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Media Thread

User is offline   ferran275 


View PostMusicallyInspired, on Feb 4 2011, 04:36 PM, said:

A little alteration to the cover I made. I'll probably be using something like this printed out once I get my copy.

This is MUCH better :(

his chin looks a lickle weird, but other than that, soooo much better than original.

This actually raises another question for Yatta. Is GearBox taking all the negative responses regarding the box art into perspective? Are they planning on changing it? I need to go ask that :D

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


Yeah, there's lots of problems with his chin, neck, and jaw. I'm no professional artist. or graphic designer. But the vibe feels more like Duke now at least....to me.


View PostMusicallyInspired, on Feb 4 2011, 04:36 PM, said:

A little alteration to the cover I made. I'll probably be using something like this printed out once I get my copy.

Posted Image

Wow that pic is 100000000000x better than the acual cover art. Nice work.

User is offline   Raziel 


View PostMusicallyInspired, on Jan 27 2011, 02:30 PM, said:

Fans obviously want the classic sunglasses. Why change it? I don't get it......this is seriously disappointing about how Gearbox is handling this...

Actually, I think the old sunglasses look bad by today's standards. No one actually still wears sunnies that look like that, it just isn't cool. I'm glad they updated them to be a more modern design. This is especially important if they're trying to attract a new audience of players that never played Duke3D...

Don't get me wrong, being true to the original is good and all, but fashion changes and I believe a character like Duke would adapt to that. In other words, if afros go out of fashion, why would you equip your main character with one? It's the same thing, those glasses no longer look cool, they really needed to be updated and I'm glad they did.

User is offline   X-Vector 


View PostRaziel, on Feb 7 2011, 02:11 PM, said:

Actually, I think the old sunglasses look bad by today's standards. No one actually still wears sunnies that look like that, it just isn't cool.

No one wore them in 1996 anymore either: http://en.wikipedia....ay-Ban_Wayfarer
Trying to make Duke Nukem look contemporary is misunderstanding the character, since he was designed as a throwback to the action movie heroes of earlier times and the eighties in particular (when people actually did wear Wayfarers en masse).


"Since the mid-2000s, the sunglasses have been enjoying a revival.

Wayfarers are sometimes cited as the best-selling design of sunglasses in history[1][2] (although Ray-Ban Aviators have also been credited with this achievement[3]) and have been called a classic of modern design[4] and one of the most enduring fashion icons of the 20th century"

From that Wikipedia page you just linked.

Wow, they actually are MORE with the times now than in 96 according to that pamphlet

User is offline   ferran275 


View PostRaziel, on Feb 7 2011, 05:11 AM, said:

Actually, I think the old sunglasses look bad by today's standards. No one actually still wears sunnies that look like that, it just isn't cool. I'm glad they updated them to be a more modern design. This is especially important if they're trying to attract a new audience of players that never played Duke3D...

Don't get me wrong, being true to the original is good and all, but fashion changes and I believe a character like Duke would adapt to that. In other words, if afros go out of fashion, why would you equip your main character with one? It's the same thing, those glasses no longer look cool, they really needed to be updated and I'm glad they did.

yeah, where have you been? around here they are extremely popular, I've actually heard people complain that they're not as big as the originals so 'not as cool' I was actually thinking of picking up a pair but didn't because I don't want to look like everyone else around here!

Don't know where you live but, around here they're the bees knees :(

User is offline   Outtagum 


So, does anyone know if his new shades are based off real sunglasses or something created for the game?

User is offline   ferran275 


View PostZor, on Feb 7 2011, 06:36 PM, said:

So, does anyone know if his new shades are based off real sunglasses or something created for the game?

I'm wondering if maybe they were worried about RayBan getting mad and suing GearBox over their use and decided from a legal standpoint that they should change them to something more generic. If that is the case I highly doubt those glasses are modeled after any specific brand.

Even though it would kick SO MUCH ASS if they got together with RayBan and actually created a special edition pair of WayFarers you could buy. It'll never happen though :(

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


Why don't they just say that then?

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  • The Sarien Encounter


New Duke controls. The D-Pad does more than just "beer" now.


User is offline   DavoX 

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I'm kinda dissapointed that those seem to be the only powerups in DNF. I love them but still... I expected some more.

User is offline   ferran275 


View PostDavoX, on Feb 8 2011, 12:50 PM, said:

I'm kinda dissapointed that those seem to be the only powerups in DNF. I love them but still... I expected some more.


you'll get more, this is just the basic layout you START with, how many games have you played where you start with a set of controls and things are gradually added as the game goes on? every single one? that's what I thought :(

User is offline   DavoX 

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But to imply that each direction is for a VERY SPECIFIC item and not any item you add to the inventory is kinda dissapointing. There isn't a "Inventory" button or "swap items" button.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


It IS just a demo. The last demo had only "Beer" and they added the other ones. Controls can always change before launch.

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View PostMusicallyInspired, on Feb 9 2011, 12:00 AM, said:

It IS just a demo. The last demo had only "Beer" and they added the other ones. Controls can always change before launch.

Besides items like the jet pack, assuming it is still in, probably work more like a vehicle where you use it to pick it up and then drop it when your done with it.

Could also work such that you aim at an item and press one of the buttons to replace your current item in that slot but I am more inclined to think they only have these 4 items you can carry with you while everything else is something you pick up, use and then drop.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


Jetpack isn't in. That was confirmed ages ago by George, I believe.

User is offline   DavoX 

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I recall something different, like the jetpack only being available at a certain part of the game.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


Either way, I don't think it's an item you can pick up.

User is offline   DavoX 

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Everything seems to imply that, yeah.

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Posted Image

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User is offline   DavoX 

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Worst review in the history of the universe:



"Since 1997, when Duke Nukem Forever was revealed, little things like Halo and Call of Duty (even Gearbox's own Brothers in Arms) have redefined the shooter many times over. "

That says it all folks.


And it seems like Duke Nukem Forever ignores almost every innovation and advancement pioneered by those and several other big-name shooters of the last decade.

LOL. What a bunch of bullcrap!!


when I used zoom to target an alien that came to a brief pause above me, no ironsights appeared whatsoever. The camera just zoomed in a little. How useful is that? The reason almost every shooter now uses ironsights is because it genuinely helps line up a good shot. That's a perfect example of a strange exclusion of post-1997 innovations.

Can this guy be fired please?

Thankfully the author is being ripped to shreds in the comments section.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


That guy's an idiot.

Also, I'm a little disheartened by some of the screenshots portraying Duke in 3rd person. Didn't George and co always say that the entire game would be behind Duke's sunglasses?

User is offline   DavoX 

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Those are just NOCLIP images. obviously staged.

Joystiq hands-on :

User is offline   DavoX 

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Arstechnica hands- on :


User is offline   Kathy 


View PostMusicallyInspired, on Feb 9 2011, 09:10 PM, said:

Didn't George and co always say that the entire game would be behind Duke's sunglasses?

It obviously isn't the case anymore since we saw gameplay with Duke driving 4x4 in 3rd person.


View PostMusicallyInspired, on Feb 9 2011, 11:10 AM, said:

That guy's an idiot.

Also, I'm a little disheartened by some of the screenshots portraying Duke in 3rd person. Didn't George and co always say that the entire game would be behind Duke's sunglasses?

I'm happy that you see Duke in 3rd person. Playing it behind Duke's sunglassess would suck.

Oh and Arstechnica are wrong. The game looks great.

This post has been edited by blackharted: 09 February 2011 - 12:02 PM


User is offline   Outtagum 


Every time I see a preview talk about "modern games" in comparison to DNF, DNF keeps sounding more bad-ass. ;)

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


View PostLotan, on Feb 9 2011, 12:48 PM, said:

It obviously isn't the case anymore since we saw gameplay with Duke driving 4x4 in 3rd person.

That's true. Forgot about that. Even so, I assumed all non-driving sections would be first person. I wouldn't have minded if the entire game including driving sequences were FPS, though, a la Half-Life 2.


I'm thinking those are just some staged screenshots, to give a different perspective on things.

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