Haven't been doing much lately. But here are some changes
Dukevision - Duke will be able to see further along with the already brightened areas from the original nightvision. Downside is that the screen is more green which makes it harder to see.
Steroids - Duke's might foot deals double damage. Downside is that the screen will flash with a red flash that looks like a fast heartbeat which makes it harder to see.
Jetpack - Haven't really thought of any +'s here. Downside is that the screen tilts.
Added cstat flag 2048 to all actors, i hate that sprites take the sectors shade value.
Then i finally finished something that had been annoying me for weeks. The freezer actually freezes enemies now. When an enemy's hp goes under 1 by the freezers shot, it will freeze like in the original game. After 10 seconds the enemy will start smelting, when xrepeat or yrepeat is below 11, the actor will explode spawning lotsofglass 50 and some water on the ground. I didn't think it would be so easy to add this. Bosses usually kill duke instantly itf duke is too close to the boss, but not if the boss is frozen, it wouldn't be fun if you couldn't might boot them to death
I thought it would require much more coding into each actor. But i found an easy way to do it that just require me to put in freeze state in each freezeable actor. So i'm very happy about this.