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Duke Nukem now owned by Take 2 as Embracer Group sells Gearbox  "IPs still to be developed by Gearbox?"

User is online   Lunick 


View PostDuke Nukem God Killer, on 14 April 2024 - 01:47 PM, said:

Lunick why are you here you hate video games, I seen your comment mother fucker, there really no point of you being in the video game world if you hate video's Games, also nice job with the megaton edition forums when people were reporting issues you help with megaton edition death lost your job and I went on to better things bigger AAA Games have a nice day jerkoff.

You too!

Posted Image


View Postgemeaux333, on 28 March 2024 - 02:43 PM, said:

Randy Pitchford in june of last year said during a podcast that the Duke Nukem movie will serve to take the temperature for a new game, I assume the present plans of Gearbox won't be upheaved

If it ever comes out. That movie has been in a limbo since the 90s

User is offline   Youri87 


Personally, I'm not hoping for a new Duke Nukem, but rather one (or both!) of two possibilities:
-a collection of all the Duke Nukem games (we did have a compilation of the 3 GTA games from the 128bits era)
-the ultimate Duke Nukem 3D compilation, with all add-ons, plus console versions (Saturn/64/PSX)

Sincerely, I'm hopeful.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostYouri87, on 15 April 2024 - 12:25 PM, said:

the ultimate Duke Nukem 3D compilation, with all add-ons, plus console versions (Saturn/64/PSX)

Gearbox said they will not rerelease the expansions because they're somehow "sexist" and "Racist"

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostYouri87, on 15 April 2024 - 12:25 PM, said:

-the ultimate Duke Nukem 3D compilation, with all add-ons, plus console versions (Saturn/64/PSX)

It's too late for me to edit my post, but to add to this:

Didn't TerminX try to create a compilation exactly like this, and was greenlit and then shut down by Gearbox?

User is offline   Youri87 


The strategy can change with the publisher's choices, that's my idea. Especially as modern times reveal that there is an "anti-woke" market (without getting into an ideological debate here). I'm French and in my country, films that are funded by the state for anything progressive are increasingly failing at the cinema, for example...
So I think we can hope for a new Duke Nukem project.
(And as for the sexist side, I can hear it (and still), but the racist side... I don't see it).

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Maybe it's time to take a second shot at a HTTK Edition release soon. Randy's pathetic attempt to overwrite Duke3D with his "own" version cannot and shouldn't be the final word.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostYouri87, on 16 April 2024 - 01:28 PM, said:

(And as for the sexist side, I can hear it (and still), but the racist side... I don't see it).

Frankly I can't see either. There's nothing in the expansions that's any worse or even comparable to what was in DNF, which Gearbox happily released. Using those as an excuse is pure hypocrisy, plain and simple. ck3d suspects it's just a cover reason, which I could buy because gearbox would rather piss off as many people as they can with a flimsy excuse rather than admit that WT is a broken, unfinished port that charged double the money for half the content.

View PostNightFright, on 16 April 2024 - 01:37 PM, said:

Maybe it's time to take a second shot at a HTTK Edition release soon. Randy's pathetic attempt to overwrite Duke3D with his "own" version cannot and shouldn't be the final word.

It shouldn't be but at this point I think it's an issue of stubborn pride. Randy really really really hates to admit he's wrong and will throw out any excuse to cover his ass or throw anyone under the bus so that he never has to say "yeah this is crap."

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 16 April 2024 - 03:54 PM


User is offline   Youri87 


Further on, we can also note that Zoom Platform was able to release Duke Nukem 3D on its site in 2021 with quite a few add-ons (including both Duke Zone but also the Penthouse level), without any hassle.

I hope that Take Two's fans of the saga will put the pressure on for this ultimate Duke Nukem 3D compilation.


DN3D was put on Zoom before the Mass Destruction lawsuit happened, just so you know.

and no, nothing is going to make T2 budge.


View PostSteve 64, on 14 April 2024 - 01:47 PM, said:

Lunick why are you here you hate video games, I seen your comment mother fucker, there really no point of you being in the video game world if you hate video's Games, also nice job with the megaton edition forums when people were reporting issues you help with megaton edition death lost your job and I went on to better things bigger AAA Games have a nice day jerkoff.

I hate it when gamers game all over my video's games.

It game's me out.

User is offline   gibfrag 

  • Honored Donor


I hope they never make a Duke movie so we can go on and on about the possibilities for decades to come! Really though, I think the time and place for a Duke movie was back in 1998-2000. It didn't' happen, time to move on.

As for a new game, I think they need to just make a new game that doesn't even need to be a sequel to DNF or remake or any lame shit. It just needs to be another Duke game, in any of the genres he can work in, with good gameplay and one-liners. If they are really clinched buttholed about Duke's ego offending blue haired fucks, then branch off from Duke's ego from Duke 1 & 2 to make him a bit more PG-13. If there's no new Duke game, ever, then all we'll have officially is rereleases every 5-10 years.

This post has been edited by DNSKILL5: 21 April 2024 - 10:23 AM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostLunick, on 14 April 2024 - 04:19 PM, said:

You too!

So this happened apparently.


User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


Interesting argument. Unfortunately for you, I've made this meme where you're the ugly face and I'm the handsome face.

User is online   Lunick 


View PostNinety-Six, on 21 April 2024 - 12:40 PM, said:

So this happened apparently.

Is sucking cock supposed to be an insult? :unsure:

User is online   Phredreeke 


View PostNinety-Six, on 16 April 2024 - 03:54 PM, said:

Frankly I can't see either. There's nothing in the expansions that's any worse or even comparable to what was in DNF, which Gearbox happily released. Using those as an excuse is pure hypocrisy, plain and simple. ck3d suspects it's just a cover reason, which I could buy because gearbox would rather piss off as many people as they can with a flimsy excuse rather than admit that WT is a broken, unfinished port that charged double the money for half the content.

At the same time can we please stop looking at Megaton Edition with rose-tinted glasses? The content was great. As a port though, it was held back by the limitations of Polymost at the time. Things like the sky bending when you look up or down, or the floor turning into hall of mirrors when you're shrunk.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostPhredreeke, on 21 April 2024 - 05:48 PM, said:

At the same time can we please stop looking at Megaton Edition with rose-tinted glasses? The content was great. As a port though, it was held back by the limitations of Polymost at the time. Things like the sky bending when you look up or down, or the floor turning into hall of mirrors when you're shrunk.

I've never been under the illusion of otherwise. But at least Megaton didn't black screen of death on boot half the time.

I mainly am focusing on the content, anyway. Atomic + the three major expansions, $10. World Tour is Atomic, plus a short episode of levels that weren't even completely finished, for $20. And unstable as hell.

User is online   Phredreeke 


At least there's Zoom

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostPhredreeke, on 22 April 2024 - 08:38 AM, said:

Indeed. And it shames WT even harder.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


View PostMultiplexa, on 11 April 2024 - 10:48 AM, said:

The dream of Gearbox allowing Flying Wild Hog to work on a new Duke game with consulting from 3D Realms has now been replaced by the dream of an official DNF 2001 release.

"3D Realms" doesn't exist. George, Scott, Todd, and Allen are not a group of 30 somethings under the same roof anymore. Besides, I wouldn't trust any of them at this stage anyway. George is off gambling, eating, and tweeting. Scott is cucking for woke culture, mocking religion, and cowering over "offensive jokes" in the few mediocre products he gets his name put on.

Everyone else? Who the Hell knows.<br><br>Bottom line? There is nobody around with the spine to actually do Duke Nukem right. People around these parts know my feelings about Jon, and they have not changed. I wince any time people say he's "good with the fans." He's an asshole, and he has repeatedly professed a want to see Duke get a woke companion to resolve his PC ways, and when some of us suggested that maybe he could treat that character the way Ash treated Ted in Evil Dead Regeneration, he whined and blocked people. With all of those pieces? You'd have to basically cut Jon out of the creative side entirely. Here are your lines, read them.

You'd need developers who would be willing to tell the politically correct people to piss off. To be unapologetic with who the Duke character is. Most important of all? How the Hell do you make Duke Nukem stand out in terms of gameplay today? Everyone bends over and sticks their head up their asses over Doom Eternal. That's what you've got to make an FPS today or it's no good, according to a very vocal group of FPS players.

My pitch would be to bring back the dark, gritty, tone of Duke Nukem 3D and what we see in the 2001 build of DNF. Make a world that is seedy, perpetually cast in night, lit with neon and dying florescence. A semi-futuristic world with a good layer of oppression to it. I don't know, you can make it aliens, or you can make it Proton, or you could make it some new badguy. Doesn't really matter.

I'd make the core feeling and gameplay centered around "living the action movie experience." From the combat, to the interactivity in the world. You should truly feel "in the boots" of Duke Nukem, who would look like he walked right off the cover art of Duke Nukem 3D. Lose the gloves and the "costume" look of DNF 2011. Dark dark blue jeans, red tank, ALICE web gear, nuke belt buckle, and his classic Raybans. (Jon, get back to gritting your fucking teeth when you say the lines.).

The world should be full of stuff to play with, both inside of and outside of combat. You should have a full arsenal and inventory, with returning and new items and equipment. Ego system that does not have regenerating health, but instead forces you to play aggressively, search out secrets, and engage with the environment - whether it's playing minigames, or finding cool shit, you are rewarded.

The problem is, no such team exists to make it. There's no money. There's no resolve to do it. Over on facebook, on The Duke Cave, things have been said in private conversation by certain persons close to the IP who have made it clear that "Duke is dead." and "He would have to be fundamentally changed" and "not Duke." IE: Until someone comes a long with money to put down to hire people to make the thing, and the rights issues can be clear and solid... It just isn't going to happen. If I were God, 3D Realms would reunite, with all legacy rights returns to them, back to Texas. Young blood from the indy scene would be brought in, and a new Duke game would be developed as a PC game first, with a port handled later. With the design goals locked in early on.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostOpenMaw, on 07 June 2024 - 03:10 PM, said:

My pitch would be to bring back the dark, gritty, tone of Duke Nukem 3D and what we see in the 2001 build of DNF. Make a world that is seedy, perpetually cast in night, lit with neon and dying florescence. A semi-futuristic world with a good layer of oppression to it. I don't know, you can make it aliens, or you can make it Proton, or you could make it some new badguy. Doesn't really matter.

I'd make the core feeling and gameplay centered around "living the action movie experience." From the combat, to the interactivity in the world. You should truly feel "in the boots" of Duke Nukem, who would look like he walked right off the cover art of Duke Nukem 3D. Lose the gloves and the "costume" look of DNF 2011. Dark dark blue jeans, red tank, ALICE web gear, nuke belt buckle, and his classic Raybans.


The world should be full of stuff to play with, both inside of and outside of combat. You should have a full arsenal and inventory, with returning and new items and equipment. Ego system that does not have regenerating health, but instead forces you to play aggressively, search out secrets, and engage with the environment - whether it's playing minigames, or finding cool shit, you are rewarded.


Over on facebook, on The Duke Cave, things have been said in private conversation by certain persons close to the IP who have made it clear that "Duke is dead." and "He would have to be fundamentally changed" and "not Duke."

Gonna ask the stupid question here: if the official side of things is so bleak, wouldn't it make sense for the community to create their own character and build their own game around him/her, preserving the spirit but not the specifics of Duke?

How much investment is there in the character per se that would make such a shift unpopular? You say that the original creators no longer care, or have changed their views and do not approve of Duke's character anymore. It looks like the big companies only value Duke because of the past goodwill and character recognition that should supposedly bring in money. On the other hand, I think that Shelly in Ion Fury worked marvelously, which is probably in part because gameplay trumps aesthetics, and the character is badass because of what you can do with him/her in the game, rather than because of who he/she is. Good voice acting also helps, though.

Make a new character with no ties to any existing IPs and build the game around that character. I have no doubt that there is enough community talent to pull it off in terms of art, audio and level design. And with some creativity, that character can be made original enough to maintain the spirit but not come across as simply a knockoff. Could The AMC Squad serve as a starting point? (incidentally, its premise is that "Duke is dead", right?) I certainly would prefer this to still be a Build engine game, of course. My contention is that it is Build that made Duke who he is -- the platformers are pretty generic at their core, and whatever character buildup there is in the intermissions is just flavour. Would this work in a different engine? Quake or Quake II would be interesting I guess.

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


Of course there isn't any money or resolve to do this, because people with resolve and money aren't insane and complaining about wokeness constantly. There isn't a "complaining about wokeness in a 7 paragraph comment" consumer market either, so you'd have to come up with a new character and IP that brings something to the table more interesting than "tells politically correct people to piss off". And "young blood from the indie scene" wouldn't want to work on this project, because it's exhausting working with or for people who are so self-obsessed with politics and culture war that they're constantly doing purity tests on whether something is "woke" or not.


View PostReaper_Man, on 11 June 2024 - 03:52 PM, said:

Of course there isn't any money or resolve to do this, because people with resolve and money aren't insane and complaining about wokeness constantly. There isn't a "complaining about wokeness in a 7 paragraph comment" consumer market either, so you'd have to come up with a new character and IP that brings something to the table more interesting than "tells politically correct people to piss off". And "young blood from the indie scene" wouldn't want to work on this project, because it's exhausting working with or for people who are so self-obsessed with politics and culture war that they're constantly doing purity tests on whether something is "woke" or not.

None of the things in your post were suggested to placed in the product. They were merely for the purpose of preventing people with certain mental disfunctions from disfiguring a duke game, again.

User is offline   Smikes 


View PostMrFlibble, on 08 June 2024 - 02:05 AM, said:

Gonna ask the stupid question here: if the official side of things is so bleak, wouldn't it make sense for the community to create their own character and build their own game around him/her, preserving the spirit but not the specifics of Duke?

How much investment is there in the character per se that would make such a shift unpopular? You say that the original creators no longer care, or have changed their views and do not approve of Duke's character anymore. It looks like the big companies only value Duke because of the past goodwill and character recognition that should supposedly bring in money. On the other hand, I think that Shelly in Ion Fury worked marvelously, which is probably in part because gameplay trumps aesthetics, and the character is badass because of what you can do with him/her in the game, rather than because of who he/she is. Good voice acting also helps, though.

Make a new character with no ties to any existing IPs and build the game around that character. I have no doubt that there is enough community talent to pull it off in terms of art, audio and level design. And with some creativity, that character can be made original enough to maintain the spirit but not come across as simply a knockoff. Could The AMC Squad serve as a starting point? (incidentally, its premise is that "Duke is dead", right?) I certainly would prefer this to still be a Build engine game, of course. My contention is that it is Build that made Duke who he is -- the platformers are pretty generic at their core, and whatever character buildup there is in the intermissions is just flavour. Would this work in a different engine? Quake or Quake II would be interesting I guess.

100% agree. I may be the only person, but I was looking forward to Aftershock more than I'm looking for to the next Duke game.

It saddens me though to see worthwhile projects like HTTK and prototype assets kept under locks.

User is online   Phredreeke 


Duke should piss off the liberals AND the conservatives. Like South Park.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


Duke3d wasn't about 'pissing' anybody off - except maybe the devs from doom and quake.
The game was a compilation of pop culture at the time, and the protagonist was a melting pot of action heroes from multiple main stream films.

That thing that came out in 2011 was bad. Bad writing. Bad voice acting. Cut and ship product. Pop culture that was already outdated by over a decade.

Current pop culture sucks, as do most of the recent action movie heroes.
The only way to make a Duke game work would be to mock all of it, not incorporate it into the character.

The 'feelz are more important than physical reality' group would still get mad anyway. Everything makes them mad.

This post has been edited by Forge: 28 June 2024 - 06:02 AM


User is offline   gibfrag 

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Take 2 balls of feel and call me in the morning Posted Image

This post has been edited by DNSKILL5: 28 June 2024 - 07:31 PM


User is offline   juvenite 


View PostSmikes, on 27 June 2024 - 06:57 PM, said:

100% agree. I may be the only person, but I was looking forward to Aftershock more than I'm looking for to the next Duke game.

It saddens me though to see worthwhile projects like HTTK and prototype assets kept under locks.

I'll side with you and say that I also look forward to more games like Ion Fury or AMC Squad. Bringing politics to games like retro shooters, no matter the political "side" it leans to, is just completely lame. What needs to be done is a game people want to play, because it expands upon the foundations of the classics, not surface-level political statements. Let people write their damn characters.
Hence why I just don't trust any corporation to get Duke right, the community can barely decide on his character anymore either. If we want good Duke stuff (or even anything related), people need to come back to their senses and realize this is frivolous shit no one in their right mind should care about.

This post has been edited by juvenite: 29 June 2024 - 12:56 PM


User is offline   MrFlibble 


 juvenite, on 29 June 2024 - 12:56 PM, said:

What needs to be done is a game people want to play, because it expands upon the foundations of the classics, not surface-level political statements. Let people write their damn characters.

Exactly. The question is, Build or no Build?

Personally, I'm perfectly fine with Build, and I honestly believe that an infinite number of fun games can be produced with it without becoming repetitive. However, I do understand that others might want something newer. I won't mind a game on the Quake 1-3 engine, I suppose. Will it work well? I guess that in the right developers' hands, it will!

I'm also fully committed to the idea that The AMC Squad setting is just about perfect for a community-drivent Duke-legacy game (since it already is one). If you just go about without mentioning Duke at all (while leaving the implicit idea), it should be fine. However, The AMC Squad, having been born as a TC, still uses a lot of character and monster designs that were originally from other games, even though sebabdukeboss20 reimagined them as (exceptionally cool) higher-resolution versions.

Let me get carried away a bit. My tentative "proposition" (or, rather, a wild but not completely unrealistic fantasy/idea) is to scale down a bit and maybe pick a couple of characters from The AMC Squad (selectable for solo and possibly AI co-op play along the lines of Alien Armageddon) and give them a more linear campaign as the basic single-player mode. I only played The AMC Squad for a little bit, but there are some really nice characters with original one-liners that would fill in the protagonist role quite well as it seems. The enemy roster would have to be redone with completely original characters if this hypothetical community game is to bee really free and independent of any proprietary franchise (and henceforth potential interference from "interested parties"), but again, I do not doubt the artistic and creative talent of the esteemed community members here.

The range of settings employed in The AMC Squad already proves that you can have both sci-fi and fantasy elements without a stylistic clash, so the game could be just about anything. Personally, I liked that old Ancient Greek TC called Secrets of the Acropolis, and I wouldn't mind at least one level set in Ancient Greece, which is generally an underused theme in FPS games as it seems. Be it time travel or world travel or whatever.

In fact, assuming that this is still a Build game roughly following the lines of Duke3D, one could have completely different episodes with separate themes and enemy rosters, and I suppose possibly even weapons (?).

At any rate, at this point there seems to be enough community-created, original content to work with that could become the basis of a purely original new Build game, at least.

User is offline   juvenite 


I think not a lot of people will agree with me on this one, but here comes a very long, rambly but honest wall of text:

Personally I don't care much if it stays Build or not. This is one of the very things I've been talking to Ck3D about, actually. I think the Duke community is still (understandbly so I suppose) very attached to the Duke character instead of everything else that actually made Duke 3D great to begin with sometimes. Basically, more original usermade content needs and deserves attention, specially ones that really try to do something unique within Build/eduke.

I don't want this to be taken as a shill for my stuff, but I am myself working on a video about an old usermap (x64-2) that ck showed me recently that just really stuck with me. To me, it's a prime example that really cool things can be done with the Build engine, even if it does require extra steps compared to other engines like Doom's. However, for that to happen, people need to be a little more open for innovations in gameplay, storytelling and setting.

That's where I'm trying to get at with a little discussion that's been happening over in May's Mod of the Month Club: Build only has any shred of relevancy today because of the community. It's not just the base games. They grow old, they age, people get tired of 'em. However, it's because of the community that has soaken sweat and blood into projects for franchises that barely get any attention anymore, that makes Build games special. And what bothers me is that, as you said, the Build engine *does* have potential to be much more than what people have been defaulting to do with it. That's one of the reasons why games like Doom and its modding scene seem so much bigger. They have a lot more to offer, and it's not always just from an accessibility or technical point of view (though it undeniably is a factor), but also because people try to do a lot of diverse things through it.

Whether you personally like them or not, it's up to you. But that influx of different people with different ideas is what keeps games decades-old still alive and running. Just pure nostalgia isn't cutting anymore, so either people really start trying making something actually new out of something old, or it's just gonna keep sinking and sinking into irrelevancy. All nostalgia does is dating and making projects look like part of a "trend", rather than something with legs to stand on their own.

But not everyone has that ambition to make something that deviates from the norm (and still manages to make it GOOD). Few do nowadays, in fact. It's a lot easier to follow the trends, as they're hugely incentivized by social media algorithms, than to actually try making an unique experience or to convey a different message than the status quo of any particular kind.
And here's the thing: no one has any obligation to do this. You do whatever the hell is that you like, but the ones that would like be ambitious, can't really find the motivation right now, because they know they might be barely even seen for their efforts at all.

This isn't to be pessimistic in anyway, quite the opposite. I've been making myself active and somewhat vocal about my opinions here because I have hope it's not too late to make a change, even though I'm really just a nobody on a dying forum. But I digress, this could just be me speaking nonsense, venting my own personal frustrations for never finding the motivation to pursue my own Duke projects for a myriad of reasons. Call it projection if you will, but I have a hunch I'm not the only one who feels like this.

I ain't giving up though. We gotta stay up making our own contributions in our own ways, as long as they're sincere. Then, who knows, maybe new eyes might come. Duke and retro shooters in general are returning to people's conscience for now, so we'll see what will get out of it.

This post has been edited by juvenite: 04 July 2024 - 11:16 PM


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