Thanks for the comments !
It uses mostly what Daedolon said along with #229/225 for the "neon" stripes. Everything you see is just stock "1.5" textures with just less common palette combinations.
Most recently I also added a bit of #870 to the mix to change things a bit (subway car texture). This is a bit of a risky visual style but I wanted to try something I've had in my head for a while.
One ingredient is palette 21/24 which helps with the rusty look I have in places. The red with 24 is kinda bright but you can compensate for it by using lower shade values on the wall.
Also, nice pics Mike!
EDIT: Some new shots, Somewhat figured out game play stuff and order for things for now.
- Subway security control which IDs people, since everything is supposed to go wrong in games, Duke won't really be passing this one without some issues.
- You heard it in here first, In the dystopic future, night clubs will have fusion reactor bolts for decoration and use push buttons as bar tables.
Like last time, rest of the shots and WIP .map for poking around is available in
I don't really expect to win any awards with this one, I mostly hope that any of this can be inspiration for others

Beware that the .map has many placeholder things as no effects have been implemented in yet.
Edit#2: Another one: