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NetDuke32 - Enhanced Duke3D Netplay!  "Netplay-centric EDuke32 fork, the successor to EDuke32-OldMP."

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Upvote was supposed to be supportive of you and not supportive the terrible situation you are describing (just saying that in case you see my upvote and think it's strange). Out of curiosity, what would you say are/were your main remaining goals for NetDuke32?

I think some of us who spent a lot of time making build stuff are closer to your situation than we would care to admit. The years do indeed just seem to burn away. However, I do think it's time better spent than on a lot of other things, like gambling or talking with stupid people.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


View PostDanukem, on 11 October 2024 - 10:32 PM, said:

Upvote was supposed to be supportive of you and not supportive the terrible situation you are describing (just saying that in case you see my upvote and think it's strange). Out of curiosity, what would you say are/were your main remaining goals for NetDuke32?

I think some of us who spent a lot of time making build stuff are closer to your situation than we would care to admit. The years do indeed just seem to burn away. However, I do think it's time better spent than on a lot of other things, like gambling or talking with stupid people.

Well, my main remaining goals were:

  • Figure out the last remaining sync issues (seems to be compiler-specific fuckery going on here with the collision code. No idea why it happens)
  • Figure out why the netcode breaks down when the player count rises above 6 or so. (This has been the most frustrating thing so far for me)
  • Move all networking code over to ENet.
  • Remove all assumptions about there only being one player per client (ie. multiple local players)
  • Implement rollback netcode and in-game joining.
  • Fix controller support.
  • Implement local splitscreen support.
  • Finish my work on implementing AngelScript support.

I have started a number of these things with varying amounts of progress, but stopped due to burnout. At this point, I don't even remember where I left off with some of these, so it's going to take a lot of effort to pick them back up. Anyone can look at my branches on voidpoint.io and probably get an idea of where I was going with these if they took the time to study them, I suppose.

User is offline   NY00123 


I knew something like this could happen, given that most of your last updates to NetDuke32 seem to be close to a year old, along with you having past tasks for Ion Fury: Aftershock, plus your more recent work on TerminalFury. If you feel having a break is (much) better for you, that should be what matters. While the word "burned" was used when referring to 8 years stemming from work on NetDuke32 (and possibly also related projects), it's work that had its use not just for you Striker, but also for other people, mainly for playing multiplayer games. So, you did something benefiting other people.

While obviously not the same situation, I may add the following point. As I also wrote about a different project of mine last September, it might not necessarily imply I won't ever contribute code to the project in question again, but my priorities are basically elsewhere.

User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


I feel you... <3 For me, Build kind of reached it's peak "mass appeal" potential around polymer era and a second set of really nice things happened few years back with the "source port renaissance" and a bunch of QoL things that made the engine much much better in terms of performance, smoothness (some of where you had direct input) and things like TROR. Fury pushed a bunch of areas but not things like the RE'd stuff.
I do however see the point of diminishing returns and especially when it comes to the audience reach of today.. Even 10 years ago Duke was ancient and the next 10 years kind of flew by since. Cool things will still happen but motivation and let alone justification is harder to come by. "Lameduke" is two months away from being 30 years old now. That's almost 10 years of world tour.
Working on Fury for so many years resulted in thing I can be proud about, while having contributions you are a part of. I got burned out as hell on that but all the more I can respect what you've done over the years with tedium like this. Build is a piece of shit engine where it's always a toxic relationship with a dose of stockholm syndrome. I know I'll always be crawling back for more one day. Thanks for the stuff you've done once again.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postoasiz, on 13 October 2024 - 10:04 AM, said:

Build is a piece of shit engine where it's always a toxic relationship with a dose of stockholm syndrome. I know I'll always be crawling back for more one day.

100% correct

In fact I literally used that expression myself in a discord post when working on AA just 2 days ago:

To me it looks kinda cool, like the chopper is damaged and you get to see inside of it through the battle damage. But that's probably just cope due to build engine stockholm syndrome


User is offline   lwc 


I've tried this addon, nice!
But 2 questions:


This post has been edited by lwc: 23 October 2024 - 01:46 PM


User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


View Postlwc, on 23 October 2024 - 01:44 PM, said:

I've tried this addon, nice!
But 2 questions:


While World Tour isn't natively supported yet, you can play World Tour using StrikerDM. There's instructions on how to get it set up here: https://shadowmaveri...s/strikerdm.php

Download StrikerDM-r245.pk3 and the WT_SDM_Builder.zip file, and follow the instructions within.

User is offline   lwc 


View Postlwc, on 23 October 2024 - 01:44 PM, said:

When testing Dukebots in E1L1 they get immediately stuck on the roof. In Cooperative mode they even shoot each other despite having no enemies around. Can you fix either or both?

I gave Dukebots another shot in various levels and spotted multiple issues:
  • They completely ignore the Cooperative and Survival modes, meaning they always think they're in a deathmatch/team deathmatch.
  • They completely ignore monsters.
  • They can't open doors, enter tunnels, etc. so it's not just the roof they get stuck on but practically everywhere.
  • They tend to stick around their opening locations and that's it.

I really like the DukePlus co-op bot, but DukePlus adds lots of stuff which have nothing to do with bots. But since Duke Plus is open source, would you consider borrowing from how Duke Plus pulled it off?
I realize NetDuke32 is more about netplay, but it's still what EDuke32 recommends for multiplayer in general...

This post has been edited by lwc: 24 October 2024 - 03:30 AM


User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


View Postlwc, on 24 October 2024 - 03:23 AM, said:

I gave Dukebots another shot in various levels and spotted multiple issues:
  • They completely ignore the Cooperative and Survival modes, meaning they always think they're in a deathmatch/team deathmatch.
  • They completely ignore monsters.
  • They can't open doors, enter tunnels, etc. so it's not just the roof they get stuck on but practically everywhere.
  • They tend to stick around their opening locations and that's it.

I really like the DukePlus co-op bot, but DukePlus adds lots of stuff which have nothing to do with bots. But since Duke Plus is open source, would you consider borrowing from how Duke Plus pulled it off?
I realize NetDuke32 is more about netplay, but it's still what EDuke32 recommends for multiplayer in general...

The Dukebot code is mostly just an extension of the original DOS Atomic Edition Dukebots, and have a lot of the same limitations. They don't work in co-op, and probably never will without a lot of work that I simply don't have time and energy for anymore.

The bots can use doors, just not locked ones. They also use elevators, and can swim. They don't understand silent teleporters however, thus they get stuck on the roof in e1l1.

They don't like concave sectors, so certain maps can trip them up. But, they can usually navigate far better than the Atomic ones. Try movie set, flood zone, and hotel hell, they seem to cope well with those maps.

There's nothing from DukePlus that would apply to this. Different language, for one.

User is offline   lwc 


View PostStriker, on 31 October 2024 - 06:10 AM, said:

The Dukebot code is mostly just an extension of the original DOS Atomic Edition Dukebots, and have a lot of the same limitations. They don't work in co-op, and probably never will without a lot of work that I simply don't have time and energy for anymore.

Then I think it should clearly be written in the description.


There's nothing from DukePlus that would apply to this. Different language, for one.

What do you mean different language? In any case, DukePlus have strictly co-op bots.

User is offline   atmavan 


I could not make multiplayer connection in eduke32, so was happy to find netduke32 and multiplayer works as expected, but now I cannot make my xbox gamepad working as it was perfect in eduke32. It is trying to work, but very weird directions stuck always happening. Somehing has definitely changed in this duke version. Unless I am doing something wrong. Appreciate any valuable advice.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


View Postatmavan, on 03 November 2024 - 04:59 PM, said:

I could not make multiplayer connection in eduke32, so was happy to find netduke32 and multiplayer works as expected, but now I cannot make my xbox gamepad working as it was perfect in eduke32. It is trying to work, but very weird directions stuck always happening. Somehing has definitely changed in this duke version. Unless I am doing something wrong. Appreciate any valuable advice.

Controller support is not functional at the moment, apologies. You might be able to get something going with something like JoyToKey or some other joystick to keyboard/mouse translator.

User is offline   Overfl0w 


I was wondering if saved games were still broken from the v1.2 release? I liked being able to use it for coop and single player. No worries if not, I was just curious.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


It's something I want to fix eventually, but no, currently broken. I want to merge in and adapt modern EDuke32's rewritten save code when I'm not feeling like shit and am able to return to this.

User is offline   Overfl0w 


View PostStriker, on 01 December 2024 - 02:03 PM, said:

It's something I want to fix eventually, but no, currently broken. I want to merge in and adapt modern EDuke32's rewritten save code when I'm not feeling like shit and am able to return to this.

Well taking care of yourself should be the first order of business, myself and others can wait until you're ready to return to work on the project. Thank you for the reply, though, I am working on a project where I want to use NetDuke32 as the main technology (instead of EDuke32) so players can enjoy both the single player and then have fun with coop or deathmatch in the time in between, NetDuke32 seems like the perfect solution for that.

Just remember to take care of yourself, I wish there was more I could do but please don't stress yourself out over things like this all good things will happen with time. I'm just thankful that you're still working on the project albeit with taking a break for your mental health and to avoid burnout. It just makes me happy knowing eventually things will work themselves out and in the meantime I can continue to use a different build that has working save/load functionality until you've had time to address it.

We love and appreciate the hell out of you and what you're accomplishing with NetDuke32, take care of yourself my friend!

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


What's the ideal way to play online with this now? That is, I know there are multiple launchers out there, but I don't know if people using one launcher are restricted to only other people using the same launcher, and if so what the most populated launcher is. If it doesn't work like that, then I guess I don't really understand any of it and how to set it up.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


View PostNinety-Six, on 16 December 2024 - 11:57 PM, said:

What's the ideal way to play online with this now? That is, I know there are multiple launchers out there, but I don't know if people using one launcher are restricted to only other people using the same launcher, and if so what the most populated launcher is. If it doesn't work like that, then I guess I don't really understand any of it and how to set it up.

Probably NukemNet.

User is offline   Overfl0w 


I've been using NetDuke32 v1.1 RC1 as my foundation for a single player mod with muliplayer support as the saved games still work and wanted to know if there was any downsides to continuing to use this version for development if saves will be fixed in a future build of NetDuke32. I would hate to make something that ends up not compatible or that won't work when I would upgrade versions. Any bugs I should watch out for or things to avoid for this version?

This post has been edited by Overfl0w: 25 January 2025 - 07:09 AM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


So WG, myself, and a third guy were doing a co-op campaign and we were running into a consistent problem where it kept crashing on level load.

Here are all the details I can think of.

I was host, using NetLauncher and its automatic port-forwarding function thing (I don't understand networking). WG tried to host numerous times and it always failed, but it always worked when I hosted so I was designated host. As I said we three were playing co-op, through WGMega (specifically the Pandora episode, which is episode 4), on DIG difficulty, and just trying to get through the campaign together. Though while waiting for our third man, WG and I did some tests beforehand. I will also note I streamed the test as well as the actual campaign.

Now for whatever reason, when the game first loaded it always put us into a musically silent Hollywood Holocaust for some reason, bypassing the online settings menu and also not even putting us in the first level of the mod's first episode. One of the other two would always call a vote to change to the level we had left off at, and this always worked just fine. But hitting the Nuke button, there was an 80% chance it was going to crash during the transition. Once or twice it worked and we got to the next level unscathed, but usually it was a crash.

And specifically it was a crash of my NetDuke32.exe. Theirs just disconnected once I, the host, was gone. And the crash was always a hard-lock, one that forced me to task-kill the program in order to gain control of my machine back (as only Ctrl+Alt+Delete would let me even interact with my machine). The only thing even remotely notable about the way it crashed that I can think of is that, on the "players ready" screen, as soon as all of us were green, the screen would suddenly backpedal and one of us would be red, and that is the exact same instant the game crashed.

No crash log was generated. I did look through the Netduke32.log file but didn't see anything that would explain it there either (though I will be attaching one log, as I backed up one of them before it would be overwritten by the next play session). I tried to sleuth my way through it best of my ability, but coding and networking really aren't my forte. We all were running the same latest version of ND32, and after that I was kind of out of ideas.

That said, there was one notable change. After we had finished the Pandora episode, our third guy retired for the night, leaving just myself and WG. We went and played another episode with just us, and the crashes stopped altogether. This was like when we were doing the tests. There were no crashes then, either. But I can't for the life of me understand why, if our third man was the problem, why my ND32 would crash. I know I was hosting but that still doesn't make much sense to me. Of course it's also possible that the issue wasn't who it was but instead how many. But I really don't know.

Anyway, attached is the log. The start of this video is the session this log corresponds with (first crash is at 21:55):

In fact here are the first two parts as well in case you think you might find them useful (the vod is in three parts because I didn't realize until crash #3 that xsplit had kept on going even after a crash):

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 25 February 2025 - 04:22 AM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Small update. I've been informed that our third player was using the WT grp as a base, while WG and I were using Atomic. I still don't know how or why that would result in my crashing, but it seems relevant since it was with his absence that the crashes ceased.

I also confirmed that on their end, when the crashes occurred, they were able to load into the map; everything would just be frozen. Specifically only in regards to being in-game. That is to say, they could still quit the game normally by pulling up the menu. Meanwhile I couldn't even use Alt+tab or Alt+F4. I could only use C+A+D as previously mentioned.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Another update. Just got done playing DM with WG, and no one else. Had another crash at the level transition. The only thing different this time was launching via NukemNet.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


I without any crash logs or console logs (netduke32.crash.log and netduke32.log), I don't really have time/bandwidth to investigate this right now, because without them, I have nothing to go on. In the meantime, try running without ebacktrace1.dll, and see if they stop, as that tends to be a major culprit of crashes. If it's a hang and not an outright crash, I might know why it's doing it, but it'll be a while before I can fix it because it's a bit of a gordian knot clusterfuck knot to untie.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostStriker, on 28 February 2025 - 09:30 PM, said:

I without any crash logs or console logs (netduke32.crash.log and netduke32.log),

The former was never generated and I did provide an instance of the latter.

View PostStriker, on 28 February 2025 - 09:30 PM, said:

If it's a hang and not an outright crash, I might know why it's doing it

How can I tell the difference?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostNinety-Six, on 01 March 2025 - 12:41 PM, said:

How can I tell the difference?

A hang is a freeze, usually caused by an infinite loop. Eduke32 will usually just stay frozen like that if its a hang unless you force quit. On a crash there is an error that stops program execution, sending you back to the desktop, usually with an error report.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


View PostNinety-Six, on 01 March 2025 - 12:41 PM, said:

I did provide an instance of the latter.

Ah, apologies, missed that. Read through it, and nothing really stands out unfortunately. The only thing I can maybe ask, is trying it without any mods to see if it is reproducible.

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