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What are you working on for Duke right now?  "Post about whatever Duke related stuff you're doing"

User is offline   Darkus 


My bots are now working in multiplayer, the only thing they do, is moving and grabbing many objects they can (they still don't shoot monsters):

Posted Image

But it's very unfinished, and they act funny in some situations, for example when they jump each other to climb a wall:

Posted Image

Or they're trying to make the palm tree fall to reach the shotgun:

Posted Image

Anyway, I still have a lot of things to do before it's finished.

User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


Would love to see them in action in this state, seems like fun.

User is offline   Jenz/Amaka 


You know what's the hardest thing to design? Monsters. Here's all three versions of an Insect Monster that I've cut from Direct System Mod.

Posted Image

Also, here's how one of my enemy sprites have evolved over the years.
Left being the oldest.

Posted Image
Hopefully they look good now.

Learning the right rendering, texture, modeling and lighting technique was/is one hell of a road. Hell, even the poses are incredibly important when working on a new enemies. You can't have 'em stand straight or they look absolutely horrible in-game and etc.

This post has been edited by Jenz/Amaka: 10 October 2017 - 09:23 AM


User is offline   Merlijn 


In honor of halloween: added a little easter egg that should look familiar to Stephen King fans. :rolleyes:

Attached Image: theyallfloat.png

User is offline   darkcaleb 


View PostMerlijn, on 14 October 2017 - 02:38 AM, said:

In honor of halloween: added a little easter egg that should look familiar to Stephen King fans. :rolleyes:

Attachment theyallfloat.png

Hahahaha nice! First time seeing a easter egg of this movie :excl: Looks promising!

User is offline   darkcaleb 


View PostJenz/Amaka, on 10 October 2017 - 09:22 AM, said:

You know what's the hardest thing to design? Monsters. Here's all three versions of an Insect Monster that I've cut from Direct System Mod.

Posted Image

Also, here's how one of my enemy sprites have evolved over the years.
Left being the oldest.

Posted Image
Hopefully they look good now.

Learning the right rendering, texture, modeling and lighting technique was/is one hell of a road. Hell, even the poses are incredibly important when working on a new enemies. You can't have 'em stand straight or they look absolutely horrible in-game and etc.

Hey are you still working on this project? This is something you don't see in every mod.. Looks good!

User is offline   darkcaleb 


View PostMerlijn, on 07 October 2017 - 06:44 AM, said:

Looks very nice, can't wait to see what else is in store. :excl:

Also really digging the screenshots from ezepov and darkcaleb. :D

Have been working for a loooong time :rolleyes: Still trying to keep it going!

User is offline   Merlijn 


View Postdarkcaleb, on 14 October 2017 - 02:59 AM, said:

Hahahaha nice! First time seeing a easter egg of this movie :excl: Looks promising!

Thanks! Yeah, I think it's a first. :rolleyes:

Map is nearly done btw, I'm closing in on the wall limit and finished every major location.
So now I have to finetune the gameplay and find some beta testers hehe.

User is offline   darkcaleb 


View PostMerlijn, on 15 October 2017 - 12:26 PM, said:

Thanks! Yeah, I think it's a first. :rolleyes:

Map is nearly done btw, I'm closing in on the wall limit and finished every major location.
So now I have to finetune the gameplay and find some beta testers hehe.

Good to hear! Can't wait to play it. Good luck!

User is offline   CruX 


Posted Image

experimenting with the combination of 64 and vanilla stuff.

User is offline   BestViking 


I can't texture worth a shit. I've got this idea for a moonbase, and I kind of want this red carpet in this central area that connects the different segments. I considered changing the wall to one with a blue stripe, because perhaps the blue carpet is easier to match. There has to be a separation. I don't want carpet on the whole floor.

Never mind the ceilings, I haven't even gotten there yet. This is what usually stops me dead in my tracks. As for now, the red and brown looks ugly together. I tried with the white carpet on the sides, but it's way too bright.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: capt0004.png

This post has been edited by BestViking: 09 November 2017 - 05:35 PM


User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


If you darken brown floor, or choose a different and darker brown tile (in fact it would probably be advised to pick one that has a higher saturation), you can greatly increase the contrast in color which will make the scene more attractive. Additionally, adding a more detailed trim around the walls, and potentially sinking the carpeted area down ever so slightly can improve the overall look. Simple details that create layering go a loooong way.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Working on boss of second route of Level 5 of Trequonia for Trequonia V2,
Probably longest coding soo far, one of coolest boss effect I've ever made soo far.

User is offline   BestViking 


I arrived at a more suitable aesthetic. Blue is easier to work with for the clean and tidy style moonbase. I considered going for a more rusty or "industrial" style, but arrived on this. The trims did a lot to break things up, that classic floor is easy to work with, and the ceiling will be changed once I get some lights up there. The outside area, which will probably be unreachable, will remain unchanged until the rough outline of the base is done, at which point I will add slopes and interesting things to look at... if my idea works out.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: capt0005.png
  • Attached Image: capt0006.png


User is offline   Maisth 


A lot of people know (i hope) my first map, but the map is finished and now im working on the sequel to that map.

For now this is the only image i can provide but later ill provide more.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0021.png

This post has been edited by Maisth: 10 November 2017 - 02:20 PM


User is offline   Mark 


After about 7 years of non stop projects I took a short break away from modding after HHR. I'm slowly starting to get back in. I was adding some details to a model of a laser canon. I'm not sure what I'll do with it when I'm finished. I'm hoping this gets my "rear in gear" to get back to modding for Eduke32. The break has been relaxing and its tough to get started again.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: laser canon test1.jpg


User is offline   BestViking 


Looks nice! I could never get into modeling. When I tried my hand at it in blender back in very early 2000s, it was all about slapping together a bunch of primitives and try to build the basic outline. Then manipulate everything from there. I'd be as bold as to guess the process is simpler and more intuitive now? How much time does a single model usually take?

User is offline   Mark 


Blender has become more powerful over the years and some of its fancy features are easy to use. But...I tried at least 3 or 4 times over the years to learn Blender but I lost patience. I still make models the hard way with a bare-bones program called Misfit Model 3D. As far as how much time, some simple props are 10 or 15 minutes to make the model geometry. Making the textures and skinning the model takes way more time. This particular model is pieced together from different models. The canon itself was originally about a 2 hour project. It might have been less if I had an idea on paper first. It went through various changes over the year so no idea how much time total on that part. The "power supply" model was something I whipped up in just over an hour for someone's Doomsday project. But then I spent another hour or so tweaking it to be different for this one. So the geometry can still go fast sometimes but the texturing will be a trial and error process for me with my lackluster programs. I know I'll be spending many more hours on that portion. These days, programs like Substance Painter or similar speed up that process quite bit. But I haven't bought one yet. I really should if I want my skins to look great. Working with Teamonster has shown me the quality that can come out of these programs.

User is offline   CruX 


Posted Image

mutilated trooper corpse. In the 64 port you could shoot bodies of fallen enemies until they gibbed. I'm implementing that in my mod but with the added bonus of little incremental sprites so you can admire your handiwork.

User is online   Striker 

  • Auramancer


View PostPaul B, on 06 October 2017 - 08:07 PM, said:

Gambini don't think you're the first one to build that in Mapster. I came across a Chinese website that contained this image in Classic mode. Since Gambini didn't directly answer the question about TROR or Classic its definitely in classic as shown below. I mean look at that frame rate 70 fps no way that can be TROR.

That's not classic in that screenshot. Look at the lines, they're perspective correct, not perfectly vertical. That's polymost or polymer.

This post has been edited by Striker: 22 November 2017 - 02:56 PM


User is offline   Mark 


I didn't say anything at the time but this reminds me that Gambini's creation is extremely close to the one posted from the Chinese website by Paul B. Makes me wonder which one was made first. :D

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


I just committed ZDoom-style savegames (r6569), replacing the antiquated ten-slot system. Please let me know what you think or if you encounter any problems.

User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostHendricks266, on 18 December 2017 - 03:26 AM, said:

I just committed ZDoom-style savegames (r6569), replacing the antiquated ten-slot system. Please let me know what you think or if you encounter any problems.

Got some random CTD(crash to desktop)s after keeping hit F2 and F3 to save and load the game, then using ESC back to menu from save/load screen, using 64bit debug build but no tracelog file appeared, only a exit message in eduke32.log around the time CTD happens.

exit(0) at source/build/src/cache1d.cpp:1081 in kopen4load()

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 18 December 2017 - 07:02 AM


User is offline   Perro Seco 


For me it works with the original levels, but with user maps it doesn't save the game if I use a new empty slot. When this happens, this line appears in the log:

G_SavePlayer: failed opening "àlÛ" for writing: Invalid argument

If I save the game rewriting an used slot instead of writing a new one it works fine.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Both of these issues should be fixed as of r6572.

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


Posted Image

User is offline   CruX 


SO. Little update, i made some rearrangements to the weapons I'd already completed even though i told myself I wouldn't do that. This whole time it's been bugging me that my mod didn't have any double smg's and I also couldn't find any satisfactory graphics for the plasma gun that I'd had in the freezethrower's slot. Last week I caved in and got rid of it completely then replaced it with the PDW I had in the chaingun weapon's slot, then replaced that with the dual MP's in the video. It was a lot of extra work that I really didn't want to do, but now that it's (mostly) done I'm glad i saw it through.

*edit* you can also see how the mod's custom hud works, though something about the way I've got it coded kicks fraps' ass. In the game's regular time it slides out much faster than that.

This post has been edited by CruX: 19 December 2017 - 06:11 PM


User is offline   BestViking 


Those are some nice looking SMGs. What is the workflow for making such sprites? I assume you're using a more intuitive and less cumbersome approach than inputting each single pixel into editart?


They are a work over dn64 mp5s IIRC

User is offline   CruX 


View PostRichardStorm, on 20 December 2017 - 05:50 AM, said:

They are a work over dn64 mp5s IIRC

yeah, Mike12 did all of the editing on the gun itself, you can tell he used the dn64 SMG as a base, but I've got no idea how he went about making the frames that are used in the reloading animation, i can't imagine it was a quick or easy job though. About the most i did with the graphics was putting the dn64 hands back over them and making a few extra frames to match the gun to the muzzleflash I'd picked for it. On my end what took the most work was getting a new reloading animation worked out. Doing that stuff right is always a big arduous pain in the ass.

This post has been edited by CruX: 20 December 2017 - 11:13 AM


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