Hello! For some time I worked on a GUI launcher to easily launch add-ons and easily configure multiplayer.
The original idea was to add the 20th Anniversary World Tour edition of Steam to simply launch add-ons via Eduke32 with the Steam Time Tracker feature, so even a child can figure it out. I did this for myself and friends, but after their feedback I expanded the functionality and decided to publish it for the community, maybe it will be interesting for you.
I do not pretend to be original and clean code, maybe a similar work was already done by someone, and maybe even better than mine, but I was interested to do it myself to get experience.
Download launcher and add-ons kit
Having a 20th Anniversary World Tour is optional, you can use it with any DUKE3D.GRP, just put it in the folder with duke3d.exe.
And in the 20th Anniversary World Tour edition, the launcher replaces the original executable file, which makes Steam Time Tracker feature possible.
By default, I distribute this kit with all official add-ons and Eduke32-oldmp to support multiplayer, everything is set up and ready to go, but you can edit it to your taste, delete or add any other add-on or mod to the launcher. How to do this, read under the spoiler:
The multiplayer launch features correspond to EDuke32-OldMP (you need to choose the same add-ons and maps for correct synchronization).
If you are not aware of these features, then you can read my Steam Guide
This kit consists of:
- EDuke32-OldMP - multiplayer branch of the EDuke32 engine.
- Plug 'N' Pray port by Aterbust. It starts with Better Coop mod by Kipo to bypass broken respawn points in the co-op.
- Add-ons Duke it out in D.C., Duke: Nuclear Winter, Duke Caribbean: Life's a Beach, in which I integrated maps from Megaton Edition with corrected respawn points in the co-op.
- Duke It's Zero Hour add-on with a patch byNightFright, which I modified a bit to work better with EDuke32-OldMP.
- Add-ons Duke! ZONE II and Penthouse Paradise unchanged.
In all add-ons are changed with the correct ones and remove extra definevolumename and definelevelname in the CON-file for more convenient navigation in the menu, unused resources are cut out and everything is packed in .GRP.
Message for copyright holders:
This kit includes some early paid add-ons, since none of them are available for purchase in any of the digital distribution services.
The Megaton Edition, which introduced some of these add-ons, is also unavailable for purchase since 2016.
As soon as it becomes possible to purchase these add-ons, individually, or in a compilation, they will be immediately removed from this kit.