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Duke Nukem is dead.  "Jon st John killed him."

User is offline   Steve 64 


I just want to ask this can you show the chat you had with him the full chat cause I would like to read it, also John removed a photo Steven Johnson name on it just to let you know.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


View PostThe Watchtower, on 04 June 2020 - 03:48 PM, said:

As long as Allen H Blum III is alive and kicking, Duke is not dead.

The people who made the character are nowhere in position to make something that they would want to make. His voice doesn't carry any weight, anymore. The people in charge are not going to make the Duke game Allen Blum would want to make and it was never just Blum that made the magic happen. It was George, Scott, Allen, Todd, Richard, and all the other members of that crew. Lightning in a bottle.

There wasn't just one guy who made Duke Nukem 3D the legendary game it was. There was a team with some really good synergy, that made it happen.The sad thing is that the ones that really made it happen seldom get enough credit, and are not in any positions to be in control of what happens next.

View PostDuke Legacy, on 04 June 2020 - 11:42 PM, said:

I just want to ask this can you show the chat you had with him the full chat cause I would like to read it, also John removed a photo Steven Johnson name on it just to let you know.

That's been my point. There was no chat to speak of. Just a couple comments on some posts, and then this whole shitstorm.

Several fans and community members, including Erin Starry who is a huge Duke fan, asked to see the messages Jon was talking about. He has since deleted the entire post from the Duke Nukem community page. He never responded to those people. He blocked Erin completely. She did nothing wrong. Nothing.

Here is everything I can share:


My post, all of the comments, showing this has been going on for quite some time and is a wide spread occurance, along with the partial screen grab I took of the post by Jon (along with the one Erin took and sent to me before she was blocked), and some personal messages I received during the shit storm.

View PostxMobilemux, on 04 June 2020 - 10:40 PM, said:

OK reading all this and your post on FB really hit me in the gut, it's a big reason why I don't really use FB anymore and my role in running The Duke Cave has pretty much become non existent, this is truly heartbreaking as right behind me is possibly the biggest Duke Nukem collection in the world as far as I know and hearing this from a long time fan like you, is killing me.

A while back when I started to notice that JSJ was starting to act like he does I kept my distance from him and just decided to fondly remember the man he was rather than the man he is now.
Doing that has helped me keep my love for the past without it being destroyed by future events.
Much like how I'm able to enjoy other games and characters despite their creators and VAs becoming dicks today.

But I think that throwing away your past Duke merch and memories because of Jon is a bit excessive, by all means ditch the future support, I gave up on future official Duke products long ago as I know Gearbox is a cancer and JSJ is too full of himself to do the role any more justice, Duke has no future with those bastards, but the reason I still look at my Duke collection with pride and still happily make Duke fan content to this day is because of all the great times I had with the games, the character and the Duke fans here on this very forum, including you!

I mean this. I love you. You're a bro. We've both been mega Duke fans and been there through some big ups and downs. The hype is real and the soul is crushed.

I'm not telling you personally, or anyone here for that matter, to give up your warm fuzzies for Duke. I would never tell you to throw away that huge Duke collection. Never.

What I am telling you, and everyone else here, this has nothing to do with politics,and it isn't merely just a voice actor blocking me and causing a temper tantrum. I've been blocked by people I looked up to before. I've been blocked for retarded reasons before. This isn't just a one off incident. Jon treats his fans like garbage. A lot. If coin crosses palm it should not be from this community to his piggy bank. That's what i'm saying.

I'm saying that I personally cannot hold onto any of the stuff I have anymore because it has now been tainted. It isn't that Jon went from being one kind of a person to another, though I think personal events over the last ten years haven't done him any favors, this is who he's always been. You don't see George Broussard out there calling people douchebags and blocking them left right and center.

This is about the deceit, and the defamation going on. It's the hostility of it. I cannot look at another Duke Nukem product again, knowing those kind of people are involved and be able to enjoy myself. I won't hear Duke's voice and feel good about knowing I helped put coin in the hand of a man who has no regard for his fans unless they cow-tow, step and fetch, and bend over for him.

If you want to hang onto your collection and keep your nostalgia, i'm fine with that. I'm saying I can't. It's not even a want, I just can't. It's like asking me to eat a shoe. i can't do it man. I was sitting here last night looking at my Duke stuff and I was crying. Do you think this was a decision that came lightly? I knew this was an issue. I knew what he was doing, but I kept trying to give it the benefit of the doubt. Hoping that maybe once the madness of the politics subsided or a new game would come along all this hostility would go away, but it's only gotten worse. It's not about putting this behind me. I do not have the ability to look at someone who acts this way and go... Yeah, but Duke is still awesome... Because Duke is 80% Jon st John's performance.

I sincerely believe, and it will be my my personal focus going forward, that we as a community should move away from Duke Nukem as the centerpiece of it all. The franchise itself is on deep life support, and the people in charge are of incredibly low character.

Eduke32 itself should certainly be the core pillar, with what Voidpoint and 3D Realms are doing in terms of Ion Fury, Wrath, Rad Rodgers, and the other legacy stuff they own, along with other games that fit the sensibilities that this franchise was once known for. That's just my 10 cents. Once you marry Gearbox and the guy behind the voice together you have a nasty image and it's not one I care to look at anymore.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


I'm very sorry to hear all this, Commando Nukem.

I have no proper words of consolation here but for myself, I've long decided that it's better to avoid identifying a work of art with the artist. It's not an easy thing to do and it's purely subjective but I feel it's better that way. Duke is Duke and Jon is Jon. But then again, I never knew him personally to any degree and thus am in a "safe" position to think this way.

The other thing I would like to think is that if you have good memories of something, future events should not interfere with that (what xMobilemux said). You had a good time and no one can take it away from you because it's in the past, completely unreachable to anyone. But I know such memories can be hit pretty hard by bumbling copyright holders.

Warcraft III was never a favourite game of mine but I played it quite a lot and kinda liked it because I'm a big fan of Warcraft II. One would think I'd not care much about Reforged and its failure but when all that stuff happened it stirred me more than I'd think it would. I did not cling to the belief that Blizzard was top-notch perfect in everything they did -- a belief that I had had back in the 90s -- but the Reforged failure straight out destroyed what was left of this view in my head. It was very uncomfortable I have to say.

But thankfully moods change and emotions subside. I tried to think this over and summarise what was good and what I did not like about Warcraft III and the whole direction the franchise headed into. It was rather instructive, at least. I likely won't purchase and play Reforged or any other version of Warcraft III for that matter. Not because of an emotional impact, I'm simply not interested anymore (before the release I thought that maybe I would replay the game once the remaster launched). But at least I tried to salvage the good feelings I had while playing back in the 2000s.

But your situation is complicated because of the personal involvement with Jon. I can also understand how hard it gets when relations worsen between any two people. It can be very taxing and uncomfortable. Wishing you the best in overcoming the crisis!

User is offline   Steve 64 


I don't think I can find the right words for this right now and im still reading it hehehe god damn.

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


So wait, you are ditching your appreciation of Duke Nukem, not because of 25 years of mismanagement and heartbreak, but because "Liberals"?

This is the craziest shit I've seen on here ever. And there has been some crazy shit here, I shouldn't have to tell you that.

I didn't see how this 'political discussion' went, but if it's anything like the usual standard of 'debate' on Duke4.net, then I'd withhold judgement on JSJ till we know more. Just saying.

I know you guys all love DJT, but you also know that a lot of the US does not see him the way that you do. This has nothing to do with liberals or being left or right wing. If you guys are going to support this guy, then you have to own how he's viewed by everyone else.

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


>JSJ flushing a multi-year friendship down the drain over politics
>nOt EvErYoNe SeEs TrUmP tHe WaY yOu Do

Why am I not surprised.

This post has been edited by R A D A Я: 05 June 2020 - 09:47 AM


User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


Social media needs to die.

User is offline   Steve 64 


Yup it needs to die.

User is offline   NNC 


While I don't consider myself as a conservative or right winger (especially here in Hungary, where most of our rulers are complete retards who want feudalism of the XIX-th Century back), but the arrogance of the liberals worldwide is getting scarier and scarier every day. These assholes just can't accept any kind of alternative opinion, they don't allow you to say something positive about the people they hate, and they are absolutely incapable of arguing properly. I remember how awfully I was treated in Doomworld when I said being a trannie is not normal. That arrogant shithole not only banned me permanently for one single post, but also said he don't allow "spewing garbage" on **his** board and I should never ever go back. It seems all the SJWs, feminists, neoliberals and other retards are ready to eradicate opposition if they can somehow instigate a new world war. As much as I hate the subhuman policeman who killed Floyd, this "black lives matter" protest is nothing more than liberal vandalism with anti-white racism.

User is offline   Jimmy 

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JSJ acts just like Bruce Campbell does, which is funny considering their beef. That's what it's like on the D-List.

User is offline   Steve 64 


Some City has gone batshit insane they change a name of a street to Black Lives Matter.

User is offline   Phredreeke 


View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 June 2020 - 03:44 AM, said:

Eduke32 itself should certainly be the core pillar, with what Voidpoint and 3D Realms are doing in terms of Ion Fury, Wrath, Rad Rodgers, and the other legacy stuff they own, along with other games that fit the sensibilities that this franchise was once known for.

Ok, who will break the news to him :)


Here's some free advice for those viewing this thread.

Thank you.

User is offline   Steve 64 


I wonder if anyone has shown John The Duke Nukem Hentai Comic hehehe


View PostDuke Legacy, on 05 June 2020 - 12:14 PM, said:

I wonder if anyone has shown John The Duke Nukem Hentai Comic hehehe


User is offline   xMobilemux 


View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 June 2020 - 03:44 AM, said:

I mean this. I love you. You're a bro. We've both been mega Duke fans and been there through some big ups and downs. The hype is real and the soul is crushed.

I'm not telling you personally, or anyone here for that matter, to give up your warm fuzzies for Duke. I would never tell you to throw away that huge Duke collection. Never.

What I am telling you, and everyone else here, this has nothing to do with politics,and it isn't merely just a voice actor blocking me and causing a temper tantrum. I've been blocked by people I looked up to before. I've been blocked for retarded reasons before. This isn't just a one off incident. Jon treats his fans like garbage. A lot. If coin crosses palm it should not be from this community to his piggy bank. That's what i'm saying.

I'm saying that I personally cannot hold onto any of the stuff I have anymore because it has now been tainted. It isn't that Jon went from being one kind of a person to another, though I think personal events over the last ten years haven't done him any favors, this is who he's always been. You don't see George Broussard out there calling people douchebags and blocking them left right and center.

This is about the deceit, and the defamation going on. It's the hostility of it. I cannot look at another Duke Nukem product again, knowing those kind of people are involved and be able to enjoy myself. I won't hear Duke's voice and feel good about knowing I helped put coin in the hand of a man who has no regard for his fans unless they cow-tow, step and fetch, and bend over for him.

If you want to hang onto your collection and keep your nostalgia, i'm fine with that. I'm saying I can't. It's not even a want, I just can't. It's like asking me to eat a shoe. i can't do it man. I was sitting here last night looking at my Duke stuff and I was crying. Do you think this was a decision that came lightly? I knew this was an issue. I knew what he was doing, but I kept trying to give it the benefit of the doubt. Hoping that maybe once the madness of the politics subsided or a new game would come along all this hostility would go away, but it's only gotten worse. It's not about putting this behind me. I do not have the ability to look at someone who acts this way and go... Yeah, but Duke is still awesome... Because Duke is 80% Jon st John's performance.

I sincerely believe, and it will be my my personal focus going forward, that we as a community should move away from Duke Nukem as the centerpiece of it all. The franchise itself is on deep life support, and the people in charge are of incredibly low character.

Eduke32 itself should certainly be the core pillar, with what Voidpoint and 3D Realms are doing in terms of Ion Fury, Wrath, Rad Rodgers, and the other legacy stuff they own, along with other games that fit the sensibilities that this franchise was once known for. That's just my 10 cents. Once you marry Gearbox and the guy behind the voice together you have a nasty image and it's not one I care to look at anymore.

Remember a while back on this very forum during shortly before the reveal of that awful Bombshell trailer?
You and I started to notice some bullshit on Frederik Schreiber's side about still owning the Duke IP and I called him out on it, he responded by blocking me on FB and then coming here to this forum and claiming that he blocked me because I harassed him, which you and I both knew that was bullshit.

I hated his guts for a long time and I still do, fast forward to today, my hatred for him only grew when he virtue signaled about the past Bombshell designs and handled the Ion Fury controversy very very poorly with more virtue signaling and donating MY money to an organization that I didn't agree with.
Despite that all, I still ended up buying Ion Fury and even got the Switch version.
Because as much as I hate that son of a bitch, I respect the members of this forum who put their heart and soul into making the game more, even though I didn't really like the game.
I still won't purchase anything else from Fred's 3D Realms going forward, even if Voidpoint ends up making another game under them, new 3D Realms is too tainted in my mind.

Yet I still feel fine when I see the classic 3D Realms logo show up when I fire up past Duke games and the other 3DR games because I know that it was a different and better company then.

Same principle with other games, I hate Tim Schafer and have hated him since he sold out to that fraud Sarkessian and won't touch anything he makes after that point.
Yet I still love Brutal Legend, because that was made back when he wasn't a pathetic piece of trash.
Voice Actor DC Douglas started acting like Jon did a while ago and I lost all respect for him, yet I still enjoy his performance as Albert Wesker in Resident Evil and Legion in Mass Effect.
I just won't be going near anything he makes going forward.
I HATE HATE FUCKING HATE what has happened to Harley Quinn in the current day and age and I stay FAR FAR away from any product she's in in this current age, she's been tainted, yet I still enjoy seeing her in the Arkham games and older animations because I know that they were made before all the awful stuff.
I LOATHE the new Star Wars movies and won't give another cent to anything else coming from the IP, yet I still love the original trilogy.

I can get behind you not wanting to give Jon another dime, I support that all the way, I embraced that a while ago and I stay away from anything Gearbox made going forward, even if Gearbox does release that Duke collection with the older DNF builds, I won't be paying a cent for it, at best I'll get it by sailing the high seas.

What I don't agree with is you throwing away your Duke Legacy, your fan made media, your merch, you're just hurting yourself further by throwing away something that has been a part of your life since you were 8 years old.
Also what are you gonna do about Ion Fury, Rad Rodgers or Ion Fury's possible sequels? Jon is likely gonna be involved in those, are you gonna support them?

Duke Nukem has no official future in the game's industry, I made my peace with that a while ago, even if a new Duke game does get made, it won't be the Duke we know and love, the only way we're gonna get more of the Duke we know and love is from the modders on this forum, they are the ones to put faith in now.

I can understand not wanting to do anything more for Duke if it hurt you that bad, but just don't throw away your Duke Legacy, everyone on this forum has their own Duke Legacy and it built everything we have on this forum today and a good chunk of your fan made media has left an impression, it certainly did on me.
Even though I didn't respond to any of your messages on FB over the years, I still read those fan made scripts you sent me and they have given me some inspiration over the years, same with your Duke Nukem series.

Throw away Gearbox, throw away JSJ, throw away 3Denmark Realms, just don't throw away your love for Duke's past because of a shitty present and future.


Some of you people at this forum need to grow the **** up. You ever wondered why people do not listen to hardcore fans? Check this thread.

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


View PostMrFlibble, on 05 June 2020 - 05:17 AM, said:

The other thing I would like to think is that if you have good memories of something, future events should not interfere with that (what xMobilemux said). You had a good time and no one can take it away from you because it's in the past, completely unreachable to anyone. But I know such memories can be hit pretty hard by bumbling copyright holders.

Warcraft III was never a favourite game of mine but I played it quite a lot and kinda liked it because I'm a big fan of Warcraft II. One would think I'd not care much about Reforged and its failure but when all that stuff happened it stirred me more than I'd think it would. I did not cling to the belief that Blizzard was top-notch perfect in everything they did -- a belief that I had had back in the 90s -- but the Reforged failure straight out destroyed what was left of this view in my head. It was very uncomfortable I have to say.

But thankfully moods change and emotions subside. I tried to think this over and summarise what was good and what I did not like about Warcraft III and the whole direction the franchise headed into. It was rather instructive, at least. I likely won't purchase and play Reforged or any other version of Warcraft III for that matter. Not because of an emotional impact, I'm simply not interested anymore (before the release I thought that maybe I would replay the game once the remaster launched). But at least I tried to salvage the good feelings I had while playing back in the 2000s.

But what Commando Nukem is saying is that someone that a voice actor, who played a role in his favourite game isn't actually like the character that you see on screen. That's the same thing selling all your Warcraft stuff because one of the cast members doesn't like who you voted for president.

At the end of the day, it's Commando Nukem's choice as to how he deals with this. I just think that some perspective would be a good idea.

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


JSJ has TDS.

User is offline   Radar 

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View PostTea Monster, on 06 June 2020 - 04:52 AM, said:

But what Commando Nukem is saying is that someone that a voice actor, who played a role in his favourite game isn't actually like the character that you see on screen. That's the same thing selling all your Warcraft stuff because one of the cast members doesn't like who you voted for president.

At the end of the day, it's Commando Nukem's choice as to how he deals with this. I just think that some perspective would be a good idea.

If the roles were reversed and JSJ was a Trump supporter, he wouldn't even have a career. Nobody actually cares about his politics. But the double standard is tiring.

This post has been edited by R A D A Я: 06 June 2020 - 07:36 AM


User is offline   Forge 

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View PostxMobilemux, on 05 June 2020 - 08:13 PM, said:

You and I started to notice some bullshit on Frederik Schreiber's side about still owning the Duke IP and I called him out on it, he responded by blocking me on FB and then coming here to this forum and claiming that he blocked me because I harassed him, which you and I both knew that was bullshit.

I hated his guts for a long time and I still do, fast forward to today, my hatred for him only grew when he virtue signaled about the past Bombshell designs and handled the Ion Fury controversy very very poorly with more virtue signaling and donating MY money to an organization that I didn't agree with.

Fred is a pussy for various reasons, but he did not make voidpoint donate money to some leftist political association fronting as an alphabet suicide hotline. Fred's lawyers/pr dept. put the thumbscrews to certain individuals to make an apology, but that idea for forfeiture of sales came from elsewhere.

why are people so surprised that all the entertainment industry is full of certain types of people with certain types of mentality & react a certain way when encountering things outside their immediate sphere of influence?
Posted Image

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostDukeNukem64, on 06 June 2020 - 01:27 AM, said:

Some of you people at this forum need to grow the **** up. You ever wondered why people do not listen to hardcore fans? Check this thread.

Pretty much, man. Also I gotta laugh at the dude being banned for saying "trannies are not normal". Hahahaha. I bet he just went in a random thread to say that too. Fucking autists with a persecution complex.

User is offline   Phredreeke 


The voices echo in my head, is Duke alive or is Duke dead?

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


View PostDukeNukem64, on 06 June 2020 - 01:27 AM, said:

Some of you people at this forum need to grow the **** up.

What do you mean "you people"?

User is offline   MrFlibble 


Duke is alive because he's in a number of good games, Duke3D being the all-around good one. At least, this is how I understand this.

But this entire discussion made me think that no future generation of players will be able to see Duke3D the same way as those who played it back in the 90s. I mean, Duke is not forgotten because of a) the community and :) because it is still a playable game even for today's audience, and thanks to the source port is is easily accessible for everyone. Yet at the same time he belongs to the context of the time when he was created, and everything else is a retrospective of that context (I don't mean new stuff made for the game, I mean the original levels). Certainly future players will appreciate the game for its merits, and the rich legacy of community content, but their perception of the whole matter will be inevitably different from that of us, Duke's contemporaries.

From this point of view, Duke will change as his perception by players changes, even though the game stays the same.

User is offline   brullov 

  • Senior Artist at TGK


Maybe the main reason why we have such disagreements is because we treat Duke Nukem in different ways. For some people Duke is a source of income, for other like me and most of you (regarding you previous posts) Duke is a superhero from the childhood. He is a very special, dear character to us who is tied so strong with all good memories we have.

User is offline   Rellik 


The lesson learned here is if you are going to be an asshole with your political opinions, be prepared to lose some friends and opportunities.


View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 June 2020 - 03:44 AM, said:

If you want to hang onto your collection and keep your nostalgia, i'm fine with that. I'm saying I can't. It's not even a want, I just can't.

If it helps, it's probably been a decade since I owned anything Duke related except my copies on Steam.

The couple of opportunities to be anywhere near that orbit since then reached the tentative maybe stage but I withdrew. Some of the folks at work who know I sometimes post here have asked if it's cause I'm still dreaming of making a Duke game (it's even come up as something the company could consider trying for) but I generally assure them no... please no... I come back for the fine folks on both sides...

This post has been edited by OccludeOlga'sOcculus: 06 June 2020 - 09:58 PM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


folks at your work know you post here, and you haven't been fired or ostracized?


User is offline   NNC 


View PostDefiant Ron, on 05 June 2020 - 12:06 PM, said:

Here's some free advice for those viewing this thread.

Thank you.

I don't want to be friend with anybody whom I can't express my opinion the way I want or I have to restrict myself in any way. A friend accepts me with my strengths, weaknesses, opinions, etc.

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