This here is going to be a thread for me to post some interesting screenshots as well as information on certain stuff in this mod.
Before doing that, however, I'd like to give you all a basic idea of what this whole thing is about and what it has. Of course, I don't have everything about it written down here.
Goal of the project
The Man Standing in Their Way
His Mission
With some of that info out of the way, let's discuss what's in the actual mod:
Episodes and Levels
Weapons (subject to change)
I'll leave enemies for another time because I'm not entirely sure what I want.
Nothing here is final.

3D Realms (the original guys, not the poseurs in charge of it nowadays)
Cage (for creating beta-styled assets)
TerminX (for posting legit pieces of beta assets on the Duke4 discord and giving me some ideas for the mod)
Hendricks266 (for also posting a few bits)
KingaAss (for inspiring me to start this project)
Jimmy (for ripping hud stuff from beta screenshots)
Triaxis (i might have used something he made. i can't remember that well cuz i've lost track of some stuff)
Oasiz (i think his analyses on lameduke might have inspired me in some way. again, can't remember)
Aleks, Sangman, Futuretime23, and several others on the Duke4 Discord (for being very supportive of the project)
Phredreeke (plz stop sending me ai generated garbage)
Lezing (creator of extclut)
Lunick (for putting bits of prototype content on his tumblr blog, duke3dmaps.tumblr.com)
Jet Nick (he ripped something from a beta screenshot and now i'm making use of it)
Warrenkprince92 (STOP STEALING MY SHIT)
Frederik Schreiber
Stay tuned. There is more information to come... I hope.