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[LEAKED] Duke Nukem Forever 2001  "It is not a joke."

User is offline   brullov 

  • Senior Artist at TGK


I created this topic to make it easier for you to download and install the game. I'm not responsible for redistributing these files, download and use them at your own risk. This instruction is made by @EduardoBruwurbs on Twitter, kudos to him for helping install the dream (I'll just copy/paste his instruction here).

Step one, download the archive somewhere

Step two, select all the .rar files and extract them to a singular folder of the same name as the regular name of the .rar files by right clocking on the selected files. (This option should appear if you use Winrar):


Upon extracting;
1. Copy the contents of Patches/MegaPatch/ into the october folder
2. Run October 26/System/DukeForever.exe And to acivate the objectives system, paste this file on the System folder (courtesy of Zombie from Duke4): download

If you wish to use the August build, just copy and paste its contents onto the October build's folder.



User is offline   hiczok 


"2. Run October 26/System/DukeForever.exe And to acivate the objectives system, paste this file on the System folder (courtesy of Zombie from Duke4)"

What is that ? What objectives? who made this file?

This post has been edited by hiczok: 10 May 2022 - 06:51 AM


User is offline   Lunick 


View Posthiczok, on 10 May 2022 - 06:50 AM, said:

"2. Run October 26/System/DukeForever.exe And to acivate the objectives system, paste this file on the System folder (courtesy of Zombie from Duke4)"

What is that ? What objectives? who made this file?

Zombie on the Duke4 Discord fixed up the Objectives system. In the inventory 7 is supposed to show you your objectives (not every level has them assigned) and Zombie fixed the file to show it.

User is offline   hiczok 


I see it works !
Please keep the fixes coming !

I am going through the beginning and lady killer casino is pretty well done. Just had to noclip through one door in the beginning and one fire.
You fix the doors, voice acting on the maid, add music and it's done.
The atmosphere is really nice and coming through much better than 2011 version... yikes


Wow so happy about this!!

Can't get the mouse to move its stuck in the top left corner and the only keys that work are F12 and Escape. I've tried adding it to Steam and adding a controller as a keyboard option and still no luck!

EDIT Fixed it by changeing DirectInput to True.

HERE WE GO!!!!!!

This post has been edited by Sinisterambo: 10 May 2022 - 10:03 AM


User is offline   Mark 


I'm going to wait for a while and let the community sort out any issues that may pop up. Or come up with more patches or add-ons for a better experience. Until then, I'm content with seeing a short vid or 2 and some screenshots. My curiosity has been satiated.


View PostLunick, on 10 May 2022 - 06:52 AM, said:

Zombie on the Duke4 Discord fixed up the Objectives system. In the inventory 7 is supposed to show you your objectives (not every level has them assigned) and Zombie fixed the file to show it.

I can't even open the file once I downloaded it. It's just a .u file. What program do I use? I've copied it into the folder but its done nothing. Please help.

User is offline   necroslut 


View PostForgot2016LoginDetails, on 10 May 2022 - 10:25 AM, said:

I can't even open the file once I downloaded it. It's just a .u file. What program do I use? I've copied it into the folder but its done nothing. Please help.

You don't need to open it. Just copy it into the System folder, overwriting the one already there. ".u" is an Unreal script file.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


I've followed the steps and applied all the patches, but all I can get is a black screen with the Megadeth song.

User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


I saw someone say that if you get a blank white screen, just wait and it will eventually come up. But if you get a blank black screen, restart your PC and try again.

User is offline   Green 


For those making an effort to use DukeED, I'll provide the following advice from my experiences using it as an exploration tool to discover the game level paths:

- You MUST run DukeED from a short length dir (C:\Duke4), failing to do so will result in maps, texture, mesh, and audio packages refusing to load

- It's necessary to load packages (meshes, textures) individually or the in-editor browsers refuse to list the entire contents

- The MegaPatch can have issues with DukeED causing random crashes likely due to the use of compatibility layers, said MegaPatch also includes a mouse capture fix that can cause your mouse to become 'stuck' in the viewports

- You may need to go to /players/DukeED and ensure the rendering devices are set to Direct3D and not software or you will encounter numerous crashes, this also applies to your player profile itself


As far as the game itself goes:

Using DukeED as a guide and searching for the level transport and trigger actors I've been able to establish you're able to play in sequence complete with level transitions -

Chapters: "The Lady Killer", "Las Vegas Blvd", "Leaving Las Vegas", "Slick Willy", "Stratosfear", "This is not a boating accident!", "Power Struggle", and "Countdown to Destruction".

"Heat Wave" has no real polished or connected levels and only the Mule Ride and Minecar appear to be functional in that chapter, but exist as extended versions of the E3 sequences with no established level end points or transitions.

"Ghost Town" contains clear intent and progression, interesting locations and concepts, and sequence involving a puzzle hunt but largely lacks any significant combat encounters. Similar to the chapters up until "Heat Wave" every map is connected and you're able to navigate from beginning to end of the entire segment.

"Ground Zero (EDF Base)" can be played from !z4l1_1 - !z4l1_6 (Rec Center) until you reach the missile silos seen in the 2001 trailer which appear to be incomplete with no real string of events as earlier sections of the game have and EDF Base contain - these silo maps are a set of several maps that continue to have level transport actors for the intended path but no clear functional progression or encounters exist. This section appears to end with the final level teleport sending you to the "Deja Vu" Hollywood Holocaust map.

"Area 51", "Inside the Computer", "Moon Patrol", and "Mother Ship" represent the least finished content and are largely empty levels that represent little more than conceptual work and blockouts with varying degrees of art passes. Area 51 and Inside The Computer include a basic level of gameplay and intended progression, you're able to move through and progress through a large chunk of these maps but there's not much populating them and more specific to the Inside The Computer chapter you reach a point where it runs out of content without any clear progression or level end/transition point. These chapters in particular are more clear as intent for the progression of the game narrative and contain practically no enemy encounters in this state.

Moon Patrol and Mother Ship are little more than early concepts, and are practically completely empty aside from a few props and test setups such as what appears to be a gigantic rock 'em sock 'em robot fight.


View PostLunick, on 10 May 2022 - 06:52 AM, said:

Zombie on the Duke4 Discord fixed up the Objectives system. In the inventory 7 is supposed to show you your objectives (not every level has them assigned) and Zombie fixed the file to show it.

To elaborate: I was looking through the UnrealScript files and saw a bunch of stuff about objectives in DukeHUD.uc and dnSinglePlayer.uc. It was all commented out so I just uncommented it. Rebuilt the scripts and bam, it works.


The way it's meant to be played lol
It's damn surreal finally playing it on the same monitor I watched the trailer from the Manhattan Project CD all the way back in 2002.
Posted Image

User is offline   nino76 


View PostEvilEmperorZoRG {GR}, on 11 May 2022 - 03:54 AM, said:

The way it's meant to be played lol
It's damn surreal finally playing it on the same monitor I watched the trailer from the Manhattan Project CD all the way back in 2002.

I remember in 99 I bought voodoo2, and only because Deorge Brussard promised 3dfx support in Duke :)

This post has been edited by nino76: 11 May 2022 - 04:05 AM


User is offline   N64 


The game works well with the october build and megapatch.

I suggest changing this line for full screen with no performance loss (don't press ALT + ENTER)

"October 26\Players\Duke\DukeForever.ini"


It's amazing for 2001. The game needs one public subversion repositories (SVN) like "Duke4.net Community Build"

where people can fix the build and download the most up-to-date revision.

Posted Image

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostJimmy, on 10 May 2022 - 03:05 PM, said:

I saw someone say that if you get a blank white screen, just wait and it will eventually come up. But if you get a blank black screen, restart your PC and try again.

Restarted, same result.

User is offline   mortuus 


why do u have to copy content from august to play the other build ?

User is offline   Scarred 


i think this would be a good thread to post the console commands.

i only know summon pistol, summon shotgun and summon m16.

User is offline   Gambini 



I suggest changing this line for full screen with no performance loss (don't press ALT + ENTER)

"October 26\Players\Duke\DukeForever.ini"


This is not working on my end. I get a small window with glitched menu and I can start a game, but then i see no models.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: Screenshot_5.png


User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


View Postmortuus, on 12 May 2022 - 02:09 AM, said:

why do u have to copy content from august to play the other build ?

Probably because they couldn't get the actual August build they had running, either because it was bugged or incomplete. You're basically dropping August assets over top of the October build so it can fill in those gaps and you get a close approximation of what the game was like in August.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostNinety-Six, on 11 May 2022 - 07:24 PM, said:

Restarted, same result.

Apparently I can press escape, and below the music I can hear what sounds like a menu opening. I can't use any keys to navigate it, but if I press enter while this menu is open the game closes. I'm not sure if it's crashing or it's defaulting to a quit function.

User is offline   NY00123 


As I wrote in the other thread, it'd be nice if we could get a DNF prototype in a more formal and legitimate manner, but either way, I think that what did happen brought with it a quite significant community interest.

Additional notes for anyone who tries to run the prototype:
- Expect to have problems, as usual.
- If you give multiplayer a try, data integrity is important. You might not see a clear message on screen if there's a problem. Even the aforementioned patch of Zombie might make it impossible to connect to servers if it leads to data mismatch.
- More community updates might come; We'll probably see what happens later.
- Manual loading of saved games may fail if the path includes a directory with space in its name.
- If you try running this on Wine or an older OS, you might have to use a different d3d8 dll file (or possibly just have no file named in d3d8.dll in the directory at all).
- If you try running the build on an old OS with VirtualBox, you might need a version preceding 6.1. VirtualBox 6.1 dropped support for 3D acceleration in older versions of Windows (as the guest OS).
- If you rather use VMware (e.g., VMware Workstation Player), the VMware Tools ISO or archive might have to be correctly picked for compatibility with an older guest OS. It's also possible that you'll have to set "virtualHW.version" to a lower value in the vmx file for greater compatibility.


View PostGambini, on 12 May 2022 - 06:54 AM, said:

This is not working on my end. I get a small window with glitched menu and I can start a game, but then i see no models.

That looks like you're using the software renderer, try editing your DukeForever.ini and set the renderer to D3DDrv


I made this for fans, I upscale the original cover and art of DNF 2001 using some AI upscale ans other photoshop utilities. I hope like you!! I want to do the complet DVD layer some day, if someone complete the game.



Always bet on Duke!

User is offline   Darkus 


So, it happened? When I read the news that DNF2001 leaked, I literally ran here to see if it's true... I'm currently downloading it, so it could take some time before I could test this. Oh Yes, I read that there are a lot of unfinished empty levels, it's buggy and some users have problems making it work properly, so I keep my fingers crossed :dukewhistle:

User is offline   Gambini 


View PostTheZombieKiller, on 12 May 2022 - 06:46 PM, said:

That looks like you're using the software renderer, try editing your DukeForever.ini and set the renderer to D3DDrv

Thanks! It´s already set to D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice, and no luck.

October 26 build without the Megapatch does work though, but I get glitchy models everywhere. The View weapons specially (or anything i get very close to).

User is offline   Darkus 


No luck for me either, even after applied the megapatch i'm having the same problem. looks like the engine is not detecting the D8 render, and fallback to the software render.

Edit: Hmm, after looking the INI files, there *seems* that there is a third render called 'GlideDrv.GlideRenderDevice', nobody tried this one?

Edit2: WOO, I made it work! :woot:

Posted Image

I edited the file Players/Duke/DukeForever.ini, to use the Glide render, so first go to the [Engine.Engine] part, there should be this:


And I changed every D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice to GlideDrv.GlideRenderDevice (only in the [Engine.Engine] part don't go further). it should be like this:


However it increased loading times for some reason, so be patient.
Hope this helped.

This post has been edited by Darkus: 13 May 2022 - 06:16 AM


User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


The tutorial in the first post of this thread should be edited to mention that you should just go ahead and install your DNF 2001 folder to the main root of your HDD because a long directory path causes issues with trying to use DukeEd. Too many new people are trying to use it and totally unaware of that.

User is offline   Gambini 


View PostDarkus, on 13 May 2022 - 05:50 AM, said:

I edited the file Players/Duke/DukeForever.ini, to use the Glide render, so first go to the [Engine.Engine] part, there should be this:


And I changed every D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice to GlideDrv.GlideRenderDevice (only in the [Engine.Engine] part don't go further). it should be like this:


However it increased loading times for some reason, so be patient.
Hope this helped.

I manage to play in fullscreen by doing that, but still with the same problems. It all looks like it´s software render.

This post has been edited by Gambini: 13 May 2022 - 11:56 AM


User is offline   Macfly 


Hello guys . I'v made an count just to tell you that fans are already creating the first mods / patches for this version :)
I Find new Fix and one Mod on Mod DB few days after leak :o

DNF 2001 Music Patch : DOWNLOAD


This mod enables music in every level from Z1L1_2, to Z1L5_5 with some additional special music sequences such as stingers when something dramatic happens and the first bike segment playing grab bag when you get on. This also includes the Z1L1_5 level fix by Sgt. Headcrab.

to install, place 'Music' and 'maps' in your october 26 directory, and replace all.
(made by babbygremlin)
(Z1L1_5 level fix by Sgt. Headcrab)


Z1L1_1 - None
Z1L1_2 - YSOMF_Ambient1
Z1L1_3 - YSOMF_Ambient3 / YSOMF_Stinger2
Z1L1_4 - YSOMF_Ambient4
Z1L1_5 - YSOMF_Ambient2
Z1L1_6 - YSOMF_Ambient1
Z1L1_7 - YSOMF_Ambient2
Z1L1_8 - YSOMF_Ambient4
Z1L1_9 - YSOMF_Ambient3
Z1L2_1 - YSOMF_Ambient1
Z1L2_1a - YSOMF_Ambient2
Z1L2_2 - YSOMF_Ambient3 / Duke Nukem Theme by Megadeth (when you get the bike)
Z1L2_3 - YSOMF_Ambient4
Z1L2_4 - YSOMF_Ambient1
Z1L2_5 - YSOMF_Ambient4
Z1L3_1 - YSOMF_Ambient3
Z1L4_1 - YSOMF_Ambient2
Z1L4_2 - Lesson1_ClubCut_dampened1
Z1L4_3 - Lesson1_ClubCut_dampened1 (The level says it uses this version, im not sure why)
Z1L4_4 - YSOMF_Ambient1 (possibly stinger 1 or 2 when the trailer gets shot up)
Z1L4_5 - Lesson1_ClubCut (already in the game)
Z1L4_6 - Lesson1_ClubCut (already in the game)
Z1L5_1 - YSOMF_Ambient3
Z1L5_2 - YSOMF_Ambient4
Z1L5_2a - YSOMF_Ambient2 <--- this is where the game stops being playable
Z1L5_2b - YSOMF_Ambient1

Black Desert Eagle : DOWNLOAD

Posted Image


This mod just takes the black world model texture that is used by NPCs and the collectable item for the desert eagle and adjusts it for duke's deagle.

to install just extract, drag, and drop the ''textures'' file into your october build directory.
(made by babbygremlin)

This post has been edited by Macfly: 13 May 2022 - 02:40 PM


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