2201 A.D.
Deep space exploration and planet colonization has become a reality. Though few planets have atmospheres matching Earth, advanced terraforming
projects have allowed the transformation of many nearly dead planets into new homes. Planet X33-72 was settled 50 years ago as a center for quiet civilian life, as well as serving a dual role as a research facility. Recently it has also become a center of archeological activity; new discoveries show it to have once been the possible home of an alien civilization, although evidence isn't yet conclusive.
You play the role of a low level security officer. You live and work in the colony, leading a fairly mundane life. On August 7th a surge causes a fault in the main power array resulting in part of the control systems going into lock down, and leading to an apparent disruption in communication with the personnel in the generator facility. You are the only staff member available to investigate.
* Click-To-Use: Similar to Prey, simply click on any person, item, or button that you wish to interact with.
* Real-time cutscenes and scripted events that unfold before your eyes.
* Full recorded dialog (with subtitles) and NPC interaction.
* NPC's have paths and go about their own tasks.
* An Objectives/Quests/Goals system with a mouse-driven GUI.
* A faux full-body-awareness system to increase immersion.
* A brand new musical score.
Maps: 50%
Code: 65%
Art: 70%
Sound: 25%
Average: 52.5%

more shots:
You can help us! We are in need of a modeler, specifically someone able to rig and animate characters. Please let us know as soon as possible if you would be able to help. We've been working for the past 3-4 months and have made excellent progress; this is our only area of