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PCExhumed - Exhumed/PowerSlave PC port

User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


compiler optimizations

User is offline   Gambini 


Does anyone have the soundtrack in ogg file? so i put it in the whatever folder is required for the game to play it as if the cd was there?

User is offline   K1n9_Duk3 


PCExhumed can also use soundtracks in FLAC format. You should be able to rip the tracks from the original CD with the built-in Windows Media Player if you're using Windows 10.

User is offline   Gambini 


I don´t have the original CD, i dont know either how i should name the tunes and where i should put them.

User is online   Lunick 


exhumed02.ogg and so on in the same location as the .exe

User is offline   Lobo4 


Here are the soundtracks (ogg), to be put directly in the same folder as the exe.

The credit for this musical success goes to the composer Scott Branston, I wonder how he worked to conceive them.

User is offline   Gambini 


Thank you!

User is offline   Lobo4 


The designers of Exhumed have realized and incorporated a specific alphabet for the game as you can see in the picture,

Posted Image

by any chance do we know if there is a font as well as a translation ?

User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


The issue for 64bit has been identified as an optimization issue during LTO.


This should fix it once it gets pulled to PCE.

User is offline   Lobo4 


View Postoasiz, on 07 June 2020 - 12:34 AM, said:

The issue for 64bit has been identified as an optimization issue during LTO.


This should fix it once it gets pulled to PCE.

I've tested pcexhumed_win64_20200609-11662, I don't meet any more sudden exits on the last level, but however other levels are concerned by the crash (west bank for example).

On the other hand always a black screen the map of the route of the crossed levels with OpenGL videomode -just after the incoming message of the last level- (with the software rendering the display goes well).

This post has been edited by Lobo4: 10 June 2020 - 04:52 AM


User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Being looked into. Thanks for the report!

User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Check if r11733 works better, there is still a fix on game side that's pending.

NBlood / Rednukem / PCExhumed - r11733
1820abba9 | [nukeykt] Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/eduke32/master'
| [Richard C. Gobeille] engine: add klabs() back into ksqrtasm_old()
| [Dino Bollinger] Fix minor memory leak in Net_Connect()
6ec133c99 | [Richard C. Gobeille] engine: fix function signatures of ksqrtasm_old() and clip_nsqrtasm()
These functions were specified as accepting int32_t values, but wrap functions (or are wrapped by functions) that take uint32_t.
| [Richard C. Gobeille] engine: set g_loadedMapVersion in engineLoadBoardV5V6()


User is offline   Lobo4 


No change with r11733 but yes from 11734 : no crash in sight (for the time being).

The map layers screen is still not displayed...

User is offline   Lobo4 


pcexhumed_win64_20200613-11734 : crash in the level Kalabsh (after founding all the keys, last gate, just the before the last the switch).

Implementing a save state would be very practical (test time saving :) ) .

User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


There is one crash that we found in another map so I think this might help there, related to the same routine that was fixed earlier.



The latest release should hopefully fix the crashes now (fingers crossed...)

I've also temporarily disabled the fadeout effect with was preventing the map screen from appearing before starting level 20.

As for the alien text font, it's just a graphic so there's no font as such unfortunately. There isn't anything anywhere that states what it's meant to say in English that I'm aware of. I could possibly ask the developers but I don't know if they'd remember at this stage!

User is offline   Lobo4 


Great, It's full of crashes and graphic bugs that were fixed : many thank !

I have fun redoing the levels without cheating, I make a comment when I encounter an anomaly (but they are quickly corrected).

Concerning the alien type-font, it is likely that there is a logic, for example the countdown of level 20 corresponding to figures and numbers that it is possible to translate since they are associated to a time value .

It's the alien writing that is impossible to know, do we know if there's a lot of character ? if yes she could allow us to generate a font.

Please, asking the developers if they have kept their Rosetta Stone : and offering us the translation table :)

User is offline   Lobo4 


pcexhumed_win64_20200624-11753 : level 20, after the console message "take out the control center" we take the elevator to access the last room for a cleaning and make the last tower appear: the last tower is always hidden by the structure despite the activation of all the switches and all the broken screens. which blocks the good end of the game.


I'm stuck on Luxor (can't recall what map that is, it's the second big boss, the scorpion/woman thing) The boss just doesn't react. At all. I can stab it with my steely knives but I just can't kill the beast like that Eagles song. The log is pretty wild: some 400 lines of "PlotCourseToSprite 683: overflow", a few "feebtag 602: overflow" and a handful of "AngleChase 1180:overflow", "DoKenTest: (unsigned int)nSector >= kMaxSectors", "MV_GetVoice(): bad handle (0)!"... I just can't pass that level because of that...

I was having fun so far, and except for the setup menu that is desperately missing, it's really slick.

Attached File(s)


User is offline   Lobo4 


View Postalias conrad coldwood, on 02 August 2020 - 01:31 PM, said:

I was having fun so far, and except for the setup menu that is desperately missing, it's really slick.

A setup menu like in the good old days to configure PCExhumed/NBlood/Rednukem instead of editing the config files by hand would be a really good idea.


View PostLobo4, on 28 June 2020 - 11:34 PM, said:

pcexhumed_win64_20200624-11753 : level 20, after the console message "take out the control center" we take the elevator to access the last room for a cleaning and make the last tower appear: the last tower is always hidden by the structure despite the activation of all the switches and all the broken screens. which blocks the good end of the game.

Hi, sorry only just seeing your message. I ran through level 20 just now and was able to finish it with all towers destroyed. I'm not sure what happened when you played it to be honest. I had to blow up a random wall to find the last switch (I always get lost on the last level so resort to using the LOBOSPHERE cheat) but everything was straightforward enough.

User is offline   Lobo4 


View PostLobo4, on 28 June 2020 - 11:34 PM, said:

pcexhumed_win64_20200624-11753 : level 20, after the console message "take out the control center" we take the elevator to access the last room for a cleaning and make the last tower appear: the last tower is always hidden by the structure despite the activation of all the switches and all the broken screens. which blocks the good end of the game.

View Postsirlemonhead, on 24 August 2020 - 01:11 PM, said:

Hi, sorry only just seeing your message. I ran through level 20 just now and was able to finish it with all towers destroyed. I'm not sure what happened when you played it to be honest. I had to blow up a random wall to find the last switch (I always get lost on the last level so resort to using the LOBOSPHERE cheat) but everything was straightforward enough.

So I tried level 20 again and I finish the game with the right ending, not being able to reproduce what I said let's consider that there are no worries.

By the way, are there any new features planned on nB/E/RN ?

User is offline   Enigma 


Running PCExhumed but on trying to start the game I get an error "Unable to open sound 'blasted.voc'!" Running pcexhumed_win64_20200923-11953.zip

Any idea whats wrong?

User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Make sure that you have a good copy of the game, there are pirate versions floating around very commonly that are actually pre-release.

I just tested with mine (same exe) and got to level1 just fine.

User is offline   Phredreeke 


Maybe CRCs should be added for valid versions of STUFF.DAT and the port should alert you if it doesn't match?

User is offline   Enigma 


View Postoasiz, on 29 September 2020 - 10:33 AM, said:

Make sure that you have a good copy of the game, there are pirate versions floating around very commonly that are actually pre-release.

I just tested with mine (same exe) and got to level1 just fine.

Was taken from a retail disk. so I dunno.


Copied over the stuff.dat again and now it works go figure.

This post has been edited by Enigma: 29 September 2020 - 01:09 PM


User is offline   Lobo4 



With pcexhumed_win64_20201130-11988, I observe that the pattern of the "Guardians of bast" (They look like statues) is inactive, so that these opponents are visible but blocked (from the Kalabsh - Level 03).

This post has been edited by Lobo4: 02 December 2020 - 08:02 AM


User is offline   jkas789 



With pcexhumed_win64_20201130-11988, I observe that the pattern of the "Guardians of bast" (They look like statues) is inactive, so that these opponents are visible but blocked (from the Kalabsh - Level 03).

Can confirm, I'm having the same issue with latest revision.

Posted Image

User is offline   supergoofy 


NBlood / Rednukem / PCExhumed - r11989
dd7c5f7b7 | [sirlemonhead] PCExhumed: Lion typo fix

User is offline   Master O 


I know it's late to mention this, but it bears repeating:

Powerslave is available on GOG:


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