Trooper Dan, on 21 January 2014 - 12:59 AM, said:
Those would be the models in highres/sprites/firstperson, so if you search for that in att_hrp.def and comment out the defs for those models, it should tell us whether that's the source of the problem. Or it could be that the hang is triggered by the minigun model, or some other model that only loads when the att_hrp defs are being used. If I were testing this, I would start by commenting out everything in att_hrp.def from the first model definition on (starting with the Duke model used for the bots). If the game will start with all that commented out, then we know we are on the right track and then we can begin uncommenting stuff until we find what's causing it to hang.
Hi Dan,
I've commented out the model definitions located in highres/sprites/firstperson as follows:
// model "highres/sprites/firstperson/2524_pistol.md3" {
// ... all lines between braces
// }
// model "highres/sprites/firstperson/2530_clip.md3" {
// ... all lines between braces
// }
// model "highres/sprites/firstperson/2532_cliphand.md3" {
// ... all lines between braces
// }
// model "highres/sprites/firstperson/2544_rpg.md3" {
// ... all lines between braces
// }
The game starts and runs fine. However I've noticed some odd lines in eduke32.log attached:
Loading "att_hrp.def"
High Resolution Pack (version 5.3.565 Polymost Override)
...........................................................Warning: Failed including dukedc_hrp.def on line att_hrp.def:2
......Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke.md3"
Warning: defined hightile replacement for empty tile 5656. Maybe some are not loaded?
.........Error on line att_hrp.def:794.
Definitions file "att_hrp.def" loaded.
I gave a look at the lines reported:
"Failed including dukedc_hrp.def on line att_hrp.def:2"
include dukedc_hrp.def
"model "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke.md3""
// crouch and death anim for Duke Plus bots
model "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke.md3" {
scale 1.55 shade 0
skin { pal 0 surface 0 file "highres/sprites/pickups/0057_jetpack.png" }
skin { pal 0 surface 1 file "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke.png" }
skin { pal 10 surface 1 file "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke_10.png" }
skin { pal 11 surface 1 file "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke_11.png" }
skin { pal 12 surface 1 file "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke_12.png" }
skin { pal 13 surface 1 file "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke_13.png" }
skin { pal 14 surface 1 file "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke_14.png" }
skin { pal 15 surface 1 file "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke_15.png" }
skin { pal 16 surface 1 file "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke_16.png" }
skin { pal 21 surface 1 file "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke_21.png" }
skin { pal 23 surface 1 file "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke_23.png" }
skin { pal 0 surface 2 file "highres/sprites/pickups/0023_rpg.png" }
// Crouch
frame { name "crouch1" tile0 1471 tile1 1475 smoothduration 0.2 }
frame { name "crouch2" tile0 1476 tile1 1480 smoothduration 0.2 }
frame { name "crouch3" tile0 1481 tile1 1485 smoothduration 0.2 }
// Death
anim { frame0 "die0" frame1 "die1" fps 25 flags 1 }
frame { name "die0" tile0 1506 tile1 1510 smoothduration 0.2 }
frame { name "dead" tile 1519 smoothduration 0.3 }
"defined hightile replacement for empty tile 5656"
setuptile 5656 100 100 0 0
setuptile 5657 116 116 0 0
setuptile 5658 132 132 0 0
setuptile 5659 156 156 0 0
setuptile 5660 128 128 0 0
setuptile 5661 188 188 0 0
setuptile 5662 204 196 0 0
setuptile 5663 244 248 0 0
setuptile 5664 288 284 0 0
setuptile 5666 128 128 0 0
texture 5656 { pal 0 { file "ATTRITION_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/MAP_EFFECTS/stompwavef1.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 5657 { pal 0 { file "ATTRITION_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/MAP_EFFECTS/stompwavef2.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 5658 { pal 0 { file "ATTRITION_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/MAP_EFFECTS/stompwavef3.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 5659 { pal 0 { file "ATTRITION_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/MAP_EFFECTS/stompwavef4.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 5660 { pal 0 { file "ATTRITION_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/MAP_EFFECTS/stompwavef5.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 5661 { pal 0 { file "ATTRITION_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/MAP_EFFECTS/stompwavef6.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 5662 { pal 0 { file "ATTRITION_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/MAP_EFFECTS/stompwavef7.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 5663 { pal 0 { file "ATTRITION_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/MAP_EFFECTS/stompwavef8.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 5664 { pal 0 { file "ATTRITION_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/MAP_EFFECTS/stompwavef9.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
tilefromtexture 5656 { file "ATTRITION_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/MAP_EFFECTS/stompwavef1.png" alphacut 32 }
"Error on line att_hrp.def:794"
tilefromtexture 6861 { file "ATTRITION_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/textbox.png" } }