List Duke Nukem mods that so bad that they are good
#1 Posted 24 April 2019 - 06:35 AM
I will start with mine list. Of course i am trying to be objective so i would say my old mods are one of worst on entire Duke Community
Duke Nukem IV - http://www.r-t-c-m.c...addons/duke4.7z
Mission Istanbul -
Yeah, those mods are made by me, and i consider them suckiest thing out of there.
Now some other stuff i consider "worst" mods ever:
Ultima TC - http://www.r-t-c-m.c...C-FinalDemo.zip
Coolio TC - http://www.r-t-c-m.c...C-FinalDemo.zip
Quest for Hussein - http://www.r-t-c-m.c...ons/hussein.zip
Quest for Al-Qaeda - http://www.r-t-c-m.c...ons/alqaeda.zip
I remember there was even one Slovenian mod which had really some weird shit, shiity textures, shitty enemies, resources stolen from other games too much bad language (in Slavic of course) but i forgot its name, i only know it's somehwre on RTCM TC Review page but really can't remember the name. I also nominate this masterpiece (ironicly) for one of worst Duke mods out there. I tried to be objective much as possbile, this is why i put my own mods here as well, as one of the worst out there. I would like to tell other people opinions on this funny but pointless subject just for fun. I know you all going to agree that Duke IV and Mission Istanbul are probably greatest shit for Duke3D ever made, so i agree as well, despite being author of same.
#2 Posted 24 April 2019 - 10:33 AM
When it comes to BUILD engine games that are bad or those that feel like Duke3D TCs that are so bad they are good:
Redneck Rampage - Shitty version of Duke3d which actually manages to be so bad that it's worth playing through the game just to see many of its flaws.
NAM and WW2GI - They would have worked much better if they got released as freeware rather than sold commercially. Besides that, they had a lot of balance problems, even though I was able to complete them just fine on 3rd difficulty and without cheating (Thank God for saving often!).
Tekwar and both Witchaven games are pretty awful, although I never played them (only very briefly Witchaven, I think it was Witchaven 2: Blood Vengeance, and aside from the first level, I remember the fucking creepy talking face when game was installing and/or starting).
When it comes to mods released online, I consider the following as so bad they are good material:
Plunder & Pillage
Quest for Al-Qaeda
Quest for Hussein
Note: These 3 TCs were all made by Jesse Petrilla and are actually hacked Duke3D 1.3D executable and grp, so they run as standalone. The mods also contain leftover stuff from original Duke3D. Good to see you listed at least the two "quests".

Duke Meets Doom - Didn't play yet but I heard mostly bad things about it. I just find disappointing that the team behind this TC didn't do a proper Doom style TC for Duke3d.
Duke's Revenge - A rather interesting unfinished TC. The level design is mediocre but despite that it was pretty fun and I think this TC truly falls into the "so bad it's good" category.
Coolio TC - The mod doesn't offer much (and the levels are also probably random levels taken from internet compiled into an episode) and it has weird bugs like most of alien attacks not hurting you and one time I remember getting randomly instantly killed by the flying cheese that replaced sentry drones. Not sure if it had to do with that or the reactor exploding at same time when blowing up the drone, all I remember is suddenly dying without an explanation in that room. And it happened only once, after that I wasn't able to replicate the glitch.
Ultima TC - Never played it but I don't think I will be missing much. I'm assuming both Coolio and Ultima TCs are made by same person due to similarities (random user maps compiled into an episode, random enemies replaced/modified, etc).
Fusion TC - Not really bad TC (quite a mediocre one in fact) but the ART style is quite ugly and the mod is quite difficult too. The compilation version is quite bugged, so if you plan to play the mod, just download the original version of addon (either 1.3d or atomic version of mod or the Fusion Redux re-release).
Grins of Divinity TC - Again, much like Fusion, not a really bad TC (the first level with timelimit is bad and the small aliens are fucking annoying and hard to hit), though the ART is quite ugly. I'm playing currently through the DOS version (in atomic 1.5) and I'm halfway through the mod and haven't experienced any game-breaking bug so far, so if you plan to play it, don't play the bugged version from addon compilation pack. An year ago when I played the mod first time, I used the compilation version and it had levels that couldn't be completed because of bugged doors or switches missing. The levels played fine using the original version from addon (from early 2002) in DOSBox.
Victimized - Ugly level design and ugly ART (mostly taken from Redneck Rampage). I don't think I need to say more.
Vixens and Vixens Resurrection - Adult themed TCs with somewhat ugly ART (why is it that so many mods suffer from having ugly ART?). I don't want to explain more about these mods other than the author who made this obviously hated women.
HardG - Never played it but I know it's the gayest mod ever that I found by just reading TC reviewed at MSDN. May be worth playing just to see how bad is it.
Fun Mode (AKA Crazy Dookie Fun) - Stupid mod. Play Zykov Eddy's other mods if you want to play a mod created by him.

Dookie Nukem 3D - Shittiest mod ever made. And it's made bad on purpose too. Don't play if you can't handle too much shit on the screen. Also as side note, the author stole "YORE DEAD NUKEM!!!" joke from your Duke IV mod.
Speaking of which, I also consider your two released mods (Duke IV and Mission Istanbul) to be pretty crappy. Sorry friend but it's my honest opinion. You even admitted they are shitty mods.

A somewhat controversial "so bad it's good" opinion:
Naferia's Reign - Invasion of the Dark Mistress - I know this is a somewhat popular RPG styled mod but I just didn't like playing this mod (I played it briefly in around 2010-2011, then decided to properly play in the summer of 2017), not only it's one of those mods that try to shove everything into the mod without much thought but I also remember an overpowered red trooper (that type of trooper was called Ravage Captain) that killed my characters in only 2-3 hits and was frustrating to fight against. Besides that, I even remember that no HUD is displayed for some reason (so you must go to character select screen to see your current stats), the stupid humor of the mod and one of game over screens showed a facepalm picture after getting at least 5-10 game overs (lol why? it's not my fault that the mod decided to throw an overpowered piece of shit enemy at me, thankfully I remember getting rid of it finally after like 30 minutes to an hour of trying every solution I came up with, the solution that worked was using a capsule that spawned drivable pig tank vehicle and even then took a couple of retries until I finally killed this bastard. Basically the biggest issue I had with the mod was that the balance was all over place (most of the time you should be ok with regular enemies) and sometimes enemies randomly decided to become almost impossible to kill (no I'm not referring to enemies that have temporary invincibility that can be killed after waiting for their powerup to wear off) and do absurd amounts of damage in return. Not very fun and I only had 2 characters (Duke and Jack) available while playing the user map coming with the mod, which is where I got the experience of mod after carefully consulting the long detailed manual available on the mod's site and watching WhamNinjaMolehill playing through the mod in all the original 4 episodes. Plus I played on skill 4 (Damn I'm Very Good), and the mod has 9 or 10 skills available in total, so I wasn't playing on a crazy difficulty to have an enemy like this. I guess after all the mod wasn't my cup of tea and I'm sorry for this little rant that should have went into its topic but I didn't want to bump it, so I posted here.
That's all. Feel free to agree/disagree with my picks.
This post has been edited by RunningDuke: 24 April 2019 - 10:43 AM
#3 Posted 24 April 2019 - 01:43 PM
RunningDuke, on 24 April 2019 - 10:33 AM, said:
first mod
This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 24 April 2019 - 01:44 PM
#4 Posted 24 April 2019 - 03:55 PM
Lazy Dog, on 24 April 2019 - 01:43 PM, said:
he called Zaxtor a lizard-dog when playing the AMC TC

#6 Posted 24 April 2019 - 08:08 PM
One example is Jason Bredhauer’s and JonoF’s JJ Duke TC. As much as I appreciate JonoF for his legendary sourceport, he was really a terrible mapper and his episode (the first one) was just trash. Then came the second “episode”, which started with two so-so maps by Jason in the space, but before the whole thing started rolling, came level 3, which was just an unfinished piece of poopoo. And then the space adventure ended before it began. The last level was like the maps of the 3rd episode, a fine dark alley map with a good looking fire station. Episode 3 then was a very nice reworking of the original game, the SW city sounds were good addition, and the mood was very similar to Hollywood Holocaust.
Last Reaction and Water Bases also started out bad. Early levels were just annoying mazes, ammo pits were in well hidden secrets, lots of stupid puzzles were added, levels had too much darkness, and some of them like Khaki Space were longer than an episode for the original game. GWB, the author was also notorious for oversizing his levels too, he kept that habit later on, but turned it into his advantage. The quality picks up around Old LA on ice, midway through episode 1, and then the 2nd episode was like an official, commercial 5th episode with great (albeit repetitive in theme) leveldesign. The last four maps still hold the record in my book as the best non commercial levels for Duke3D.
Unpopular opinion follows, but Metropolitan Mayhem also started out bad. When I entered level 1, I thought this is just a joke wad. Around level 4 or 5 it started delivering better maps, I started believing it’s something legit. The best maps like Meat Ball Sub Makin were the ones didn’t match the TC’s original concept of it being a 3D Realms like adventure. Designers clearly didn’t understand what made the original game great if they created those ugly trainwrecks early on. They were better in their own style.
There were a few ones which started out promising and good, and became a big disappointment. Daikarin level 1 was a great opening level for a TC that weren’t made. Level 2 was good as well, but too short for being legit. Then the whole thing imploded and the next maps were just short, uninspired liztroop-lizman tedium maps in random areas like medieval castles.
This post has been edited by Nancsi: 24 April 2019 - 08:15 PM
#7 Posted 25 April 2019 - 04:20 AM
BTW I reminded, the Slovenian mod i am talking about with bunch of nosense shit, ugly art, disgustign things, and other similar is called SoftF***er 3D. Seriously even name of mod is retarded. It can be downloaded here:
SF 3D - http://dukertcm.com/...addons/sf3d.rar
Since me beign Slavic i udnerstand pretty much everything written in Slovenian which is Slavic language, and trust me, there is so much retarded bad language and slangs overused here. And them od even have two episodes. Seriously what was author thinking when he made this. I am bit disspapointed that mod really had some nice ideas, but they were overuined by too much porn and ugly art. This mod oculd be cool without them though. This is all my opinion of course.
@Nansci Interesting stuff. I never looked on those mods like Metropolit Mayhem and other stuff you mentioned that way, for me they were always high quality classics and they always will be.
Also i consider Duke meets Doom cool mod in my opinion.
#8 Posted 25 April 2019 - 04:50 AM
This post has been edited by Radar: 25 April 2019 - 07:16 AM
#9 Posted 25 April 2019 - 04:53 AM
@Jimmy: No problem I respect your opinion if you think these mods are gold. However much like in case of Duke Meets Doom, these mods are often perceived negatively, for example I found this long negative review a while ago about Jesse Petrilla's creations:
Now what I wrote in previous message, I didn't actually mean to say they are awful, I was thinking more in lines of pure mediocrity and they are certainly interesting experiments done for the BUILD engine. But there are so many better mods out there that these can be easily forgotten and you can just check them out for curiosity, since they are short and won't take more than 30 minutes to complete. Besides that, these mods also stole resources from various BUILD engine games, Platoon TC and maybe more. I only decided to check these TCs first time as a curiosity (in EDuke32) and recently I did again just for experiencing the original version in DOSBox. I probably won't play them again in the future unless I'm really bored.
@Nancsi: I never played JJ Duke Nukem 3D mod, so I can't judge it but I played Last Reaction & Water Bases a couple of years ago and I'm thinking to replay it this summer (with getting all kills and secrets this time). First time I had mostly bad experiences with the mod because like you said, first few levels are very long and annoying, unbalanced (very few resources given to deal with the enemies), long underwater tunnel without scuba gear, etc. Most people give up early in mod (like I did first time) but if you managed to get halfway through the episode (when I played through the mod seriously in 2013-2014, in EDuke32), the levels become much better designed as you said and I felt like the levels were almost as good as the original levels. Second episode Water Bases was also well designed and I know Chimera (the third episode in the series) was going to be epic but shame it was cancelled with only 7 levels completed (although the levels themselves are really good in my opinion). I wish the author one day would come back and revive the mod (with the first half of Last Reaction remade) and then re-released, it would feel as an official expansion, even better than The Birth.
@Gingis Khan: You are welcome my friend. Just tell me which mods you are checking out. I was going to make a list with mods that are worth playing but I need to play through a whole lot more mods before I do that. (BTW I just finished Grins of Divinity TC and despite finding everything in each level, it seems I somehow missed the secret exit and level, so let me quickly find it to fully complete this mod. It doesn't change my opinion about the mod, it was still kinda...weird).
EDIT: @Radar: Even though I haven't played yet Platoon TC, Starship Troopers TC and The Gate (to anyone who is surprised over fact I never played these TCs, don't blame me, I have enough time this summer to play through a lot of TCs, I was just very busy as of lately with my life and I'm slowly getting through various maps and mods at the moment in my free time), I understand what you mean. You are referring to the different art and mechanics, right? Because I kinda feel the same with many TCs, this is why I don't like them as much as the traditional Duke3D maps and mods that contain classic resources or just few new resources added. I was more of a "purist" type that prefers the classical Duke3D gameplay compared to those TCs that change the game to something that wasn't made for in first place. I also agree about the first Red map, it wasn't that good but the rest Red maps were all very good, especially the remade Red 1 and 2. As for the Roch maps, I thought they were all great. Maybe some of them can get confusing at times but they were very well designed in my opinion.
EDIT 2: Minor fixes.
This post has been edited by RunningDuke: 25 April 2019 - 06:29 AM
#10 Posted 25 April 2019 - 05:32 AM
#11 Posted 25 April 2019 - 05:55 AM
This post has been edited by Radar: 25 April 2019 - 09:16 AM
#12 Posted 25 April 2019 - 05:57 AM

@JBlade I totally agree here too. I love all Roch maps since first to last, including secret level. Pascal Round is a genious. He used alot of techniques and made everything look so great and detailed. Some stuff he used most of mappers of time when Roch maps were released never thought of. Great maps.
#13 Posted 25 April 2019 - 07:09 AM
Also, at some point, the main page of Terrorist Terror official website have turned into the wall of text, full of rage & butthurt. Seems like there was a lot of tension in the development team.
#14 Posted 25 April 2019 - 08:43 AM
Nancsi, on 24 April 2019 - 08:08 PM, said:
Unpopular opinion follows, but Metropolitan Mayhem also started out bad. When I entered level 1, I thought this is just a joke wad. Around level 4 or 5 it started delivering better maps, I started believing it’s something legit. The best maps like Meat Ball Sub Makin were the ones didn’t match the TC’s original concept of it being a 3D Realms like adventure. Designers clearly didn’t understand what made the original game great if they created those ugly trainwrecks early on. They were better in their own style.
I think that's a fair opinion, but I also want to point out that this episode started out as a speed mapping project. The construction time for each map was 1 single day, which is why the first maps are so short and simple. In the later levels, this restriction was pretty much abandoned, and the shift is quite noticable.
But I also agree that we missed a lot of what made the original levels so good. We were quite naive in retrospect. My own map (level 5 IIRC) was ok for a 1 day map but it's still pretty darn average.
PS: great to see people still mentioning Roch and Red

#15 Posted 25 April 2019 - 09:07 AM
Lazy Dog, on 24 April 2019 - 01:43 PM, said:
Why does the guy play like shit.
This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 25 April 2019 - 09:08 AM
#16 Posted 25 April 2019 - 02:10 PM
#17 Posted 25 April 2019 - 03:28 PM
@Mark I googled them but they don't seem to be Build engine games or i am wrong? i just looked at screenshots, didn't download a thing? Sorry i got confused here.
#18 Posted 25 April 2019 - 03:32 PM
This post has been edited by Mark: 25 April 2019 - 03:35 PM
#19 Posted 25 April 2019 - 03:42 PM
Mark, on 25 April 2019 - 03:32 PM, said:
Yes i jsut checked it out, it really looks weird for an Build Engine game, even its HUD more resembles of Doom Engine. Yes it does definetly belong to this category "so bad that is good" Thanks for sharing.
#20 Posted 25 April 2019 - 07:34 PM
#21 Posted 25 April 2019 - 10:39 PM
This post has been edited by Never Forgotten: 25 April 2019 - 10:39 PM
#22 Posted 25 April 2019 - 11:55 PM
Apparently the file name is iwfull.zip, which is very close to awful.zip

#23 Posted 26 April 2019 - 04:03 AM
Never Forgotten, on 25 April 2019 - 10:39 PM, said:
@Never Forgotten Jsut tried your old maps and had fun, at least much better than my first maps! Those old maps for yours even beat the crap out of my Duke IV and Mission Istanbul TCs i made for Duke. Thanks for sharing man, it was really enjoyable for me.
@Micky C Yeah thanks foor suggestion, I remember trying this in past, it had some nice ideas but level design was often confusing. Though it could be be good enough to be called standalone game. Yes in my opinion author of Imaginiation World TC only shall have polished maps a bit and TC would be great

#24 Posted 26 April 2019 - 04:33 AM
But for what it's worth, I did have a lot of fun with City Terror back then.
#25 Posted 26 April 2019 - 04:52 AM
Gingis Khan, on 24 April 2019 - 06:35 AM, said:
I will start with mine list. Of course i am trying to be objective so i would say my old mods are one of worst on entire Duke Community
Duke Nukem IV - http://www.r-t-c-m.c...addons/duke4.7z
Mission Istanbul -
Yeah, those mods are made by me, and i consider them suckiest thing out of there.
Now some other stuff i consider "worst" mods ever:
Ultima TC - http://www.r-t-c-m.c...C-FinalDemo.zip
Coolio TC - http://www.r-t-c-m.c...C-FinalDemo.zip
Quest for Hussein - http://www.r-t-c-m.c...ons/hussein.zip
Quest for Al-Qaeda - http://www.r-t-c-m.c...ons/alqaeda.zip
I remember there was even one Slovenian mod which had really some weird shit, shiity textures, shitty enemies, resources stolen from other games too much bad language (in Slavic of course) but i forgot its name, i only know it's somehwre on RTCM TC Review page but really can't remember the name. I also nominate this masterpiece (ironicly) for one of worst Duke mods out there. I tried to be objective much as possbile, this is why i put my own mods here as well, as one of the worst out there. I would like to tell other people opinions on this funny but pointless subject just for fun. I know you all going to agree that Duke IV and Mission Istanbul are probably greatest shit for Duke3D ever made, so i agree as well, despite being author of same.
The official release of Duke Nukem Forever.

#26 Posted 26 April 2019 - 05:18 AM
@Master D hahahaha totally agree here. DNF howand when it was released along with World Tour ruined Duke Nukem franchise in my opniion. If DNF was released at point of year 1997 or 2001, with of course some polishing on unfinished stuff, it would be Great game. But delaying all over to 2011 made it in piece of shit in my honest opinion. Still speaking of atual Duke3D mods, i think nothing beats crap out of awfulness my Mission Istanbul mod can offer XD If it was made for Doom, i would be Cacoward Winner of Worst Mod haahahahaha

#27 Posted 26 April 2019 - 06:40 AM
zykov eddy, on 25 April 2019 - 07:09 AM, said:
Also, at some point, the main page of Terrorist Terror official website have turned into the wall of text, full of rage & butthurt. Seems like there was a lot of tension in the development team.
I played that one at some point....having to hear "I COME FROM A LAND DOWN UNDER!" every time you picked up an item was annoying, especially if you had a line of ammo clips and it played EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
#28 Posted 26 April 2019 - 06:51 AM
Major Tom, on 26 April 2019 - 06:40 AM, said:
I am glad i played this minumun volume then, i didn't heard that piece of shit sound. Seriously what the heck was author was thinking when he made such a annyoing sound for pickup? Reminds me of idiotic myself when i made some shitty Doom TC called Turkish Madness which had played LONG TURKSIH song "Mustafa Sandal - Aya Benzer" whenever item was picked up, and essepcialy in soruce ports it got annyoing because sound would duplicate more and more making total retarded ear blewing up noise. Playing in Source prots that are trying to copy Vanila Doom behavior would paly this sound only once and when other item is picked up will start sound from beggining overwritting previous one.
#29 Posted 19 February 2021 - 11:05 AM
Jimmy, on 24 April 2019 - 05:36 PM, said:
#30 Posted 19 February 2021 - 02:08 PM
JesseP. Are you really the author of those TC's? I'll see if I can get it out of the so bad its good catagory.

This post has been edited by Mark: 19 February 2021 - 02:53 PM