Sorry for double posting, just finished this giant thing, and indeed it resembles an episode! Took me well about 2 hours. I liked CK3D's, StarCraft Zerg's and hub/way to boss parts the most. Final battle was indeed quite difficult,
It's pretty neat that you guys all managed to go grand with your parts and created something that enormous, great job!
Sixty-Four's part had a strong Doom feeling, but the architecture was nice and there was quite some verticality, which is always fun. Not sure who made the final part, the climbing was pretty cool and well planned, and these squishing guts making protozoid slimmer noises added a lot to the ambience.
StarCraft Zerg's part had some cool little details and spriteworks (I particularly liked the small black lamp and large "pseudo-voxel" truss), there was a lot going on right below the ceilings, which was very nice. Also the secret places were probably the most creative in the bunch (kinda unfortunate for me that shrinker was a bit dangerous to get here, then I instantly got another one when entering ck3D's part right after this one). Speaking of which, one of the secrets here seems to be inaccessible (checked in Mapster and there's an activator, but it's channel doesn't link to any switch/touchplate). Also the puzzles (even if they may seem least original here) made the most logic for me here.
Now MRCK, it's really refreshing to see something else than a city from you! And you tackled the theme pretty well - this part was really huge, and the purple (yellow) lava didn't get in the way more than it should here. Crazy colouring fit this one pretty well (although personally I wouldn't throw pal 6 in the bunch and just stay on more conservative side with pal 8), that and a lot of platforming action was a really cute reminder of old sidescrollers here (and the platforming was really well done too). Also I had a blast with the fights in here, which were the most intense and satisfactory in this part - especially right before the "boss door". Too bad some of the commanders/octabrains/troopers/drones got stuck inside the lava, but that's more AI fault I suppose. What I didn't like here was "crampedness" on the way though - all these blocked palm treetops on the way and commanders in the distance, barely visible due to palettes, made for quite a frustrating and lengthy way.
Still Wanted's part started pretty promising, but then after great first room and that model exhibition, it felt a bit rushed/like a filler with these basic, psychedelic colorful rooms a'la Bob Masters. I think following the initial idea of that giant tipped room would be more rewarding in the end. There's also been some nice platforming/verticality play in this one, which I dig.
JMW's part was perhaps the least abstract/bizarre of the pack, but I did enjoy it a lot. Texture composition was very nice and went well with the large scale of the part and the earthquake and collapsing added to the feeling of visiting some temple of the giants.
Thanks for the release, guys!