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The Post Thread

User is offline   zykov eddy 


And in the end, music is my only true friend.

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View PostKathy, on 05 January 2015 - 01:56 AM, said:

It's because they just play.

So, where can I learn to play?

This post has been edited by zykov eddy: 05 January 2015 - 04:46 AM


User is offline   Kathy 


View Postzykov eddy, on 05 January 2015 - 04:46 AM, said:

And in the end, music is my only true friend.

It always is.
Posted Image

Trans' artwork is awesome. Always liked that futuristic stuff.


So, where can I learn to play?

Certainly not here. :)

But I can relate to your problem and I'm not sure what to do either. The general advice is to simply walk to someone you find interesting. And to my utter disbelief it does work. Even when you fail, the walking up part is what truly matters because only after it you would know the true score.

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  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostKathy, on 05 January 2015 - 01:56 AM, said:

It's because they just play.

pretty much this.
they may get rejected 9 times out of 10, but all they have to do is find that 1 that's lacking self-esteem/self-identity -or- just into douchey guys


Yeah, whilst I'm the last person in the world you probably should listen to, you simply have to try. Just walk up to someone you like, say some trivial crap and offer to buy them a drink or whatever. Either it will work or it won't. If it doesn't work you've lost nothing really, just move on. If she talks back, listen carefully.

I doubt that music is helping. :)
A lot of chicks refused to have anything more to do with me once they found out what I listened to - of course I didn't see that as a loss because they're obviously shallow pretentious bitches who want some shallow pretentious prick¹, I don't see any point wasting time or effort on people like that anyway. I prefer a woman with a brain who can think for herself and accepts that not everyone is what TV tells them to be. Heh, I'll find her eventually, for some reason I think I'm going to be one of those weird people who doesn't meet anyone until I hit my forties. I did my share of shagging around when I was at college so I guess this is my karma for being an asshole who was only after one thing back then - in my defense I made it very clear that was what I was doing.

¹ Or they just don't like my music, which is fine, but they could have just said. I don't expect everyone else to listen to the same crap I do so I don't see why I should be expected to listen to the same crap as them.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 05 January 2015 - 08:25 AM


User is offline   Kathy 


Yep, 1/10 > 0.

That said, I'm not a good example of walking up. And while it was awkward as hell, it was still worth it, at least for a clarity it brought. Not that I want to do this frequently, cause meh... but it works despite the result.

2HTreason: He obviously isn't listening to it to spark interest in girls. Besides, everyone knows you need to listen to classical music for that.

This post has been edited by Kathy: 05 January 2015 - 08:32 AM


User is offline   zykov eddy 


View PostKathy, on 05 January 2015 - 07:55 AM, said:

Trans' artwork is awesome. Always liked that futuristic stuff.

Great collection of Genesis records, even includes And Then There Were Three, my favorite from Phil era. I strongly recommend to find Spot the Pigeon EP.

View PostKathy, on 05 January 2015 - 07:55 AM, said:

But I can relate to your problem and I'm not sure what to do either. The general advice is to simply walk to someone you find interesting. And to my utter disbelief it does work. Even when you fail, the walking up part is what truly matters because only after it you would know the true score.

Seems like it's the only way... Thanks for the support :)

Also, check this out

This post has been edited by zykov eddy: 05 January 2015 - 10:21 AM



Pfft. Unlike you losers I prefer to listen to a variety of different music;
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That's probably the only time you'll see Odessey and Oracle next to Woodpeckers from Space. Haven't replaced my classical ones yet as someone smashed most of my collection years back. Most girls I've met listen to whatever is in the Top 40 exclusively and refuse to have anything to do with you if you don't so music is a subject I stay clear of, I met one who liked classical piano but I walked into a door and broke my toe when I was talking to her, she got in a mood about it and never spoke to me again.

On a different note, I got a new capture device for lower resolution stuff, it was only £2.99, but I think I've been ripped off;
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User is offline   Sixty Four 

  • Turok Nukem


You got to walk up on her with confidence grab on to your nuts and go. Women aren't so bad there great (well some heheh), but we all have to meet someone(or more) that isn't worthy so you can know who is worthy. Walk up to girl say damn girl what da hail you doing here alone for such a pretty girl with a nice smile I did not expect to see sitting alone. Point out small things make her think first you want her to have a positive thought and outlook. If you just say want to get drink her first thought will be he wants to bang me is all hehehe maybe go with want to get breakfast since dinner is the usual saying breakfast might turn some heads heheh. I met my girl in a grocery store...something about a guy being in the grocery store shows some kind of presence to a female since that is "considered" there job to do. But if I didn't go up to her in a panic like matter like I needed to talk to her badly I doubt we be together regardless of the connection we had with eye contact. Here a cool song remind me of this topics


View PostDuke64, on 05 January 2015 - 11:06 AM, said:

...Walk up to girl say damn girl what da hail you doing here alone for such a pretty girl with a nice smile I did not expect to see sitting alone...

I used to do that, they always just got creeped out. Usually called security and had me removed... Then again, I've got the face of a rapist apparently so that figures, you guys would probably have better luck.

User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


My wife listens to punk, thrash, metal, grunge, alternative, classic rock, weird experimental shit, and classical... she pretty much listens to everything I do (with a few exceptions).

Honestly we met because I saw her profile on an online dating site I was using to meet random women and thought she might be fun to play music with (not necessarily date). So I IMed her and we chatted online and later on the phone for about 10 hours, met up the next day and have been together ever since.

I think one key aspect of dating (to avoid disappointment) is to be somewhat up front with your intentions/discuss some goals early on. In all of my most successful encounters we talked about whether the intent of dating was for things like starting a family, and if it didn't line up I didn't bother to continue dating them beyond a casual thing (read: randomly hanging out together and some occasional sex). Part of it though is having to discover what YOU actually want.

User is offline   Sixty Four 

  • Turok Nukem


View PostHigh Treason, on 05 January 2015 - 11:11 AM, said:

Then again, I've got the face of a rapist apparently so that figures, you guys would probably have better luck.

Now that doesn't sound like much confidence in yourself you are bashing thyself heheheh for some reason I think the girls know that we all lack some confidence but trying to show what you do have left is what appeals most it's like being bashful yet confident almost. Sound confusing yes hehe

User is offline   Inspector Lagomorf 

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View PostDuke64, on 05 January 2015 - 11:06 AM, said:

Walk up to girl say damn girl what da hail you doing here alone for such a pretty girl with a nice smile I did not expect to see sitting alone.

Boy you don't come across as stereotypically creepy at all.

User is offline   Sixty Four 

  • Turok Nukem


Well it depend on how you say it, if your thinking it in a creepy way then it's bound to come off that way in your voice but if you have innocent vibe going then things can work depending on what exactly you are trying to get out of the girl your vibe has got to be persistent yet held back bashful yet confident. Anyway that just something for example need to make own punchlines but I would avoid doing the little funny ones that are known, instead using something simple.

Also don't attempt to use Duke lines they will get you slapped especially don't use "damn your'e ugly" you will be on the couch for a week...month

This post has been edited by Duke64: 05 January 2015 - 11:41 AM


User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


Viper isn't wrong telling you to be "assertive," I've given the same advice because it's true.

People gravitate towards happy/healthy/confident people so be those things and the rest will fall into place.

Having common ground with a girl you're interested in helps, like going to the same class or whatever. The walk up method seldom works, if it does then they must have been watching you or seen you before and are interested or else you're just a stranger walking up and they know what's going on.

Above all, learn to read the girl and her reactions...learn to see the signs of flirting, it's easy with practice.

Sinking into depressing music will get you nothing.

Things get REALLY easy when the girl approaches YOU.

Things workout much better if the girl feels the need to win your affection, if you already fawn all over her then she has already won the battle with zero effort and there's very little challenge there.

It's true when they say you must love yourself first. Have some conviction, nobody likes a spineless worm.

You don't need to go broke to have a girlfriend either, if that's the case, you're doing it wrong.

Don't agree with everything they say, spark some debate, some thought... challenge her. I can't tell you how many times I've had arguments with girls and wound up in their pants, they'll be thinking about you and putting energy towards you, you ll be a focal point and that leads to further contact.

Now at a bar scene? It's kind of a hey I like you, you like me.. now let's go make some decisions we'll likely regret :)

It also depends on where the girl is at in her head, is she in find a relationship mode? Or just get her loins worked out mode? Important to know the difference.

Loins girl just wants to get physically pleasured - end of story.

Relationship girl needs to feel - wanted, appreciated, loved, taken care of. If those things slip, she'll get pissy.
And when it comes to sex, learn how to give the girl an orgasm. Use fingers, use oral, work her body. There's a time to pound and a time to go slow, never underestimate the power of the reach around. Learn how to work her clit. Sexually satisfy your partner and they'll have no reason to stray.. atleast not for those reasons anyway.

Now if you're a virgin? Count on popping your nuts pretty much immediately upon entry... you've built it up in your head over all the years and it will come raging out... quickly. Prepare for round 2 ...3 .. etc...

Don't take life TOO seriously, I see a lot of self loathing in here. stop it.

Pick-up lines? All of them are cheezy. Just make it known you're interested and don't come off as pushy.

Also, if you end up in a relationship where your wife wears the pants and has you cowtied, you disgust me :P
Not that you have to be an authoritarian dickweed.. but your role is the man of the house... do your part.

Oh and if a relationship ends 9x out of 10 the girl will seek to get a different penis up in there IMMEDIATELY, because her vagina has a memory, that memory is of you and they want it gone, overwritten.

So you see, just be yourself, a good upbeat version of self.

Although if you have a shittonne of money, disregard everything because that alone WILL get you laid. The long term relationship however will be false, disingenuous doomed to fail.

This post has been edited by Robman: 05 January 2015 - 03:25 PM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


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User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


I have an online dating story as I did try it once.

Met girl online from a few towns away, she was 22 I was 27. She was hot, sexy porn voice great body nice skin.

She said she could ride fourwheelers n shit so I concocted a date where I took her to my family farm nearing dusk and plopped her on the fourwheeler while I ripped around on my motocross bike, we have a small cabin back there so I had some beers ready and a fire on.

All was going well when all of a sudden I see the headlights of the fourwheeler doing cartwheels, she had gotten alittle too ballsy for her skills with it.

I race over to her and see that she's winded and hurt/crying.

I scooped her up and took her to the cabin to assess the situation. Ended up driving her home as she insisted she didn't need to go to the hospital.

Turns out she broke a bone in her arm and a vertebrae in her back. (she could walk)

3 months passed without seeing her, just talking online. She healed up and then we hung out a bit more, had plenty of sexy time. In the long run it obviously didn't work out but it's a good story :P

How did I initiate sex? After hanging out for a bit she was at my place, I got up and said I think we should go upstairs and get to know each other better, pulled her close, kissed her and reached down and stroked her lady bits on top of her daisy dukes. She was all for it and the way she sashayed up the stairs so sexually, swaying her hips drove me crazy :)

This post has been edited by Robman: 05 January 2015 - 02:59 PM


User is offline   Jimmy 

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View PostFox, on 04 January 2015 - 09:42 PM, said:

But men also learned bad things from television.

Eh, I don't really watch telly. That was just a joke by the way. Culture certainly attempts to breed women to be parasitic in nature, but that's not affecting all women.

Why so pleb, guys? Get on my level.
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User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


View PostComrade Major, on 05 January 2015 - 11:28 AM, said:

Boy you don't come across as stereotypically creepy at all.

Yet, he seems to be a happy upbeat guy and I bet he gets laid :P

@HT, I feel the need to give you a hug and whisper that it's going to be ok.

I think Kathy needs some "anilingus," even though it's already received metaphorically in this forum alone :) B)


This post has been edited by Robman: 05 January 2015 - 03:53 PM


User is offline   Kathy 


View Postzykov eddy, on 05 January 2015 - 10:16 AM, said:

Great collection of Genesis records, even includes And Then There Were Three, my favorite from Phil era.

I find it more appropriate to differentiate eras by Hackett involvement. And ironically, ATTWT one is the least likable for me. Even, at first the very much hated, Abacab is quite awesome(especially when Dodo/Lurker is combined with singles' B-sides which are better than the rest of LP's B-side), but I can't get into ATTWT.


I strongly recommend to find Spot the Pigeon EP.

Yeah, Inside and Out should have been on LP. Overall, Wind & Wuthering was always my favorite Genesis album.


I must confess, I never heard Neil Young before. ))) Not bad.

View PostHigh Treason, on 05 January 2015 - 10:55 AM, said:

Pfft. Unlike you losers I prefer to listen to a variety of different music;

You wouldn't caught me dead with that Dschinghis Khan single.

User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


Clearly she disagrees.


View PostRobman, on 05 January 2015 - 03:19 PM, said:

@HT, I feel the need to give you a hug and whisper that it's going to be ok.

Don't know why, it doesn't really bother me. I don't let it get me down and I don't lack confidence.

View PostKathy, on 05 January 2015 - 04:09 PM, said:

You wouldn't caught me dead with that Dschinghis Khan single.

I assure you, the Video Kids are worse;

This is Mullet Man's second favorite song. Mullet Man might be going out on the pull (and failing miserably) later this year.

User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


View PostHigh Treason, on 05 January 2015 - 04:41 PM, said:

Don't know why, it doesn't really bother me. I don't let it get me down and I don't lack confidence.

I would normally believe this, however your last 10 posts or so run completely contradictory to this comment. Your ego is talking just now, as it's responding to me, a guy who you may regard as "competition" which is natural, cause you're a guy :)

This post has been edited by Robman: 05 January 2015 - 04:50 PM



What the hell are you on about? You really aren't very good at reading me are you. Again you assume I'm talking about it with some kind of bias when I'm not, I'm simply saying that it's the way things are.

Actually, I find it hilarious.

Did you never wonder why I have Larry Laffer as my avatar? Clearly I prefer to look at the funny side.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 05 January 2015 - 04:55 PM


User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


Sweet fuck do I have to spell it out, one minute you're driving yourself into the ground talking about how much of a disabled unattractive blight to humanity you are and the next minute you're getting all defensive if somebody has some empathy towards that and doesn't like seeing bad things happen to good people. I want to like you, I do like you but you got walls brotha... tall ones.

This post has been edited by Robman: 05 January 2015 - 05:03 PM


User is offline   Kathy 


View PostHigh Treason, on 05 January 2015 - 04:41 PM, said:

I assure you, the Video Kids are worse;


User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


View PostKathy, on 05 January 2015 - 04:09 PM, said:

I must confess, I never heard Neil Young before. ))) Not bad.

Bah, fuck that noise:



View PostRobman, on 05 January 2015 - 05:03 PM, said:

Sweet fuck do I have to spell it out, one minute you're driving yourself into the ground talking about how much of a disabled unattractive blight to humanity you are and the next minute you're getting all defensive if somebody has some empathy towards that and doesn't like seeing bad things happen to good people. I want to like you, I do like you but you got walls brotha... tall ones.

Apparently I talk negatively - I call it realistically - you really don't get me at all dude. Yeah, man, I'm ugly and whatever, but fuck humanity, societies thoughts about me have no bearing on me or my mood, I just get on with my day regardless.

View PostKathy, on 05 January 2015 - 05:07 PM, said:


That was their best song. Try this one;

This post has been edited by High Treason: 05 January 2015 - 06:20 PM


User is offline   zykov eddy 


View PostHigh Treason, on 05 January 2015 - 10:55 AM, said:

Pfft. Unlike you losers I prefer to listen to a variety of different music;

Tubeway Army, hell yeah! One of my favorites.

I was planning to buy Telekon recently, hehe.

View PostMblackwell, on 05 January 2015 - 05:09 PM, said:

Bah, fuck that noise:

Didn't you know? New wave Neil is the best Neil :)

This post has been edited by zykov eddy: 06 January 2015 - 12:03 AM


User is offline   zykov eddy 


I like listening to this one when I'm in love :)

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User is online   Lunick 


I hope you never give it up.

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This post has been edited by Lunick: 06 January 2015 - 03:21 AM


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