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Mapster32 problems and bugs  "Please post them exclusively here"

User is offline   underTaker 


View PostHelixhorned, on 01 August 2012 - 12:40 PM, said:

Sector flipping was finally fixed in r2773!

Oh! I just didn't download it for like few days and it's fixed! Good doing guys ;) Time to download it.

User is offline   Nukey 


Regarding texture 625 again (the last CAMERA1 frame):

It seems that the original game automatically converts any sprite using one of the CAMERA1 frames (621-625) to the actual CAMERA1 texture (621). EDuke32 mimics this behaviour, except it seems to miss the last frame (625), which explains why this sprite keeps popping up in my test lists as being inconsistent.

User is offline   Micky C 

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Helix, can I request a small feature; when there are multiple seperate, or sloped sectors highlighted, and you try to extend them (normally mapster won't allow this), can it instead give you the option to extend the sectors as separate bunches? I can see this saving a lot of time, especially when creating things like transparent TROR domes. I'm not working on a map that needs it at the moment, but I've got a great idea for a map i'd like to work on eventually, and hopefully if this isn't too much trouble to implement, and can be implemented by then, it could potentially save me hours of frustrating repetitive work and some sore wrists (my mum has RSI and I would not like to get that..)

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


r2866 presses Ctrl-E as many times as there are highlighted sectors for you. Super hackish, but it gets the job done!

User is offline   Nukey 


If you give the SPEAKER (#4397) sprite a large Hi-Tag value in the original game (try 30000-60000), it will rotate clockwise and anti-clockwise in succession, at varying speeds depending on the Hi-Tag value. Other sprites may be affected, but I couldn't find any after a few quick tests.

This doesn't happen in EDuke32, so I am assuming it was fixed at some point. So just out of curiousity, what caused this? And if it wasn't a bug, why was it removed?

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


 Nukey, on 22 July 2012 - 10:57 AM, said:

I've found an extremely minor bug/oddity which I may as well report since it will probably never be noticed again in the history of mankind. It's that minor.

A sprite using texture #625 (one of the camera frames) triggers the crane and will be picked up and carried in the original DOS version of the game, but not in EDuke32.

In a historic battle to bring the source code back to the classic era, and under great losses of sanity, victory was finally achieved in the glorious revision numbering 2868. ;)

Oh, and Duke3D 1.5 source spelling kicks ass:
            case CAMERA1:
            case CAMERA1+1:
            case CAMERA1+2:
            case CAMERA1+3:
            case CAMERA1+4:
            case CAMERAPOLE:
                sp->extra = 1;

                if(camerashitable) sp->cstat = 257;
                else sp->cstat = 0;


User is offline   Nukey 


 Helixhorned, on 07 August 2012 - 05:14 AM, said:

In a historic battle to bring the source code back to the classic era, and under great losses of sanity, victory was finally achieved in the glorious revision numbering 2868. ;)

Oh, and Duke3D 1.5 source spelling kicks ass:
            case CAMERA1:
            case CAMERA1+1:
            case CAMERA1+2:
            case CAMERA1+3:
            case CAMERA1+4:
            case CAMERAPOLE:
                sp->extra = 1;

                if(camerashitable) sp->cstat = 257;
                else sp->cstat = 0;

Awesome. Was it just missing the "+4" line? My unintentional bug-finding sprees are probably not good for anyone's sanity. It's okay though, I'm pretty sure that going insane increases one's productivity.

User is offline   Micky C 

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View PostHelixhorned, on 06 August 2012 - 12:05 PM, said:

r2866 presses Ctrl-E as many times as there are highlighted sectors for you. Super hackish, but it gets the job done!

I used r2868, highlighted a dome, and tried to extend up, but there's no difference from the old behavior. It said "cannot extend slopediff more than one" or something like that. ?

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View PostNukey, on 07 August 2012 - 02:41 PM, said:

Awesome. Was it just missing the "+4" line? My unintentional bug-finding sprees are probably not good for anyone's sanity. It's okay though, I'm pretty sure that going insane increases one's productivity.

The EDuke32 source looks a bit different, but in effect, yes, that was the problem.

View PostMicky C, on 07 August 2012 - 08:19 PM, said:

I used r2868, highlighted a dome, and tried to extend up, but there's no difference from the old behavior. It said "cannot extend slopediff more than one" or something like that. ?

You have to go into the [']+[F] menu and then select "Extend all hl. sectors". Also, don't forget to update a.m32, since that is where it's implemented.

User is offline   Paul B 


Found a bug.

When placing a S.E lowtag 7 (Teleport) for water teleporting using a sloped surface you're suppose to Ctrl Pg Down on the S.E at the lowest point of the slope and press the 'O' key to align it to the first wall. Then angle the S.E in the opposite direction of the First Wall.

The problem is when placing a S.E at the lowest point of the wall and pressing the 'O' key S.E snaps to the opposite wall. Trying to use this Lowtag 7 S.E is virtually impossible. Can this please be fixed? I've managed to get 2 sloped floor water teleport sectors to work but it has taken me hours. I have many more to go and I would prefer if the process was more reliable otherwise I won't be able to finish this map at this rate.

Please keep in mind that I am using TROR with this water teleport thing. The Teleport is happening between an extended TROR sector.

This post has been edited by Paul B: 11 August 2012 - 12:53 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

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It might be a bit late for this, but what I usually like to do if I have multiple underwater sectors, especially sloped ones, is place the floor of the underwater sector underneath a TROR layer in the water, so that the water can be one giant sector with one SE and I can do what I want with the floor without worrying about breaking anything or doing extra work.

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View PostPaul B, on 11 August 2012 - 12:50 AM, said:

When placing a S.E lowtag 7 (Teleport) for water teleporting using a sloped surface you're suppose to Ctrl Pg Down on the S.E at the lowest point of the slope and press the 'O' key to align it to the first wall. Then angle the S.E in the opposite direction of the First Wall.

What? Who said that you have to align the SE on the first wall? I know that the MapFAQ says (or at least said at the time I used to read it) that it has to be placed on the lowest point, but the way I see it, the SE has to be at the same height as the floor if it were not sloped. And I'd rather place it inside the sector instead of at the boundary. Whether or not the teleporting takes place between TROR'd sectors or not is irrelevant, the mechanism is the same.

View PostMicky C, on 11 August 2012 - 01:36 AM, said:

It might be a bit late for this, but what I usually like to do if I have multiple underwater sectors, especially sloped ones, is place the floor of the underwater sector underneath a TROR layer in the water, so that the water can be one giant sector with one SE and I can do what I want with the floor without worrying about breaking anything or doing extra work.

Yep, that's pretty much the natural thing to do if you want to have complex architecture underwater. At one point, I'm planning to get rid of requiring SE7 sprites for TROR water, but for that, some research has to be done how the normal above-water/underwater teleport happens. (The SE7-less will probably feel slightly differently and tease purists.)

User is offline   Paul B 


View PostHelixhorned, on 11 August 2012 - 05:54 AM, said:

What? Who said that you have to align the SE on the first wall? I know that the MapFAQ says (or at least said at the time I used to read it) that it has to be placed on the lowest point, but the way I see it, the SE has to be at the same height as the floor if it were not sloped. And I'd rather place it inside the sector instead of at the boundary. Whether or not the teleporting takes place between TROR'd sectors or not is irrelevant, the mechanism is the same.

I'm having a hell of a hard time having the teleport working. The S.E has to be on the floor not the ceiling otherwise it wont' teleport properly and it has to be at the lowest point which means it has to be aligned at the first wall. Even though the TROR is one big sector below the sector still has to align with the sectors above meaning that whatever divisions occur above the TROR sector have to be broken up below and be the exact same size as the sector above. There is no cheating the system with SE 7 it still has to adhere to the same rules otherwise the teleport won't work or from what I have seen it will teleport from above water to below but not the otherway.

User is offline   Nukey 


View PostHelixhorned, on 11 August 2012 - 05:54 AM, said:

What? Who said that you have to align the SE on the first wall? I know that the MapFAQ says (or at least said at the time I used to read it) that it has to be placed on the lowest point, but the way I see it, the SE has to be at the same height as the floor if it were not sloped. And I'd rather place it inside the sector instead of at the boundary. Whether or not the teleporting takes place between TROR'd sectors or not is irrelevant, the mechanism is the same.

This is probably on my end: http://infosuite.duk...age=ae_water_a3

It's been ages since I wrote this page, but I recall using the old Alt + F / O key / Ctrl + PGDN method because, at the cost of being ugly, it was a nice step-by-step method that was almost guaranteed to work. That is, provided the design didn't get too complex. I would wager that the real reason I used that ugly method is because that's how I understood the effect at the time, combined with the fact that I was writing entire sections of the guide all at once, which would have significantly lowered the quality of my explanations.

This is the first time I've heard of any trouble with it, but I would like to rewrite that page anyway, because I am certain I can make it less difficult to get working, and more concise. I'll probably just stick with some variant of "start with a flat floor - place/tag the SE - slope the floor".

User is offline   Paul B 


Nukey you wrote that webpage guide? You are a genuis I find myself referencing it all the time! most of the time it helps but this water thing is driving me nuts.

This post has been edited by Paul B: 11 August 2012 - 09:14 AM


User is offline   Nukey 


View PostPaul B, on 11 August 2012 - 09:13 AM, said:

Nukey you wrote that webpage guide? You are a genuis I find myself referencing it all the time! most of the time it helps but this water thing is driving me nuts.

Thank you. As for the water issues, pick one underwater sector you're having trouble with and try this:

Flatten the sector floor, it should have absolutely no slope. I believe you can just point at the floor and use the forward slash ( / ) key to do this.

Move the SE to either the center of the sector, or near one corner of the sector (just to keep things simple). Make sure it's within the sector, and not resting on any of the walls.

Now move the above-water SE to the same relative location in the above-water sector.

Use Ctrl + PGDN on the below-water SE to make sure it rests exactly on the sector floor. You can do this to the above-water SE as well, although it shouldn't be necessary.

Slope the below-water sector's floor. You can slope it however you wish, and you can set any wall as the 'first-wall' (which acts as the axis of the slope) by using Alt + F in 2D mode.

Provided everything is tagged correctly, this should work. If it doesn't, send me the map and I'll take a look. I have absolutely no experience with TROR, but I doubt that is causing the issues.

This post has been edited by Nukey: 11 August 2012 - 09:50 AM


User is offline   Paul B 


View PostNukey, on 11 August 2012 - 09:42 AM, said:

Thank you. As for the water issues, pick one underwater sector you're having trouble with and try this:

Flatten the sector floor, it should have absolutely no slope. I believe you can just point at the floor and use the forward slash ( / ) key to do this.

Move the SE to either the center of the sector, or near one corner of the sector (just to keep things simple). Make sure it's within the sector, and not resting on any of the walls.

Now move the above-water SE to the same relative location in the above-water sector.

Use Ctrl + PGDN on the below-water SE to make sure it rests exactly on the sector floor. You can do this to the above-water SE as well, although it shouldn't be necessary.

Slope the below-water sector's floor. You can slope it however you wish, and you can set any wall as the 'first-wall' (which acts as the axis of the slope) by using Alt + F in 2D mode.

Provided everything is tagged correctly, this should work. If it doesn't, send me the map and I'll take a look. I have absolutely no experience with TROR, but I doubt that is causing the issues.

While in theory that sounds like it should work. It doesn't... It works right up to the part where the floor is not sloped. The minute I slope the floor the teleport only works one way. It works down into the water but not back up again. Now I have managed on this map to get two sloped sectors to function. But I've got many more to go and its not working very well at all. I'll send you the map and maybe you can help me find a better system to making this process more seemless. Thank you for your offer to help!

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View PostPaul B, on 11 August 2012 - 08:54 AM, said:

Even though the TROR is one big sector below the sector still has to align with the sectors above meaning that whatever divisions occur above the TROR sector have to be broken up below and be the exact same size as the sector above.

Wait, the bunch is 1:N? That won't work, for water they all have to be 1:1.

User is offline   Paul B 


View PostHelixhorned, on 11 August 2012 - 10:59 AM, said:

Wait, the bunch is 1:N? That won't work, for water they all have to be 1:1.

Isn't that what I just said in a non technical way? lol Helix you always have a way of wording it that makes me feel reh-tard.

This post has been edited by Paul B: 11 August 2012 - 11:00 AM


User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


Oh haha, it was more likely just me being too lazy to read your sentence to the end. ;)

User is offline   Nukey 


So this was a TROR issue after all?

This post has been edited by Nukey: 11 August 2012 - 11:37 AM


User is offline   Paul B 


View PostNukey, on 11 August 2012 - 11:37 AM, said:

So this was a TROR issue after all?

I'm not sure what's going on. I'm trying to clean up the other stupid mistakes i made in with the water sectors because there was more than one problem when I sent you the map and it wasn't making the problem very clear. So i've corrected these bad areas now and updated the map at the link that I sent you. I believe it to be a problem with SE7 in general i dont think TROR has anything to do with it.

User is offline   Paul B 


View PostPaul B, on 11 August 2012 - 11:41 AM, said:

I'm not sure what's going on. I'm trying to clean up the other stupid mistakes i made in with the water sectors because there was more than one problem when I sent you the map and it wasn't making the problem very clear. So i've corrected these bad areas now and updated the map at the link that I sent you. I believe it to be a problem with SE7 in general i dont think TROR has anything to do with it.

I think I may have figured it out. Helix mentioned something and I tried his advice and it worked the first time. I will report back if it works again and if this fixes my problem I will make it publicly available so people know what fixed the problem.

This post has been edited by Paul B: 11 August 2012 - 11:54 AM


User is offline   Nukey 


I think the biggest problem was that the below-water SE with Hi-Tag 37 belonged to the wrong sector and was angled downwards. This was causing problems with many of the adjacent sectors. After correcting that SE, the steps given previously solve any remaining issues. In any case, I'll be rewriting that page for the next version.

User is offline   Paul B 


Okay so the entire under water teleport problem with sloped floors has been fixed and solved. Thanks to much help from Helix and Nukey. The problem was that my underwater S.E 7 had to be at the same floor height as the actual floor without the slope. So what ever the original sector floor height is that is the same height the Sector Effector 7 has to be at. After the height has been determined and the Sector Effector is placed at that height the floor can then be sloped below the sector effector as long as the sector effector sprite doesn't change from the actual floor height. This took a while to figure out and I appreciate the help of those who contributed to my problem. I hope this makes sense for anyone else wanting to use the SE 7 with a sloped floor it is kind of tricky and the height and position of the under water sector effector is vital to making this effect work as intended.

This post has been edited by Paul B: 11 August 2012 - 01:24 PM


User is offline   Paul B 


View PostHelixhorned, on 11 August 2012 - 05:54 AM, said:

What? Who said that you have to align the SE on the first wall? I know that the MapFAQ says (or at least said at the time I used to read it) that it has to be placed on the lowest point, but the way I see it, the SE has to be at the same height as the floor if it were not sloped. And I'd rather place it inside the sector instead of at the boundary. Whether or not the teleporting takes place between TROR'd sectors or not is irrelevant, the mechanism is the same.

This was the post that lead me to my fix! Thank you!

User is offline   Paul B 


Bounce Mine (Sprite 940) - Doesn't appear to retain its custom size. Regardless of the stretched size the sprite shinks down to something very tiny in-game. The size of the sprite in mapster doesn't reflect the size of the sprite in game. It appears it can only be one size and that is.... SMALL.

Any suggestions on this one?

This post has been edited by Paul B: 11 August 2012 - 10:29 PM


User is offline   Nukey 


Have the keyboard scancodes been changed in Mapster32? That would explain why a lot of my keys weren't working until I disabled my remapping.

User is offline   Nukey 


REACTOR (#1088) and REACTOR2 (#578) are missing from the multiplayer-only (pal > 0) list in eduke32.

User is offline   Mark 


This problem is something I have noticed for at least a month or 2 but I just worked around it since it was a minor thing. But while I was making a test map with a custom texture with normal map I noticed again that SE49 point lights do not cast an even circle of light in all cases. In this instance if I remove the normal map for the texture the light displays as it should. But with the texture's normal map activated you can see the cut off side of the light. The closer the light gets to the floor, the more of the circle gets cut off on the one side. In the pic the light is fairly high up and should be illuminating the whole circle.

What would cause the normal map to give this problem ? BTW, the first time I noticed it was when mapping in Dukeplus. A couple of SE49 lights needed to be placed off center in 2D mode for them to look properly placed in 3D. I'm guessing it was because of this same problem. As I said in the beginning, it was a minor thing so I just offset the light in 2D. But now I would like to find an answer. Any ideas? Anyone else notice this?

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: light test.jpg

This post has been edited by Marked: 12 August 2012 - 02:51 PM


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