Posted 16 August 2020 - 11:55 PM
I remember this as well exactly 5 years ago when I played through Duke3D expansions last time (using Atomic 1.5 in DOSBox, for Caribbean I had to get caribfix.exe file from vogons forums and unfortunately to this day, they still haven't released a proper new version of dosbox that has this bug fixed, so I'm still going to wait until a new proper dosbox release before I replay expansions, I have many other games/mods to play as well). I definitely remember 5 or so enemies missing in first level of Caribbean. There are some pig cops that are supposed to spawn when you get captured at end of level but they don't show like in E1L2, so I assume either they spawned a bit further (like before the room you get captured) or they spawned recons (not sure if RPVs exist in Caribbean, they may be replaced by the inflatable sea monster, aka the pig cops riding those toys that launch rockets at you) which recreates the bug in E1L2 with the spawned recon that doesn't exist (as they can't be spawned), just so you can hear their "see" sound but not fight them directly, probably because it wouldn't make sense story wise if you killed them while you were already captured (at end of E1L2 at least you can kill those pig cops at end since they are right in front of you). I guess they never cared about 100% kills or never noticed/tested and it's unfortunate because as you said, there are people like us who are completionists and want to get everything in each level.
Additionally, in Caribbean, there are very few assault captains (they are impossible to differentiate due to their new clothing) scattered in few later levels of Caribbean, that if they managed to make the teleport animation, they never come back due to a bug. So if this happens (as I remember happening once back then in summer 2015), I suggest to reload the game. The only level that I remember having assault captains is the Voodoo Caves (level 6) and it's also the only one where you can find the jetpack but you probably know that jetpack secret already. I don't know if there are assault captains in other levels as well.
EDIT: Also don't forget that beach babes also count as enemies since if I'm not mistaken, they replace the enforcer.
This post has been edited by RunningDuke: 17 August 2020 - 12:04 AM