Ninety-Six, on 16 December 2022 - 02:15 AM, said:
1. Is the grenade launcher supposed to do almost no damage to the miniboss enemies? It seems to harm their full-sized boss editions well enough, but it takes so many grenades to even make them flinch. I don't know if something's busted or if that was intentional.
2. On that note, Octabrains seem way more resilient to explosives. Even the missile launcher, the strongest explosive you have, won't necessarily kill them.
and 3. Is there any way to switch to the alternative ammo types that doesn't require pressing the weapon key twice? Because you can't scroll to them on the weapon "wheel." In the original game I'm pretty sure you couldn't unselect the alts until they ran dry.
Now if it's intentional because the devs didn't like that feature, I totally understand and don't mind. But said alts are inaccessible to anyone who uses the mouse wheel to select weapons (which most people do, I think). Again, unless I'm missing something.
1. Am not sure if it is intentional, but i totally agree, looks like the grenades won't land on the mini-battlelords (since the only mini-overlord can be found on Hotel Hell) and do something like half damages.
(deal with all those bastards on a map like Occupied Territory is a pain)
2. Maybe the lack of the Devastator "fixed" the explosives behaviour somehow, idk.
3. Yeah, the player can't unselect the alts, but a joypad with few preset controls can't probably handle all that stuff (unfortunately there is no way to customize it on the N64).
Based on all of this , i don't think that Rednukem allow much modding, the extra features are a bonus already, but yes, it would be cool to add/assign another button (mouse/keyboard) to bind alt ammo alone, and make some other tweaks here and there.
This is one of the reasons why i always liked to think that making a version/mod where most of these things coesist, somehow, would be really cool, one of the enigmatic choices would probably be to choose between the RPG and the Missle Launcher, also what slot to put them lol.
Saving babes rather than kill them, selectable alt ammo with a faster weapon switch, weapons like Freezethrower and Plasma Cannon in the same game, unshrinkable mini-bosses (or maybe shrinkable after dealing them a 50% damages), reimagining some maps bewteen PC and N64 style, and adding some other tweaks would really be a nice experience (imho).
BTW, no matter the game, that monsters had infinite ammo was ok, but then why those alien bastards can also stay underwater and walk on hazards like lava etc, without problems? And do not tell me that all of them have "boots" like the pig cops, most of them don't! lol