Tekedon, on 16 November 2019 - 08:05 AM, said:
Is there any SoundFX list for all the sounds anywhere?
In 2D mode, press F2. You'll get a list of every defined sound. They can also be previewed with the Enter key. The list can be sorted in different ways after pressing S, the sound list will grey out, with options for sorting at the very bottom: (S)oundnum and (D)ef are useful.
Tekedon, on 16 November 2019 - 08:05 AM, said:
Also how can I extract the maps from the game to check how things were done in Mapster?
An alternative method in 2D mode: Press ESC then (L)oad. In this file list menu, press CTRL F. This'll switch from Local File System mode to Game File System mode. On the left side list should now be a "maps" folder with all the official levels (including preview campaign).