crunchysuperman, on Feb 1 2010, 07:35 AM, said:
George asked Yatta not to post links to it and he's being kind enough to comply. Obviously, Yatta can't control it's spread on other sites, but this one he can. It's really as simple as that.
3dwizard, on Feb 1 2010, 09:23 AM, said:
For his sake, I hope Yatta is censoring this ignorantly and because he respects George Broussard or something similar and not because he fears him.
I absolutely hate censorship. I hate it so much and I totally agree with you. Also, I have neither respect nor fear towards GB. I believe GB is a failure, and my negative views on him have already distanced me from a division of this community. Removing the links is in the interest of this site and its community, and nothing more.
Rösti, on Feb 1 2010, 10:02 AM, said:
To prevent even more legal troubles, George simply takes actions towards leaked material (as much as possible), and as is one of the most prominent Duke Nukem fan sites, this is a great place to start. You must argue that many people are desperate to get a glimpse of the game, but until the (legal) hiatus has been solved I believe it is in everyone's best interest to try and not link/market etc. any leaked material. What that German video gaming site does is its own problem, but I guess George is onto that soon as well.
Bbass, on Feb 1 2010, 10:49 AM, said:
I'm new here but i've been lurking around for a couple of years (on and off).
I wasn't aware of the strategy regarding leaked material mentioned above but as leaked media is basically impossible to control once it's appeared on more than a few sites, I would suggest keeping such material in this community may have its benefits.
Anyone looking for anything DNF is higly likely to hit upon this site. What makes this site different to others is that there are a lot of people here who are able to look at any media and offer valid opinions or discussions based on historic knowledge of the game. They can quickly identify if something is old, test footage, fake, etc, etc. This information can be clearly published (front page even) to prevent users trawling other generic sites and forming incorrect conclusions from lack of knowledge that other sites may have.
I think Yatta and whoever else is involved with this site do a decent job - they're very liberal in what's allowed and clear when someone is near to crossing a line. That said, I can't help thinking there is a missed opportunity to create something postive from the leaked media that would be of benefit to 3DR (potential damage control), (the place for content) and the visitor (complete and reliable information).
Just an opinion of course!
Thank you and welcome to the site. Yes, I agree about the missed opportunity. I had created my own trailer from the leaked footage and it actually looked somewhat good (custom Duke voices, better quality, other footage not yet leaked, etc.) but chose not to release it because the short term interest of generating interest and traffic on this website is superseded by lawsuit related headaches that can drag this website down. Believe me, I would have loved to have released the video for Christmas 2009. I could have very well done this if I wasn't concerned.
Splat, on Feb 1 2010, 11:38 AM, said:
So, basically we didn't create this little mess, but had to sit in it anyway.
Correct. We have not been involved in any of the leaks, but people have used our website as a venue for posting the said leaks.
Also, regarding donations to this website--yes, donations are an investment in that they support the website. However, donations are voluntary and donors do not receive favorable treatment. Granted, it is not in the interest of donors for this website to be shut down, and hence it is in our collective decisions to act in the interest of the longevity of