Duke Nukem is dead. "Jon st John killed him."
#121 Posted 10 June 2020 - 03:21 PM
#122 Posted 10 June 2020 - 04:55 PM
TerminX, on 10 June 2020 - 08:43 AM, said:
I deleted my Facebook account a little over a year ago. Haven't looked back since.
#123 Posted 10 June 2020 - 05:04 PM
Never Forgotten, on 10 June 2020 - 02:58 PM, said:
I thought those were made for a hypothetical Duke 1.6, not DNF
#124 Posted 10 June 2020 - 06:35 PM
#125 Posted 11 June 2020 - 03:09 AM
jimmy is a stupid fuck, on 10 June 2020 - 06:35 PM, said:
Ah, cool. Didn't know that. Everything I've seen refers to it as early DNF.
#126 Posted 11 June 2020 - 04:36 AM
#127 Posted 11 June 2020 - 11:13 AM
Never Forgotten, on 11 June 2020 - 03:09 AM, said:
Just people making shit up or misinterpreting history.
The Watchtower, on 11 June 2020 - 04:36 AM, said:
You have a source on Blum saying that? He may have been talking about Sector Over Sector stuff, because they were going to add stuff like translucent water from Shadow Warrior as part of the update.
#128 Posted 11 June 2020 - 02:02 PM
jimmy is a stupid fuck, on 11 June 2020 - 11:13 AM, said:
Well, this was the link: http://www.dukenukem...ranscript7.html
In fact, Pitchfork said this:
And then shit followed.
I guess they might have been just some dummy rooms with the new effects, not playable levels, but who knows.
#129 Posted 11 June 2020 - 09:32 PM
#130 Posted 11 June 2020 - 10:02 PM
jimmy is a stupid fuck, on 11 June 2020 - 09:32 PM, said:
Allen's response is, "it's hard to remember back that far"
which is code for, 'Randy, you're full of shit because you were doing shadow warrior stuff & heading out the door to join Rebel Boat Rocker. I am not going to collude with what you're saying, but I'm also not going to start an argument here and now over it.'
#131 Posted 12 June 2020 - 04:14 AM
#132 Posted 12 June 2020 - 07:48 AM
Kralex, on 12 June 2020 - 04:14 AM, said:
And he is not content that JSJ have ripped his head of, shit down his neck and put the head back on the neck, like any real Duke fan would love him to do to them ^^
I wondered, would there be anything wrong in the new Duke game being a "looter fps" like Borderlands ? I am a bit dubious but at least Duke would have a good chance to loot good/cool weapons, and this way Civvie11 would stop complaining ^^
This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 12 June 2020 - 07:49 AM
#133 Posted 12 June 2020 - 08:08 AM
gemeaux333, on 12 June 2020 - 07:48 AM, said:
Isn't that what SW2 did and people hated it?
#134 Posted 12 June 2020 - 09:03 PM
Phredreeke, on 12 June 2020 - 08:08 AM, said:
Sort of, but I don't think its the real reason they hated it... the system is way better handled in Borderlands, in SW2 it was more like a travesty !
This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 12 June 2020 - 09:06 PM
#135 Posted 13 June 2020 - 12:55 AM
Overall this trend of forcing shallow "RPG" mechanics into games as a substitute for actual content and depth is one of the biggest cancers upon gaming and it needs to die. Seeing the meter go ding-ding can never be a replacement for actual gameplay and it's only really done for economical reasons..
#136 Posted 13 June 2020 - 03:59 AM

I have feel about Hoji will pissed off when he saw what FWH did in the last part of main quest line in SW2...

Played Borderlands 2 some years ago when it was free on weekend event on Steam...was expected something like Fallout 3/NV or something similar(well, this is count my fault since I prefer something like TES/Fallout) but actually it was not so I lost all of my interest...even I didn't surprised as I did read info about Borderlands 1/2 before and can't found anything that very interest to me...well, just not my cup of tea.
This post has been edited by Player Lin: 13 June 2020 - 04:05 AM
#137 Posted 13 June 2020 - 07:28 AM
John Romero also made a statement lately about these "shalow RPG mechanics" in present days games... perhaps its wiser to forget about this "looter fps" idea for the new Duke game, after all DNF already taken the ideas from the FPS games released in the meantime of its developement, especially not the best or the good ones, and not for the best...
This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 13 June 2020 - 08:20 AM
#138 Posted 13 June 2020 - 10:30 AM
Player Lin, on 13 June 2020 - 03:59 AM, said:

I have feel about Hoji will pissed off when he saw what FWH did in the last part of main quest line in SW2...

I loved Shadow Warrior 2013, but couldn't never bring myself to finish SW2, it just gets tedious.
This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 13 June 2020 - 10:41 AM
#139 Posted 13 June 2020 - 09:08 PM
Lazy Dog, on 13 June 2020 - 10:30 AM, said:
They didn't get the idea about how do to loot game properly(I like play Diablo 2/3 but still feel boring after played a lot without got what I want)...
But mostly, SW just doesn't fit that at all, at least gun play in SW2 is a little better than SW 2013...a little.

#140 Posted 01 April 2021 - 01:47 AM
It's very hard. I've continued to get messages from people regarding Jon and his... antics. He hasn't really improved since this thread was made. He's continued to, frankly, hurt a great number of his fans in ways that I just can't abide.
Thing is... It's hard to denounce and clean house of a character that I've known for a very very very large part of my life.
I've actually given serious thought to producing a documentary on my personal experiences with Duke. Everything I've ever experienced, my understanding of the history of the character, everything. I don't know. It's a thought. An idea. Not something I've actually put serious work into. I do have a lot to say, and I think I have a good feel for the community as a whole, and some people, particularly on The Duke Cave, have said I should do something along those lines. We'll see.
Some of you were right. With time some aspects of this have faded. However, some things have also not faded. One thing "just because of his political views.." no. I know many people who are left of me, many who are right of me... I can have a discussion with them and it doesn't turn into a shit show like this. It might get heated, shit talking may ensue, but we can still have other discussions in the future. It's never really been the political aspect of it that bothered me. It's the way he lies about the people he silences. The way he trash talks really good people for no reason other than they didn't kiss his ass. The way he has created an insolated cult around himself.
I was watching a documentary not too long ago about Star Trek, and it cited a quote regarding the way the original cast felt about William Shatner. James Doohan(Scotty) said, basically "I love Captain Kirk, I don't love William Shatner."
Now I know some of you on here knowing where that line goes are already saying "No s hit." But I don't think it's as simple as that for me. It never was. Jon became so integral to who Duke Nukem was, that when I try to remove Duke from him and him from Duke I don't really know what lands where.
So i've actually decided to simplify this issue for myself. I like legacy Duke Nukem. That is Duke NUkem 3D, Duke Nukem Zero Hour, Duke Nukem Time to Kill, Manhattan Project, and everything that preceded those products. Everything that came after I just don't have any love for. Anything after 3D Realms does not matter. Any new material that comes up in the future if Jon is involved (Or Randy) I simply will not support it with my money.
I've reworked my little collection. I have my childhood copies of Duke 3D. I picked up a boxed copy of Duke 3D 1.3, and a copy of the Build Engine level designer handbook. (Lot's of fun to look at it, even though we technically have more veritable and varied resources today.)
I'm actually starting to contemplate making some classic styled Duke maps just for fun. Nothing fancy or pushing the boundaries. Just a return to those simpler times. Before everything went nasty.
That brings me to the last point I wanted to discuss. Something I said early on in this thread, about replacing Duke. I actually still stand by this.
I truly believe at this stage that Duke Nukem has been irreparably damaged by those that hold control over him. I think they waited way too long to follow up from the bad taste of DNF. I think both Randy and Jon's antics have hurt the image of Duke. I think the press has succeeded in turning a large portion of people against the character. I think it's just a huge uphill battle to try and fix what has been broken for this character. Whereas back in the late 90s and early 2000s Duke had such an immeasurable amount of good will built up.
Several people on here, and elsewhere, have said "Just make a character like Duke that isn't Duke and make a Duke game." Well, sure, you can do that... The problem is that Duke is both very generic and very definitive. With all due respect to Croteam, what you get when you do that is Serious Sam. Sam comes off like a Walmart brand Duke Nukem. He does not have the same charismatic edge or the same versatility of Duke. Just look at Duke's games. They're all action focused, but Duke fits into so many scenarios as a character.
So what you need is a character that embodies that same set of "ideals" but with their own personality, but still maintain the attitude that made Duke endearing. Take Ion Fury for example. I'm not bad mouthing VoidPoint or Shelly here, but she's not Duke. All the click-baity headline titles in the world don't change that. She doesn't fill his boots. The attitude is wholly different, beyond the generic "makes pop culture referencing one-liners." Again, i'm not slamming the work done there. I'm simply saying it's like comparing 80s hair metal to 90s grunge. They're not the same beast, even if they use similar instruments and ideas.
So like I said, Duke is generic enough that trying to do anything similar will get you marked as a "knock off" but he's also definitive enough that where he sits in the gaming zeitgeist also makes it incredibly hard to carve out a place that another character could fit. Most that have tried have effectively failed. Sin is basically the prime example in terms of tone and gameplay, and while many of us here like it, it just didn't reach wide success.
The soul searching I've been doing for the last few years, even before the JSJ fallout, has been to find the right ingredients, the right mixture, to create the successor to Duke Nukem. A proper successor. Gameplay wise I already know pretty much exactly what I want, but the really big thing is the character. Trying to build that. I've tried hundreds of concepts. Countless hours of conversations with different people. It sounds easy enough on paper, but it really isn't. One concept I thought about trying to make work was inspired by "The Wrestler." Vinny and I toyed with the idea years back of doing a "not Duke" Duke Nukem game where you play a hero who has aged just passed his prime. So the character would be very much ofg the "i'm too old for this shit" vibe.
I've even been contemplating a bit of a cutesy idea where instead of trying to emulate the mold that Duke progenerated, what if you played one of the cocooned babes from Duke3D? Imagine Prey, but it's done in a B-movie style where you play a cheerleader who gets abducted, and has to escape the aliens and fight her way through them? Almost akin to Lollipop Chainsaw and Duke Nukem having a baby. That kind of off-kilter, sorta Sam-Raimi-ish inspired tone. Imagine getting someone like Izzy Hale to voice her, and getting the rights to Halestorm's cover of "Shoot to Thrill" for the trailer. I'm actually very enthusiastic about this concept. It's one of three that I've been pushing along to see which one really takes off first.
It's where I started when TeaMonster and I were working on a Duke Nukem game on UE4 with the title of "Duke Nukem Outta This World" Duke would basically get abducted by a species of alien amazons that were being wiped out by the Cycloids. A little "Heavy Metal" and a little "Mars Needs Cheerleaders."
I don't know. I don't think I was way off base at the start of this thread. Even after all this time to think about it. I think that my attempt to completely remove something I loved from my life was an impossible ideal to hold myself to, but I absolutely think we as a community would be foolish to support these people in their further endeavors, it goes beyond just differing opinions. They think lowly of any of us that do not follow them lock step.
#141 Posted 02 April 2021 - 03:45 AM
This post has been edited by ck3D: 02 April 2021 - 03:47 AM
#142 Posted 02 April 2021 - 04:19 AM
#143 Posted 02 April 2021 - 04:23 AM
You should be able to admire a work, even if the author has done horrible things.
Most media has several people working behind it. Odds are, not everyone is going to be a saint.
However, your problem with Jon St John is his ideology and how he approach fans.
Not everyone is going to believe on the same things as you, and they have the right to. Are politics so important for you that you can't overlook it?
Regarding your personal experience with Jon St John, ever heard the saying "never meet your heroes?" It's rather common for artists to not deal well with the attention.
Jon St John is just a voice actor. You don't know for how long he will continue to play the role. Get over it.
P.S: While Pitchford has been accused of hosting parties involving "adult men have reportedly exposed themselves to minors", that doesn't seem to be what concerns you.
#144 Posted 02 April 2021 - 07:37 AM
ck3D, on 02 April 2021 - 03:45 AM, said:
I appreciate the words of encourage, but re: JSJ, it's not about him not meeting my expectations. It's about him being a literal hostile asshole to fans. Like I said, I still get the messages from people on The Duke Cave about the stuff he is doing.
William Beavis, on 02 April 2021 - 04:19 AM, said:
That's fine. I'm not giving coin to those that further an acidic and toxic ideology that would see my way of thinking scrubbed out if they had the chance. It's one thing if we're talking about a difference of opinion that is expressed civilly and with a modicum of respect. In Jon's case we're talking about a guy who seems to take pleasure in hurting his fans. Why? Because he can. Because he's got enough of a fan base that will still blindly follow him even if he completely trashes a person. "Yeah, they deserved it!"
Fox, on 02 April 2021 - 04:23 AM, said:
Most of the time that is true. I can separate most artists from their art, when the person is the art, that is a little different. Jon is the Duke Nukem performance. That's not as easy as separating the faces and personalities of level designers or composers or texture artists whos presence isn't directly in the media. Jon is right there. No, I will not support any future Duke products that he is involved with, and that's the best moral stance to take with a man who has no respect for his fans. He made a young girl cry because she dared ask him for a Big The Cat autograph. He yelled at her and accused her of trolling him. Not on social media, in person, at a convention.
Fox, on 02 April 2021 - 04:23 AM, said:
Most media has several people working behind it. Odds are, not everyone is going to be a saint.
I can admire everything about Duke Nukem 3D, even the inspired performance of Duke. That still doesn't require me to buy new products which feature the scummy asshole behind the voice.
Fox, on 02 April 2021 - 04:23 AM, said:
Not everyone is going to believe on the same things as you, and they have the right to. Are politics so important for you that you can't overlook it?
His ideology as it has to do with treating other human beings, yes. Particularly those that adore and admire him. People who give him money to make appearances. I don't, and won't support that. Absolutely not.
I've repeatedly countered this point. He mistreats his fans. How many times do I have to say this? It's not about his politics. It's about how he treats his fans. Do I agree with his politics? No. Like I said, though, I have friends and colleagues who are left and right of me that I can still get along with just fine. Jon is the one who draws the lines in the sand, and then shit talks the people he eliminates from his circle after the fact.
Fox, on 02 April 2021 - 04:23 AM, said:
Sure, and it's generally bullshit. I don't have Jon on any kind of a pedestal. Don't be a complete dick to your fans on a regular basis is not a particularly high bar for anyone to clear. He's hurt people, you understand that right?
Fox, on 02 April 2021 - 04:23 AM, said:
At this point I don't think he'll be playing the role ever again. No. I'm not going to give him my patronage.
No. I'm not going to "get over" watching my friends, and myself, getting trashed by someone I personally supported. What I'm saying bothers you, Fox. So it sounds like it is you that has something to get over, here. I've said my peace and I've made my peace. That was my primary reason for coming back to this thread.
Fox, on 02 April 2021 - 04:23 AM, said:
Everything Randy does is greasy, immoral, and in general awful. Why pick one particular aspect of the man to loath when pretty much everything about him is loathsome? I put it right up there with his physical assault accusations and going on Twitter screaming about gamespot/ign "FUCKING ME!" Lying to his audience on a regular basis, shit talking Valve who basically gave his company the leg up it needed, the horrible treatment of his employees and taking a bonus for himself while the rest of the company ate shit... Again, why pick just one thing to dislike Randy for when he practically exhales shitty stuff on the regular all the time?
#145 Posted 02 April 2021 - 08:20 AM
OpenMaw, on 02 April 2021 - 07:37 AM, said:
I think it might actually be what I called it really, the expectation being how you expect him to be a good person (according to your idea of a good person, which you don't have to justify standing by) except as people have been saying, his only personal contribution to the Duke IP has been his voice acting which I'm not saying isn't important or tied to the character, but remains a form of acting, so I think you do need the dissociation between the work and the artist. People say never meet your heroes, I'd rather say always meet your heroes because that's when you realize you really wasted your time forming an idealized version of the person in your head (sort of like catching oneitis, the representation could be almost religious even) and thus should never have had heroes in the first place, and it doesn't matter how many interactions you've had with them before where you just so happened to click. No one is a hero per se, sometimes people do great things but all have different human limitations and the inspiration you get from acts you appreciate shouldn't go with personal attachment or identification to their authors. Also as people have once again been saying, the most sincere artists don't directly create for the fans, they create for themselves first and foremost which may sound selfish when put like that but really has to do with them making sure their vision accurately translates over into their work in order to successfully communicate their ideas to the masses, who then benefit from the quality of said work and so that's when the originally selfish drive becomes in fact purely generous and altruistic and shines as such. Some artists may get popularity but that's never the drive of the best, only of the weakest who usually quickly either surrender to the market's latest tendencies, or lose themselves to the expectations from their fans when they forget the original source of their genius. As for Jon St. Jon, you may place him wherever you see fit on that scale, but it's very plausible that he may be a hostile asshole to fans yes, in fact why wouldn't he be (or not be), and why would he be (or not be) particularly smart or social? That's it, sometimes people suck or at least clash against our own sensibilities - so it makes sense that you shouldn't expect them not to.
This post has been edited by ck3D: 02 April 2021 - 08:29 AM
#146 Posted 02 April 2021 - 08:29 AM
OpenMaw, on 01 April 2021 - 01:47 AM, said:
If you asked me, I'd probably say that Serious Sam is different because the gameplay is entirely different, even though the first game was pitched as a return-to-the-roots, classic old school FPS style. Maybe this kind of holds true compared to a certain style of Doom WADs, but not to Duke3D.
I'd like to hear more on your ideas and understanding of the character in general. To me, gameplay is very closely tied to the character -- after all, gameplay here is what the character does, and actions define the character. In this respect, Shelly from Ion Fury is very much in the same boat as Duke, Lo Wang and Caleb.
I do however remember the charm of Duke's casual reactions to the extreme circumstances he's thrown into, and to what he's pressed to do while fighting the aliens. I wanted to say that Arnold seems like the chief inspiration here but I guess other iconic actors like Stallone or Clint Eastwood also went into that mould. This is likely the part which is not easy to replicate without being accused of plagiarism, and any other alternative, whichever it is, would inevitably be different. Yet of course Duke is not the only type of what a charming 90s style FPS character could be.
#147 Posted 02 April 2021 - 08:33 AM
At the same time, I fully support somewhat delusional thinking if it'll help you in life to reach greater heights. Seems rationality rarely does that for people, so by all means, use your hatred/disappointment as fuel for your future creative endeavors.
#148 Posted 02 April 2021 - 08:55 AM
Immanuel Cunt, on 02 April 2021 - 08:33 AM, said:
That is very true and essentially the reason why I consider 'outsider art' on the same level as 'fine art' so long as the quality is there (that being said it takes some education, formal and informal, to be able to recognize it). Quality shines by itself, the rest is just mental constructions around a certain business model.
About the talented never pushing themselves to the front of the pack, it's usually because the front of the pack is riddled with all the opportunists who preceded you and the closer you get the more it fucking stinks. In my field I'm constantly exposed to a variety of profiles from local more or less starving artists to worldwide famous athletes with the biggest sponsors in sports, the former are always the cream of humanity whereas the latter is a bunch of pea-brained selfish and narcissist assholes who more often than not have rape, murder, homicide, hate crime, willful disease spreading and nazi history in addition to scamming, blackmailing, pushing people to suicide and you name it, all covered up by the corporations pulling cartoon-crazy strings to keep their icons painted under a good light, and I'm talking people with from 100k to 4.5 million of followers on Instagram, mostly kids, maybe yours. You don't want the front of the pack, so mostly assholes feel like going that far up there while the good people won't be interested.
Oddly satisfyingly, though and still in my field at least, cancel culture is just about to wipe those fuckers out of the scene. In fact it's already in the process of doing so as social media develops and mainstream media no longer has the monopoly on communication and information, which means that more people have a voice and can tell and hear the true stories, and choose their own inspirational figures outside the current commercial system in place (usually the equally-if-not-more talented ones further back in the pack).
This post has been edited by ck3D: 02 April 2021 - 10:17 AM
#149 Posted 02 April 2021 - 08:55 PM
Duke is dead.
This is actually a good thing, and you should accept it.
JSJ is a common cocksucker, and I mostly take offense to him thinking he is some kind of authority on the character. He is just a paid voice actor, who hasn't even been doing the voice correctly for 25~ years. I don't give a fuck what anyone says; Objectively, George Broussard is the pre-eminent authority on Duke Nukem as a character.
As an aside, Serious Sam could "fill that hole" but Croteam just likes making shitty games apparently.
This post has been edited by Jimmy: 02 April 2021 - 09:00 PM
#150 Posted 03 April 2021 - 09:43 AM
OpenMaw, on 02 April 2021 - 07:37 AM, said:
I can admire everything about Duke Nukem 3D, even the inspired performance of Duke. That still doesn't require me to buy new products which feature the scummy asshole behind the voice.
Are you going to boycott Ion Fury too? Jon St John also works as an voice actor there.