As it was meant to prove...
DNSKILL, on 31 July 2022 - 05:51 PM, said:
Don't worry, there will be another thread just like it soon enough, have you not seen the constant pattern of the Duke4 5 step program for new posts?:
1. A post is made about a new map, mod, or perhaps a question of which ball sags lower than the other on Duke's nutsack.
2. Someone decides to derail it with something that's usually entirely unrelated to OP.
3. This new discussion suddenly absorbs the original intent of the OP, to the point that anyone jumping in isn't even paying attention to OP and is just arguing about whatever derailed the post to begin with.
4. The derailed discussion is split into a new post.
5. Everyone shits their online persona pants in this moment, in their own unique way, which eventually leads to the thread falling into obscurity, getting locked, or being sent to the void zone.
I've been on this forum for over a decade now, and this has been the case since as far as I can remember. So don't worry, you'll get another chance to argue on this forum
I was quite curious to read if there were some more good news about Rednukem, then i've found the umpteenth dereailed topic...
Well, let me post my thoughts about this, as i think i can play decently with Mouse/Keyboard and also Controllers.
-It's all up to the players to mastering each device, having enough experience about the played games and develop skills, timing and instinct.
"Mouse and keyoboard are better to play FPS", probably yes, exactly like steering wheels+pedals are probably better to play racing games and emulate constant/gradual speed/steering/brake etc...Controllers are probably better to play fighting games and platformers.
Then why "probably", because there are always exceptions, there are always players that can become insanely good with a device that is "underrated" for "that" game, or people with some handicap but that are able to play better than persons without any kind of problems.(Oh and a big CHAPEU to people like Tucker, that unlike many nosense players in many games nowdays, he still play clean)
Some examples? search on Youtube for "Rippon Halo 1" (insane controller player), and "Tucker Griggs League of Legends", 2 different persons, 2 different games, i'm quite sure they could eat many nice players for breakfast, despite the "handicaps".
Next tell me that the person behind the screen does not matter.
Anyway, i see nothing wrong about asking for controller support (and then play with it), as i see nothing wrong about asking to add co-op and dukematch support (if possible) that are originally part of DN64, the more the better.