This has always been one of my favorite threads.
- We've got a TL;DR "Cool story bro" post below this line;
I've got nothing to show yet, but I'm in the process of trying to figure out how practical it would be to make a small (Single level) survival horror mod for EDuke32, there probably wouldn't be any new resources, just new (And probably dysfunctional and unbelievably bad) con code and a single new map, it would feel more like Japanese horror games. Reasons for this idea are that I feel like trying to make another map, but I can't make my mind up wether to go industrial, urban or alien. My idea being that survival horror allows for ambiguity (Silent Hill anyone?) and I could make one big map (Like in Clock Tower 3 / Haunting Ground) of say, a city, that incorporate several themes.
The basic idea would be - and I admit some inspiration comes from the A.Dream maps, let's face it, they are awesome - that Duke wakes up and discovers that he is not familiar with the surroundings, it's a typical dark, end of the world location (A town?) and he starts to explore, the player would be able to read things (Books, notes and the like) and would be given a weak weapon (Holy Water or maybe just kick) - then, just as he's getting used to this dreadful place, something evil starts to chase him (probably just the battlelord with his gun disabled, maybe a new skin and other tweaks, you probably wouldn't be able to see much more than his outline though.) and the game is on, Duke must hide from and evade the enemy, he would also have to solve puzzles and find items to progress. It wouldn't be particularly long, nor would the story be very well developed. At the moment I am toying with the idea of fixed camera (I prefer fixed cameras in Survival Horror) and inventory. Hopefully, I get around to making this thing.
Have to admit, I'm a little survival horror obsessed lately, after playing Haunting Ground, I was so impressed (Dare I admit to crying?) that I am determined to play every other survival horror game I can obtain, I'm broke right now from ordering several more games from eBay.
Yeah, sorry for a long post that's just ideas, I'm sure everyone here knows how bad I am at actually executing my ideas, as in, they don't happen
Edit: Oh, and I think I should stop kidding myself, I'm going to have to say that Duke Nukem 2D is officially dropped from now on.