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The Post Thread

User is offline   Kyanos 


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It depends on which pic is closer to your real world.

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@Robman; Fluoride is the least of my worries to be honest, also again I don't have the money to drink anything else and due to the limitations of my digestive system there aren't many other things I can drink.

@Drek; Both, it's just a different way of life.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 03 January 2015 - 04:57 PM


User is offline   Robman 

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View PostHigh Treason, on 03 January 2015 - 04:55 PM, said:

@Robman; Fluoride is the least of my worries to be honest, also again I don't have the money to drink anything else and due to the limitations of my digestive system there aren't many other things I can drink.

@Drek; Both, it's just a different way of life.

I'm getting the impression you're more of a "symptoms" man rather than "root cause," the words "vicious cycle" are screaming to get out.

Different way of life yes, however this isn't a chicken and egg deal, rural areas came first and can exist without the city. Though through regulation, pricing and taxation, cities are squeezing off private rural activity full knowing it IS the foundation of the urban area.

Not that I HATE cities, I just think they've been laid out rather cold and unharmoniously.

This post has been edited by Robman: 03 January 2015 - 06:45 PM


User is offline   Lunick 


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Metaphor Lunick? :)

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View PostLunick, on 03 January 2015 - 06:36 PM, said:

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User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


I don't get it Yimmy, dogs are awesome.


View PostRobman, on 03 January 2015 - 06:24 PM, said:

I'm getting the impression you're more of a "symptoms" man rather than "root cause," the words "vicious cycle" are screaming to get out.

Not in the slightest. I've told you, I'm open to suggestions. If you know so much enlighten me.
I'm getting the impression you're one of those "People who -whatever- differently to me are in the wrong." kind of people.


Different way of life yes, however this isn't a chicken and egg deal, rural areas came first and can exist without the city. Though through regulation, pricing and taxation, cities are squeezing off private rural activity full knowing it IS the foundation of the urban area.

Not that I HATE cities, I just think they've been laid out rather cold and unharmoniously.

Whatever, it's a place to live and it's a damn sight better than sleeping under a tree everyday. I had to work my ass of to get a roof over my damn head and have to starve to pay my taxes but apparently that's not good enough for you.

User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


So if I comeback with a difference of opinion just now, am I at risk of falling into your snare? :)
I dunno man, I'm not attacking YOU, more the general construct.
I smoke cigs, and I know the people who tell me it is bad are correct.

If I do come off as seeming to "know" something, most of what I think I know should eventually turn into common knowledge in time as much has already been proven, it's clear the world is moving faster through guided changes. Events of the world are fascinating and it's good to pay attention if given the chance.

Everyone has to work hard, unless you're born with a silver spoon.
If you had to work your ass off just to put a roof over your head and pay taxes, then no I do not view that as good.

Google "sleeping under a tree" and select pictures, looks pretty nice to me :P

This post has been edited by Robman: 03 January 2015 - 07:57 PM



I'm not attacking you either, just your concepts, it's nothing more than a pointless debate to give my brain something to do whilst waiting for other stuff to happen (i.e. food to cook, software to load). On the other hand if this was real life I'd take you more seriously and beat the shit out of you for saying my home isn't good enough, we get a lot of people like that in the outlying villages, they think they can come into our city after we've paid for their roads, free internet and shiny new schools and that it's OK to criticize our homes, clothing and culture. They then wonder why the scruffy guy working 48 hours a day to feed his kid gets up and remoulds their face on the doorstep. Whereas this being the internet I don't much care.

Thing is, I keep saying, it's not good, but I was born here and I don't really have a choice; I don't really want to live on the street and if I stop paying taxes that's where I'll be, or prison - actually, everything is free in prison. As it happens, I have slept in the middle of a field once, it rains a lot in Britain and it did so on that day I think because when I woke up I was soaking wet and had spiders crawling all over me, luckily I like spiders.

Go back a few generations and most of my family were in caravans, I know of at least one being a carny... Now living on the road is something I'd like to do, always wanted a camper van - a good one, not one of those shitty VW things. Unfortunately very little is practical right now for the previously mentioned financial reasons, also I'm sick and require closeness to the hospital and the doctors' surgery as well as having to help my mother with shopping and such because her back has gone.

I don't get it, the way you're behaving is like you don't have to pay taxes, don't have to pay rent and have everything you need just seconds away. The lack of a realistic alternative makes me wonder if you've ever had to fend for yourself in the world because it's not that easy. A fiend of mine lives with his parents and raises similar points to you as if it somehow makes him better than me.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 03 January 2015 - 08:03 PM


User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


Oh so you want a little background eh?

Grew up on a farm, son of split parents.
Did chores on the farm from the moment you are able to walk.

First job washing dishes at local restaurant in gr 7, took public transit to get there.
-got asthma @ age 14, and allergies to dust and hay/ mold.
worked at cement plants, delivered pizza, landscaping jobs, construction jobs, 2 quarries, Licensed petroleum technician for 5 years, farming industry. +more

- booted out @ 17 due to disagreement with said mother. Lived w/ grandparents til 22.

Age 22 - rented own place, gf moved in with me.

Did that for 6 more years, until GF and then job fell apart.

Spent a canadian winter quite basically living in my ford explorer.

Speaking of "Caravans", I've got a camper right now, wood stove and covered in solar panels on 100acres of bush.

Work from the bottom up, no debt just do what you can and have fun along the way. Everyone has their "story" some worse/better than others it just is what it is, not turning into a satanic minion and finding salvation is the prime directive.

If I could only tell you how many new years I've spent thinking the grass outside by the bushes was comfy @ 4am. Outside ain't so bad, hehe

But, if I can live in such a way and still give off the impression that I am blessed, than that just might be so for beauty is in the eye of the beholder :P

obviously lots of details left out but I'd do it all over again.

I shit in the bushes on the regular so beat that :)

This post has been edited by Robman: 03 January 2015 - 09:32 PM



Oh, we're doing that now?

Grew up on a council estate, asthma for as long as I can remember. Diagnosed with asperger syndrome. Drunk father got violent, parents split.

Booted out of school. Got put in the care of social services. Arrested for assault I didn't commit (self defence). Worked for an ICT firm. Managed to get into college against all the odds. Got screwed over by college. Worked as a cameraman in movies I don't wish to discuss for less than minimum wage just to eat because the home was neglecting their duty of care, that money also covered the first few rent payments of my house when I got it. Almost died from iron poisoning which probably damaged my already temperamental liver. Developed arthritis.

Had to move out of the home when I was 17 - council did not want to hand the house over and regularly try to evict me for stupid shit. Had something of a mental breakdown. Deemed incapable of working, can't afford to anyway. Got sick with who knows what and lost pretty much all my friends. Almost died due to pernicious anemia, permanent damage was likely done to the nerves in my hands and my eyesight may be blurry for the rest of my life, I require regular injections of Vitamin B12, my stomach has digested a good portion of my esophagus and the contents of my stomach get into my lungs. I pass out regularly. I suffer from hypoglycemia. Every third month my money is reduced and the taxes and rent are increased. I pay more rent than any other resident. I also pay more on top of that just for being fucking single. Also, as I'm not sponging and have a real reason for not being at work I have to pay for things like medical treatment and education. Every time I go to the cash point there's less money in it and the price of food is more than double what it was four years ago. My house is unfit for human dwelling and is scheduled for demolition - unfortunately they have yet to find a place to re-house me because of the housing shortage.

And you're trying to tell me to run around doing all kinds of shit? You're acting like I can somehow do better stuff as if it's my own fault. You think I chose this shit? It's hard enough to wake up in the damn morning and face another day... Not that I have much choice because my stomach wakes me up every couple of hours and I've got near constant pins and needles in my extremities.

User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


I left out many a detail, but why are we "arguing" then?

The trouble is, you are a sick man bound to be more dependent on the system, yet as in any "war" the ill usually do not attend or are the first to fall, that's just reality.
I think perhaps you may just be miffed at me for pointing at the elephant in the room.

Anyway, un-knot yer sh*t aka calm down, I still love ya man :)


uhoh viper is here.

This post has been edited by Robman: 03 January 2015 - 09:40 PM


User is offline   Person of Color 

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View PostHigh Treason, on 03 January 2015 - 08:45 PM, said:

Oh, we're doing that now?

Grew up on a council estate, asthma for as long as I can remember. Diagnosed with asperger syndrome. Drunk father got violent, parents split.

Booted out of school. Got put in the care of social services. Arrested for assault I didn't commit (self defence). Worked for an ICT firm. Managed to get into college against all the odds. Got screwed over by college. Worked as a cameraman in movies I don't wish to discuss for less than minimum wage just to eat because the home was neglecting their duty of care, that money also covered the first few rent payments of my house when I got it. Almost died from iron poisoning which probably damaged my already temperamental liver. Developed arthritis.

Had to move out of the home when I was 17 - council did not want to hand the house over and regularly try to evict me for stupid shit. Had something of a mental breakdown. Deemed incapable of working, can't afford to anyway. Got sick with who knows what and lost pretty much all my friends. Almost died due to pernicious anemia, permanent damage was likely done to the nerves in my hands and my eyesight may be blurry for the rest of my life, I require regular injections of Vitamin B12, my stomach has digested a good portion of my esophagus and the contents of my stomach get into my lungs. I pass out regularly. I suffer from hypoglycemia. Every third month my money is reduced and the taxes and rent are increased. I pay more rent than any other resident. I also pay more on top of that just for being fucking single. Also, as I'm not sponging and have a real reason for not being at work I have to pay for things like medical treatment and education. Every time I go to the cash point there's less money in it and the price of food is more than double what it was four years ago. My house is unfit for human dwelling and is scheduled for demolition - unfortunately they have yet to find a place to re-house me because of the housing shortage.

And you're trying to tell me to run around doing all kinds of shit? You're acting like I can somehow do better stuff as if it's my own fault. You think I chose this shit? It's hard enough to wake up in the damn morning and face another day... Not that I have much choice because my stomach wakes me up every couple of hours and I've got near constant pins and needles in my extremities.

That's really fucked up. I gained a whole lotta respect for you, I would have killed myself. I'm shocked you'd have these problems in the UK. Believe it or not you'd be much better off stateside, especially in a more urban area like New York. It's disgusting how the disabled are treated in modern society.

This post has been edited by BREAKINGTHELAYOUT ISACRIME: 03 January 2015 - 10:11 PM


User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


or he's got a mean case of munchausens, no where in there did I see "broken legs."

ok before you hate me I'll stop.

How are the disabled treated any better in any civilization at any time compared to now?

Anyway, judging from the recent above posts, don't do anything stupid, you know what I mean.

This post has been edited by Robman: 03 January 2015 - 10:29 PM


User is offline   Sixty Four 

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post thread post what want can't blame me then it needs some arghhhhhhhhhhh in it


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View PostBREAKINGTHELAYOUT ISACRIME, on 03 January 2015 - 10:08 PM, said:

It's disgusting how the disabled are treated in modern society.

It's disgusting how the disabled are created in modern society.

It manifests a valuable tool to those who see all of us as utensils to create an energetic loop where the enabled send energy to the disabled out of genuine affection as the shitable siphon off the loop and live for free. The should be dead are stalling their eventual death by convincing us to give them energy via charity to the should be healthy.

"Wait... you mean introducing industrial chemicals into the nutrition cycle causes more beings being born who need energy from the healthy? I HAD NO IDEA!?!? We should do even MORE intervention!!!"... said every royalty/government that ever existed.

This post has been edited by WiederToo: 04 January 2015 - 01:08 PM


User is offline   zykov eddy 


Meh, no girlfriend for me.
22 years, lonely, still counting.

User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


You'll get there, never a teapot made without a handle to fit.

Small story:

In grade 4 I used to catch the school bus at the end of my 1km long laneway and on the first day of that year I met for the first time a new neighbour already waiting there. I was instantly head over heels at first sight for this little blonde haired blue eyed beauty of a girl, later also to find out she was born the day before myself.

All through the years we would play on my farm together, ride minibikes, make forts, jump on trampoline and as the years rolled on into highschool she indeed grew into the "very popular, very hot girl." Back in middle school a friend of hers had observed how we were such good FRIENDS and said that we should "date," as much as you date in grade 7 anyway. Her reply was " I can't date a neighbour" and secretly right then a small piece of me died.

I never did tell her how I felt, I had one instance in grade 6 where before we got home from school on the bus I called her a "whore" not really full knowing what it meant or the impact it would have as she walked home balling her eyes out. I suppose I said that just meaning she had "gone out with" a lot of guys OTHER THAN ME even by the time gr.6 had come around and deep down it pissed me off.

As a child I had even included her in my bedtime prayers, I was so effed for this girl.

She herself during highschool got screwed over by a few guys and kind of twisted her a bit, she ended up having a small "coke" phase and then moved out to a westerly province where her father was originally from. She dated a guy from there for quite a while and she herself had a good paying job, he fucked her over and then she got with another guy right away and got knocked up and is now married to him.

I had her on facebook and told her shortly before the guy she was with screwed her over that I "had a thing" for her growing up, she called me an idiot and that was that. No more girl I had grown up with, or would wave and smile hugely anytime she saw me even all through highschool existed.

The messed up part is that I have a dream about her atleast once a year and it pisses me off for the rest of the day, never fails. And I'll be 32 this April.
Through all this time I've had relationships and I'm in one now that's been going on for 3 years or so. Previous relationship was 5 years.

Moral to the story? I still don't fucking know, but shit happens.

I have a cousin who's 25 and still a virgin so you still have some time. Hang in there bud and don't worry about it too much.

This post has been edited by Robman: 04 January 2015 - 03:15 PM


User is offline   Fox 

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View Postzykov eddy, on 04 January 2015 - 01:36 PM, said:

Meh, no girlfriend for me.
22 years, lonely, still counting.

Your computer is your girlfriend.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

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The desire for romantic and sexual fulfillment is an artifact of human biology. Rational-me understands this, but my reptilian subsystems do not.

If we didn't have emotions to satisfy, there would be no purpose to life. There is nothing wrong with making the most of their benefits (see my avatar), but strive to focus on your good work and the things you care about when your body makes you think you need something more than you really do. I am only sometimes successful.


User is offline   Robman 

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I feel the need to downvote Fox, but will resist. I think Eddy is conveying factual feelings and I empathize.

As for Hendricks comment, just don't ignore those "bodily impulses" for too long.

If you ever find yourself as one of those guys with 4 walls and a roof w/ a real feel, computer controlled sex partner... chances are you did it wrong.

This post has been edited by Robman: 04 January 2015 - 03:22 PM


User is offline   Kathy 


View Postzykov eddy, on 04 January 2015 - 01:36 PM, said:

Meh, no girlfriend for me.22 years, lonely, still counting.

Looking at your photos that's surprising.

What about the Zelda present?

User is offline   Robman 

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View PostKathy, on 04 January 2015 - 03:23 PM, said:

What about the Zelda present?

My guess is that's a sore topic now. He'll be a Rasputin in his own time as he looks to be a good clean, worthy guy.

Kathy, why does your name not show up anywhere? What kind of voodoo you pushin' huh?

This post has been edited by Robman: 04 January 2015 - 03:50 PM


User is offline   Kathy 


Rasputin of his own time? :)

Are you stalking me?

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View Postzykov eddy, on 04 January 2015 - 01:36 PM, said:

Meh, no girlfriend for me.
22 years, lonely, still counting.

Meh. Dating is overrated. After spending 2 years with a girl who I thought was perfect(ly sane) I'm pretty sure I'm not interested in dating or anything romantic ever again.

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Women are parasites.

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This post has been edited by Kathy: 04 January 2015 - 06:40 PM


User is offline   Robman 

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View PostKathy, on 04 January 2015 - 04:24 PM, said:

Are you stalking me?

Big time, just noticed your name shows up nowhere unless you post, a curse of being mildly observant.

This post has been edited by Robman: 04 January 2015 - 06:25 PM


User is offline   Robman 

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View PostWhite Guilt, on 04 January 2015 - 05:39 PM, said:

Women are parasites.

Hehe, so much said in so little words, however a deformed vision of women is no shocker to be found on a video game forum :)

Women have/are a code to crack and it's pretty standard across the board.
More of a primal thing, embedded in DNA, same as a newborn baby immediately seeks a teet to latch onto, it's never seen a boob, let alone comprehend what it's function is, begins to suckle although it's never sucked before yet there he/she is... going to town on it.

This post has been edited by Robman: 04 January 2015 - 07:11 PM


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