Pozdrav, brate (it means Hi, bro for English speaking users)
SS Skenderbeg division were allowed to do crimes on Serbian civilians
Well, what did you expect they were nazis, and a nazi supported division. About Croatia, I remember that some French TV Station did a smear piece on them, something like they are a hegemony and still support Nazi figures. Normally, today they don't, but there are still some small parts that promote Nazi symbols, just look at some of the their politicians. What I wanted to say was, the Balkans are seemingly always portrayed like some savages in the West, but in some cases we behave more civilized. I'm mean just look at current EU policies. Anyway, what I wanted to say was, this region, Balkan region should deal with its past, because they cannot change the past, and focus more on the future. So much energy is used on debating the past, that we are not improving our country or position in the world, while the others are getting richer.
But what Croatia and Albanians doing
Who cares, they have their own countries, let them fuck up and make mistakes. They can do whatever they want , for all I care, and they can blame themselves for their own mistakes, and not us (but let's face it, they sometimes do). They are in control of their countries, and not some communist party, or a dictator.
i can't endure lies anymore
Don't lose faith, bro. Truth will prevail in the end, once enough people start reading history, from different sources , not just one source or even worse a media narrative. I'm not denying any war crimes, but I can see that, normal people understand that everyone in the war did war crimes, and that it's a pretty much a complicated issue. I'm mean pretty much anyone can google war crimes, and soon they will find crimes from every side involved in conflict. Also, the Tribunal has archives, regardless of what the convictions were, and anyone if they want can read the transcripts and pretty much read the whole thing without any sort of forced narrative. I remember reading several of the transcripts and I was surprised how in great detail it went to explain what did what in the war. The more you read it the more disgusting it becomes, and anyone can see that there were no innocent sides in the war.
No body trust the media anyways, especially in the USA.
Another country I feel bad for is Iran.
Iran is certainly an interesting case. I've met some Iranians, mostly tourists while working and they were all normal people. People just need to remember Operation Ajax, and show Shah came into power, and how was he overthrown. The overthrowing they did pretty much themselves, and it's kinda sad that they seem to be held hostage by some mix of religious/ideological elite.
Many people hate him and for various things, the most popular one is that he was communist. But it's a fact that he was able to sustain the whole country together until his very death and I've met a lot of Serbians who liked him for this reason exactly.
I think it's mostly 50/50 when it comes to Tito. Some people hate him, because of the whole Naked Island, persecution of dissidents, while others like him because, during his rain, we were well known and respected and had money. Once the money ran out, suddenly everyone hates him. Also, I noticed that a lot of tourist admire him, especially those from Asia. When China came to visit Serbia, I remember that in one interview or documentary one of the Chinese officials, sad that they looked up to Yugoslavia's economic model when China did their economic reforms in the 70's and 80's.
they shwoing Bashar El Assad as a criminal
Yeah, how can I forget the whole "Assad must go" thing from the Western politicians and media. Kinda absurd, considering that the opposition to Assad, some of the joined or cooperated with ISIS. I'm mean who are you going to support Assad or ISIS? It's pretty much a no-brainer.