Spirrwell, on Aug 22 2010, 10:14 PM, said:
I'd be very cautious on believing emails on here because they can be easily edited using Google Chrome and Firefox, and if your savvy at photo editing you can just edit the photo.
As for the rumor itself, I'm not 100% sure. There will be information, whether it's what we want to hear, I hope so. It could be about DNT, DNF, or DB.
If they still are using Unreal Engine (I don't know) they'd be done pretty soon. UDK is pretty cheap.
As for the multi platform idea, I wish there would be a PS3 and/or Nintendo Wii version, I hate Xbox Live for Xbox 360.
What's the cost of the UDK got to do with anything? No major developer like Gearbox in their right mind would touch the UDK for a potential top selling game simply because the UDK is designed for hobbiests and low-budget indies, it's licensing structure doesn't even make sense for a major dev.
Gearbox, on the other hand, has a full multi-game source-code license for the Unreal Engine 3. It's what they used for Borderlands, it's what they're using for Aliens, why would they drop down to a highly restricted version of the engine for a 'new' project? Chances are though, if the rumour's true, they're still using the highly modified version of Unreal Engine 2.0 which 3DR had already made the vast majoritty of the game on.
Why on earth would you want the game on the Wii though? That console is terrible for typical FPS games, it's controller is simply not suited to such a style of gameplay in any way, especially on a game like Duke which needs to be
fast unlike the CoD ports which are slow enough to make the controls passable. Some people are already complaining about how badly gimped the game would be on PS3 or 360, which would make a Wii version would be heresey of the greatest kind
Also, what's with the XBL hate? The multiplayer on both the high-end console platforms is equal relative to how much you pay, atleast in my experience. That is to say: on my PS3 I get a quality of service I expect from not paying anything, while on my 360 I get a level of service I expect out of an annual £30 subscription fee. "Hating" a platform is just a way to be miss out on plenty of quality gaming, whatever that platform is.