, said:

hehehe maybe I should listen to this advice xD But it's hard not to Duke4 when you drunk as hail trust me I know all about it *takes another sip* wake up next day like "ahh shit what did I post again? I know it wasn't anything good"

More just the realization that you likely caused some people to fill out hurt feelings reports. I had fun and the "right" people will likely get a laugh out of it :lol: I mean no harm.

This post has been edited by Robman: 27 January 2015 - 05:31 PM


User is offline   Fox 

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This post has been edited by Fox: 27 January 2015 - 01:58 PM


User is offline   Lunick 



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User is offline   Robman 

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EdelweiƟ (Edelweiss) can be found while Foraging in mountains and can be used in the Study Interface to earn Learning Points. Requires at least 1600 PER*EXP. These are one of the top foraging curiosities, giving an impressive 4000 base LP for only 7 hours study time.

- Ghougled it :lol:

User is offline   Lunick 


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View PostRobman, on 23 January 2015 - 04:13 PM, said:

The bug zapper went over my head for the moment...

No it didn't.

View PostRobman, on 27 January 2015 - 08:59 AM, said:

It's true, I sharted all over the forum last night and had a good time doing it, lol.

Everybody poops.
Or is an alien.
Or is a cyborg.
Or is both.
Or is triplitoth.
That means all three.
Which means a weird wee.
Everybody poops.
Or has a weird wee.

View PostRobman, on 28 January 2015 - 08:41 AM, said:

Edelweiß (Edelweiss)...

Noble Purity.

This post has been edited by CharlesT: 28 January 2015 - 08:56 PM


User is offline   Zaxtor 


Interesting planet discovered.
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Astronomers say they have discovered a planet with a gigantic ring system that is 200 times larger than that around Saturn.

It is the first such structure detected around a planet beyond our Solar System.

The researchers say there are probably more than 30 rings, each measuring tens of millions of kilometres in diameter.

The findings by a Dutch-US team are to be published in the Astrophysical Journal.

Gaps detected in the ring system also suggest that some of the material may already have coalesced to form moons. This phenomenon can be seen at work in Saturn's rings today.

"You could think of it as kind of a super Saturn," said Prof Eric Mamajek, from the University of Rochester in the US.

The rings were found in data gathered by the SuperWASP observatory, which can detect exoplanets as they cross in front of their parent stars, causing the light from them to dim.

In this case, the astronomers saw a complex series of deep eclipses lasting for 56 days. They think this is caused by a planet with a giant ring system blocking out light as it passes in front of the star J1407.

"The light curve from end-to-end took about two months, but we could see very rapid changes in the space of one night," lead author Dr Matthew Kenworthy, from the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, told BBC News.

"Over a time of half an hour, the star can dim by 30 or 40%."

If Saturn's rings were the same size as those around J1407b, they would be easily visible from Earth at night and would be many times larger than a full Moon.

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This artist's impression shows how the ring system might look in our night sky if they were put around Saturn
Other possibilities, such as a planet-forming disc (the swirling mass of dust and gas from which planets form around a star) can be ruled out. A disc, says Dr Kenworthy, would produce much smoother changes in the light curve of J1407.

Last year, the astronomers tried to find the planet itself, but were not able to observe it.

"We threw the kitchen sink at this, we tried every single technique that we could think of," said Dr Kenworthy.

"But the lack of a detection means it has to be substellar, and the only thing that could hold these rings in place is a planet."

The team thinks that the planet itself is most likely a gas giant like Jupiter, but between 10 and 40 times as massive as that planet.

The distant ringworld, named J1407b, might also offer a glimpse - on a much larger scale - of the process that led to the formation of moons around gas giants in our own Solar System.

"The planetary science community has theorised for decades that planets like Jupiter and Saturn would have had, at an early stage, disks around them that then led to the formation of satellites," said Prof Mamajek.

The astronomers found at least one clean gap in the ring structure.

"One obvious explanation is that a satellite formed and carved out this gap," said Dr Kenworthy. "The mass of the satellite could be between that of Earth and Mars."

The researchers are encouraging amateur astronomers to help monitor J1407, which would help detect the next eclipse of the rings. Observations of J1407 can be reported to the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO).

User is offline   Ronin 


View PostRobman, on 23 January 2015 - 04:13 PM, said:

Hehe yeah I had a spree with them when I was younger, watched a streetlight fade from 1 vibrant colour to the next, was cool.
Everything shimmers with life or energy or can anyway, looking in the mirror on shrooms was kinda gross, look all grey and odd.
Had all kinds of fun adventures on them, lol. If you ever have a bad trip though, ugh.. stay in 1 spot and wait for it to be over, hehe.

Can drink beer like water on them, seems they trump other intoxicants.
I remember writing down the path of my life on the computer and thinking it was so profound and spot on, like it wasn't even coming from my own brain... I guess I forgot to hit save as it wasn't there in the morning. Had something to do with landscaping I think, so eff that anyway.
Got pulled over for running a red light on them once, that was interesting.

One time, myself and friends were down in a quarry at night, my one friend's grandfather owned the quarry so we were in the shop. APPARENTLY I kept sticking my head between the fridge and a large sink, when asked what I was doing I supposedly responded with "it feels good" .. I do not remember this.
We then went on a long walk, it was night and winter. 3 of the 5 of us laid on the side of a gravel pile and stared at another pile which I guess they could see the "face of the devil" in the pile. That's where myself and another diverged from their path, calling them idiots and carrying on, left them laying there. They laid there for hours and it was uber cold out.
No I'm not a "druggie" ... this was like 10 years ago.

The bug zapper went over my head for the moment, mosquitoes anger me lol.

I looked in a mirror and grew feathers the colour of my hair all over my face, then my face became an eagles face but my eyes remained the same.

I was staring at a wet wall and saw a birds eye view of a detailed metropolis with spheres moving where you imagine cars to travel along paths.

I became superhuman and could crush rocks with my bare hands into dust, I later found out it was just hard clumps of earth.

I saw trees pushing each other and jostling for position and very clearly breathing.

I had a can of 7up that I was sick of but couldn't figure out how get rid of it, I held on to the can for what seemed like ages until my friend suggested that I just put the can on the ground and walk away. For some reason I thought he was a genius for that.

We felt we were being bullied by the clock in the kitchen with it's constant ticking reminding us that tomorrow is coming. We locked it in a press with a glass cover and laughed at time being imprisoned, it could no longer get us.

One of my friends was having a bad trip (first timer) he wanted to call 999 to get help, I told him phones don't work in this world then cut the phone line with a scissors, to our amusement he still tried to make that call, no mobile phones back then.

My dog became a skeleton version of itself with orange fur textured bones.

Played a four player deathmatch in Goldeneye 64 and instead of shooting each other we just ran around the level laughing at each others stupid faces.

I remember looking at a big book of New Zealand that had a horizon photo of a load of sheep in a field as the cover wrap, I was looking at it upside down and was amazed at how gravity kept them from falling off the book.

My friend crashed a car we were all in into a flooded dip in the road. The water was up to the windows but it was night so we thought it was a lake or something, had to get out on the roof, jump into icy water (22nd of December in Ireland, cold as fuck) then walk 20 miles home. We tried knocking at random houses with lights still on at 2:00am to ask for help but we couldn't make proper sentences so we gave up. Somehow not sick the next day.

Out of doing acid/mushrooms around 10 times over a couple of years I only ever had 1 bad trip because the party got a bit insane and a few people downstairs started screaming like nutters, I thought someone was being killed and couldn't deal with it in my state of mind so I closed my eyes to
distract myself from the nightmare hallucinations I was having caused by the roaring downstairs, but everytime I closed them I saw the Blues Brothers rushing at me so I had to open them before they got me only to go back into the world of roaring. Lasted a while (seemed like hours, probably was) before I snapped out of it and went back downstairs to find everyone having fun! Turned out they were screaming because they thought it was funny, one guy started and the rest joined in.

I haven't done any in 12 years I really want to though, I want to see what the future me thinks of it.

This post has been edited by Ronan: 29 January 2015 - 02:53 PM


User is offline   Lunick 


I found this in a prize machine thingy:
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View PostRonan, on 29 January 2015 - 02:45 PM, said:

I looked in a mirror and grew feathers.....

some things about trips i remember, some things I don't. Time and the drug have a tendency to blur things.

one of the most stand out memories i have involve freaking out my friend & his sister and mom. I don't know why, but i decided to go to their house while i was tripping. I also don't know why i decided it was a good idea to fuck around with sharp objects while I was there - like when you splay out your fingers on a table and see how fast you can stab a knife in between them. I cut myself real good and had a nice gusher going on, lots of screaming and swearing from my friend and his mom & sis, they were getting ready to rush me to the clinic to get some stitches. I just looked at my hand and thought 'how fascinating', then I said 'Stop', and the cut immediately stopped bleeding. That really freaked out my friends.

Course my friend's mom couldn't just let the incident go and made me confess to frying on acid. She got mad at me for being so stupid and told me not to come around anymore while I was tripping lights fantastic.

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View PostLunick, on 29 January 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:

I found this in a prize machine thingy:
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What happens when a kid under 17 wins it?

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