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Duke Nukem is dead.  "Jon st John killed him."

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  • Judge Mental


So. I think its time we walk away from this dumpster fire. Between Gearbox and Jon St John I am officially not a Duke Nukem fan anymore. I will be selling every bit of Duke merch I have, and I will never touch a Duke game again.

Here's why. Jon St John lives in an echo chamber, and he does not like when people disagree with him. That on its own, would be bad enough, but he likes to LIE about the reasons he blocks people. He likes to frame other people as personally attacking him and insulting him.

So he was just off my friends list today when I happened to notice it had dropped down on facebook. I looked and was shocked to see he was gone.

Now keep in mind he tends to post political stuff. My two posts in recent memory were not in anyway personal attacks. Everyone else in his thousands of commenters supported his assertions, so I simply said "Trump is awesome." More of a playful troll, given the insane levels of ass-licking in the comments there. Seriously, nothing is more sickening than a political echo chamber. The only other thing I posted recently was in response to a race riots post where he said it was understandble, the destruction taking place. So I responded with "It's not understandable" and went on to say there was no justifying the level of destruction at play. THAT is really not that important, except to show I did not attack him or anyone else in his comments.

So he blocked me, and I knew it was because he couldn't handle an opinion that differed from his. Re-fucking-diculous. Duke Nukem is apparently, a big goddamn pussy. Not only that, but a hypocritical one. He'll talk about the sexism of Donald Trump, and talk up a huge liberal view, while his biggest claim to fame is the antithesis of everything he claims to believe. Hypo-critical to the max.

So I made a post about it on my own personal page. I removed all Duke Nukem media from my facebook, and i'll be removing all Duke Nukem media from my Youtube channel very soon.

Jon takes my post off of my page, posts it in the Duke Nukem Jon st John fan page, and spins it to claim that he "rarely" unfriends people. But because I was "personally attacking" him I had to go. I never once personally attacked him. The closest to personally attacking him I ever got was to say "don't be stupid" and that was months and months ago. I still always made it clear that I respected his opinion when we had any kind of at length debate. I have gone out of my way to support him, his causes, and be a champion for this character.

I'm Done. Duke Nukem is going to be purged. The character is in the wrong hands, and the "soul" of the character is a fucking dick head. If you want pictures of the posts, i'll post em up shortly. But this is important for anyone who wants to be a fan of this character. These are the people you will be supporting. Randy Pitchford, and Jon St John. Think about it.

By the way, in this shirt storm he also blocked other people including Erin Starry who is one of the BIGGEST Duke Nukem fans out there. I talked with ol NukemDave and even he has felt concerns that he might be on the chopping block.

Frankly I never thought i'd reach this day.

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Posted Image

I'd say you're in Anger but in a way this is also Acceptance

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


To me, this just means I'm not a Jon St John fan. His social media posts are probably heavily influenced by the fact that he's struggling to find work. He's basically signaling: "Please hire me!! I'm a lefty!! I follow the status quo!!" It's overcompensation for playing such a based character.

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Flawed people will be flawed people always. Good games will be good games always.

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  • Judge Mental


View Postck3D, on 04 June 2020 - 07:01 AM, said:

Flawed people will be flawed people always. Good games will be good games always.

That may be so, but i'll never support anything with either of those names on it ever again.

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


It should be expected that any D-list aspiring actor would behave like this. They're either going to babble about left-wing politics, or not say anything at all. All he has to do is post an All Lives Matter meme and his career is over.


Commando Nukem. I gotta ask you some questions.

Do you hold any ill-will towards George Broussard? Do you feel George fucked up big time that led to the downfall of the Duke Nukem franchise?

Anyways. I'm sorry what you're going through right now. Could it be that pop culture is getting more and more PC nowadays?

This post has been edited by DustFalcon85: 04 June 2020 - 07:22 AM


User is offline   gemeaux333 


I personnally have no problem with either Randy Pitchford or Jon St John, for the rest I don't worry much, after all : "Duke will always be Duke"

But I am not saying that to stir things up

This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 04 June 2020 - 07:37 AM


User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


View PostDustFalcon85, on 04 June 2020 - 07:21 AM, said:

Commando Nukem. I gotta ask you some questions.

Do you hold any ill-will towards George Broussard? Do you feel George fucked up big time that led to the downfall of the Duke Nukem franchise?

Sure. Maybe not on a personal level, but it damn well frustrates the shit out of me that he spent so long to end up with nothing. Yeah. I think that does piss me off a bit.If he had just done what everyone knows he should have done we wouldn't be in this timeline, we'd be in a timeline where Duke Nukem 5 and 6 probably had already come out and were old news by now.

I do remember getting irritated at George when he would very occasionally pop up on the forums back in the day and make some cryptic comment about the game. Like "We've had octabrain tit physics in there for six months now" or some shit.

View PostDustFalcon85, on 04 June 2020 - 07:21 AM, said:

Anyways. I'm sorry what you're going through right now. Could it be that pop culture is getting more and more PC nowadays?

I mean of course i'm upset. I've been a fan of this character and him personally since I was eight. On the cusp of 32 now. This is the guy who, just a couple years back would wish me a happy birthday. and then I started to see this shitty behavior cropping up, and now this.

It's not just that he blocked me. It's his claims of some conversation that went on at length before he got rid of me. That never happened. Literally there was no conversation. The last private messages I had with Jon St John were back during the #fight4duke schtick where I made him a video specifically to use for the campaign.


View PostCommando Nukem, on 04 June 2020 - 07:30 AM, said:

Sure. Maybe not on a personal level, but it damn well frustrates the shit out of me that he spent so long to end up with nothing. Yeah. I think that does piss me off a bit.If he had just done what everyone knows he should have done we wouldn't be in this timeline, we'd be in a timeline where Duke Nukem 5 and 6 probably had already come out and were old news by now.

I do remember getting irritated at George when he would very occasionally pop up on the forums back in the day and make some cryptic comment about the game. Like "We've had octabrain tit physics in there for six months now" or some shit.

I'm guessing that's what happens when riches, fame and glory gets into George's head. That screws up creativity in a big way.

This post has been edited by DustFalcon85: 04 June 2020 - 07:59 AM



It's been said 103904093 times already. Nobody cares anymore.
Fuck off.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


View PostDefiant Ron, on 04 June 2020 - 08:43 AM, said:

It's been said 103904093 times already. Nobody cares anymore.
Fuck off.

Okay I admit, I laughed pretty hard at this.I really needed that. Between the riots and the medical shit and this horseshit, I needed that.

But I have a question, who are you?


View PostCommando Nukem, on 04 June 2020 - 08:51 AM, said:

Okay I admit, I laughed pretty hard at this.I really needed that. Between the riots and the medical shit and this horseshit, I needed that.

But I have a question, who are you?

I am your worst enemy.

I am an asshole.

I disagree with everyone.



User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL




View PostR A D A Я, on 04 June 2020 - 09:03 AM, said:



The King is dead.
long live the king! Hail to the King, baby.

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View PostR A D A Я, on 04 June 2020 - 09:03 AM, said:

Posted Image

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View PostCommando Nukem, on 04 June 2020 - 07:30 AM, said:

I mean of course i'm upset. I've been a fan of this character and him personally since I was eight. On the cusp of 32 now. This is the guy who, just a couple years back would wish me a happy birthday. and then I started to see this shitty behavior cropping up, and now this.

It's not just that he blocked me. It's his claims of some conversation that went on at length before he got rid of me. That never happened. Literally there was no conversation. The last private messages I had with Jon St John were back during the #fight4duke schtick where I made him a video specifically to use for the campaign.

I feel sad when heard about this but guess if you decided give up everything about Duke because of JSJ's behaviors then I should respect that...it's hard to overlook the bad image of your favorite video game character's voice actor that screw you up like that...

For some reasons, this sound like two best friends just became strangers/enemies each other because shit happens, that's sad...and I already heard lot of that... :)

Some say politics may ruined one, but I'm sure that's because the one have some problems.

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 04 June 2020 - 09:19 AM


User is offline   Steve 64 


Wow Im really shocked to hear this it really mind blowing coming from you.

Edit: John St Jon: A Sonic sequel movie? Really?! The first attempt was not good...bad story, bad writing...seriously Big the Cat wasn’t even in the film. If you thought that was a good movie, you and I do not have the same opinion of what a good movie is.

Me: I thought it was agood movie alot better then your preform in Duke 3D World Tour.

This post has been edited by Duke Legacy: 04 June 2020 - 09:24 AM


User is offline   necroslut 


"Never meet your heroes" and all that. Still, you're being rather ridiculous.

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Sonic was a fantastic movie. John can have his opinions, though. Sigh disappointing however.

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Sonic was awesome.

Fuck JSJ, Pitchford, and any forthcoming Duke games.


One word to keep in mind: Interpretation.

You have no idea how he interpreted your posts; the "Trump is awesome" bit that you posted just to be a troll might've pissed him off enough for him to drop you. As for your interpretation of this....well, we're all reading it, so...yeah.

Pitchford can go join a Gordon Freeman pit party, but if I'm going to be honest, it sounds like you're taking this whole thing a little bit personally. You tried to mess with him and he dropped you. Let it end at that. Don't say "fuck Duke Nukem", "Duke is Dead" or anything else just because JSJ dropped you from his friends list. It's Facebook, for crap's sake, not the Fellowship of the Gorram Ring. You had a bad experience, it happened, it's over. It's best to just move on from this instead of saying "Duke sucks, I'm done with Duke" and just stewing in your own rage.

To reiterate: Let. It. Go. For your sake, and for all our sakes.


View Postck3D, on 04 June 2020 - 07:01 AM, said:

Flawed people will be flawed people always. Good games will be good games always.

Full power at this.

People may change, well made games and characters won't.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


View PostMajor Tom, on 04 June 2020 - 01:40 PM, said:

One word to keep in mind: Interpretation.

No. I made an innocuous comment, He blocked me. He lied about what occurred leading up to that, and tried to twist my fallout post into evidence that we had some kind of a drag out brawl when we didn't. he's done this to dozens of people over the last three years. This only served to absolutely verify those stories. Game over.

View PostMajor Tom, on 04 June 2020 - 01:40 PM, said:

You have no idea how he interpreted your posts; the "Trump is awesome" bit that you posted just to be a troll might've pissed him off enough for him to drop you. As for your interpretation of this....well, we're all reading it, so...yeah.

Pitchford can go join a Gordon Freeman pit party, but if I'm going to be honest, it sounds like you're taking this whole thing a little bit personally. You tried to mess with him and he dropped you. Let it end at that. Don't say "fuck Duke Nukem", "Duke is Dead" or anything else just because JSJ dropped you from his friends list. It's Facebook, for crap's sake, not the Fellowship of the Gorram Ring. You had a bad experience, it happened, it's over. It's best to just move on from this instead of saying "Duke sucks, I'm done with Duke" and just stewing in your own rage.

To reiterate: Let. It. Go. For your sake, and for all our sakes.

Of course I take it personally. What the fuck does that even mean, man? Like, yeah, the dude who I thought I was cool with turned around and blocked me without so much as a "Fuck you.' Just poof, gone. And then he claims that I had personally attacked him and that we had some lengthy conversation when nothing of the sort happened.I lit up my fire when I realized what he had done.That the dozens of so-called "trolls" were in fact telling the truth when they said Jon was making up complete bullshit about them when he blocked them.

Yeah. I'm mad on a personal level. My question is why you're trying to paint that like its bizarre. Oh it's just facebook so it's okay that the guy at the center of the game series we all love is literally shit talking long time standing members of said community, but it's facebook so its cool. Really?

That someone who i thought was cool turned out to be a piece of shit, and after everything else that has gone on with this character and this franchise in recent years, for me, i'm saying it's time to call it a quits. It is time to let something go alright. This franchise. It's time for Duke Nukem to be fucking buried. Jon st John does not deserve business in this arena because of the way he has treated his fans.

You seem to think my anger comes from him simply blocking me. No. It's the years of deceit and defaming of good people who simply disagreed with him on a few issues. He lied to many of us when we'd ask about people being banned. He lied. Over and fucking over again.

No. I'm sorry. He has blocked and kicked out of the club a lot of long term Duke Nukem fans for no other reason than he didn't like that they didn't agree with him wholeheartedly. There were times people were blocked for half measures of difference opinion. The equivalent to "Devil's Advocate" and that was enough for him to block them without hesitation. You think that's appropriate? Do you think that sets a tone for people who come to enjoy talking Duke with Duke himself?

I wasn't aiming to mess with him as much as I was trying to make it clear just how out of wack the opinions were without insulting anyone, and the point is I am not alone. This has been going on for years. Not just that he's blocking people but lying about what people are doing to justify it. Straight up defaming people.

If you want to continue to pay patronage to this corpse of a series you go right ahead. I'm gonna vote with my wallet and do what I can to end it. Because these people do not deserve our money for this franchise anymore. You treat your fans like garbage, you get garbage in return.


View PostMajor Tom, on 04 June 2020 - 01:40 PM, said:

One word to keep in mind: Interpretation.

You have no idea how he interpreted your posts; the "Trump is awesome" bit that you posted just to be a troll might've pissed him off enough for him to drop you. As for your interpretation of this....well, we're all reading it, so...yeah.

Pitchford can go join a Gordon Freeman pit party, but if I'm going to be honest, it sounds like you're taking this whole thing a little bit personally. You tried to mess with him and he dropped you. Let it end at that. Don't say "fuck Duke Nukem", "Duke is Dead" or anything else just because JSJ dropped you from his friends list. It's Facebook, for crap's sake, not the Fellowship of the Gorram Ring. You had a bad experience, it happened, it's over. It's best to just move on from this instead of saying "Duke sucks, I'm done with Duke" and just stewing in your own rage.

To reiterate: Let. It. Go. For your sake, and for all our sakes.


User is offline   NNC 


As long as Allen H Blum III is alive and kicking, Duke is not dead.


I have nothing to add beyond; JSJ is an actor. Read into that what you will.


View PostThe Watchtower, on 04 June 2020 - 03:48 PM, said:

As long as Allen H Blum III is alive and kicking, Duke is not dead.

And Levelord
And Todd Replogle
And George Broussard (i guess, even though he was kinda responsible for fucking things up.)

User is offline   xMobilemux 


OK reading all this and your post on FB really hit me in the gut, it's a big reason why I don't really use FB anymore and my role in running The Duke Cave has pretty much become non existent, this is truly heartbreaking as right behind me is possibly the biggest Duke Nukem collection in the world as far as I know and hearing this from a long time fan like you, is killing me.

A while back when I started to notice that JSJ was starting to act like he does I kept my distance from him and just decided to fondly remember the man he was rather than the man he is now.
Doing that has helped me keep my love for the past without it being destroyed by future events.
Much like how I'm able to enjoy other games and characters despite their creators and VAs becoming dicks today.

But I think that throwing away your past Duke merch and memories because of Jon is a bit excessive, by all means ditch the future support, I gave up on future official Duke products long ago as I know Gearbox is a cancer and JSJ is too full of himself to do the role any more justice, Duke has no future with those bastards, but the reason I still look at my Duke collection with pride and still happily make Duke fan content to this day is because of all the great times I had with the games, the character and the Duke fans here on this very forum, including you!

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