AMC TC Episode Three released "Grab it here!"
#151 Posted 21 March 2019 - 11:37 AM
#152 Posted 21 March 2019 - 11:45 AM
Sangman, on 21 March 2019 - 11:25 AM, said:

What are your system specs though?
Windows 7 x64
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
AMD Athlon II X4 640 3 Ghz
#153 Posted 21 March 2019 - 11:49 AM
#154 Posted 21 March 2019 - 05:45 PM
Overall I thought it was great stuff, definitely worth the wait. The only serious issues I have are the framerate (and I can deal with that, just like I've been dealing with it since 2016), the statistics/achievements screen not working (I can live without those, too), and all these other bugs that have already been reported and fixed so they are not an issue anymore. I did feel like some levels dragged on way too long (Adelaide in particular, but I also felt that way during the last level and a bit during the main Egypt quest and the Jungle Pyramid), but too much of a good thing is only a bad thing if I can't save, quit, and come back to it later, which I could and did.
I'll put more specific stuff behind spoiler tags to avoid super-long cluttery posts and inadvertent spoilers.
Also, for those who care, my "report card" for secrets:
And after I beat it, I finally realized that Garmid on the mission select was its own separate hub world now, not just the AMC base, so I walked around there a bit, taking in the sights. For the new weapons, I'm assuming I need every bottlecap before the discount applies, even if I just want one weapon, so I'll be sure to look for the rest on a replay.
Again, awesome mod, I am glad I played this, and huge thanks to the team for making it.
#155 Posted 21 March 2019 - 11:02 PM
About the alarm system; it's based on 'volume' of your gun fired, so with that suppressed weapon you wouldn't set it off. If you DO set it off, more enemies will trigger and you'll have to fight security robots as well (but there is extra ammo to compensate) Think of the boss as a soft-timed fight; you just got to kill him as fast as possible before he destroys all cover and whittles down your health. His coat counts as body armour but once he chucks it away he can be damaged normally by all weapons.
The bottle caps can be turned in individually or together IIRC (though you have to agree to take the weapons first before you can turn them in - no money is deducted at that point)
#156 Posted 22 March 2019 - 12:16 AM
#157 Posted 22 March 2019 - 07:17 AM
And stuff to report with the patch already ^^
1_ The fix needs a fix >>

2_ (was already there without the patch) >>

3_ For some reason, I played the Xuglop mission before playing Micky Begins and so in James's portion I kept all my weapons (even temporary) >>

Also I see that the Pitfiends on Xuglop have been fixed, make the place A LOT easier, thanks again ! And the new EDuke32 seems to run a bit better than the one you had provided. At least, Xuglop ran a bit more smoothly than usual, and I no longer have semi-constant flickering during cinematics with the flash effect.
#158 Posted 22 March 2019 - 07:32 AM
#159 Posted 22 March 2019 - 04:47 PM
I was able to use scoped weapons with no divide by zero error yet, (Snowfall's lightning gun in this case), and I'll see how the rest of the episode goes. One error I'm still having (though I'm guessing it's not a priority) is the broken statistics screen on James' office computer.
One random thing, I will miss that one music track that used to play in the AMC base (The Dark Side by Chill Carrier).
#160 Posted 23 March 2019 - 01:10 AM
Really getting on my nerves now

#161 Posted 23 March 2019 - 01:31 AM
#162 Posted 23 March 2019 - 01:40 AM

#163 Posted 23 March 2019 - 04:14 AM
dd209, on 23 March 2019 - 01:40 AM, said:

Did it for you ^_-
Some things to say and ask.
1_ I have finished Ep3 on Armagedon but I didn't get the extended ending. Is it implemented ? Must have been because I relaunched the AMC Bace through the Usermap menu in order to benefit from the patch without restarting everything >_>
2_ Can I have a clue on how to unlock the Cryo Slugs ? I think I hit everybody with MIA Gun and don't see how I could get it ...
3_ Jurassic Park's medal problem has been fixed, didn't have to replay too. However Dark Gate is still glitched, not showing up completed.
4_ Is the research project Personel 23 implemented ? Could spare me senseless quest like for the new guns ...
5_ Can I have a clue for that Side-Quest on the Garmid Hub ? I absolutely saw nothing out of the ordinary O_o
Lastly, now that I've got a fair bit of experience, I'm REALLY going to start writing feedback for Ep3 on my next playthrough. I have already written A LOT about Ep1 and 2 and other stuff. It will just forever lack the 3 guns for Geoffrey and Micky that's all ....
#164 Posted 23 March 2019 - 04:25 AM
EDIT: solved it, my bad - didn't take out some checks for cut levels.
You'll need to replay Dark Gate, it's not glitched.
There's no Cryo-slugs, if you mean the caseless grenades they're dotted around Egypt.
Project 23 is gained from the Gorilla base at the end of Rainforest, hit him with the MIA gun.
The side quest, you find the caps in the following maps - Neutrino, Eviction Notice, Forgotten Tomb.
This post has been edited by Jblade: 23 March 2019 - 04:34 AM
#165 Posted 23 March 2019 - 05:06 AM
Jblade, on 23 March 2019 - 04:25 AM, said:
EDIT: solved it, my bad - didn't take out some checks for cut levels.
You'll need to replay Dark Gate, it's not glitched.
There's no Cryo-slugs, if you mean the caseless grenades they're dotted around Egypt.
Project 23 is gained from the Gorilla base at the end of Rainforest, hit him with the MIA gun.
The side quest, you find the caps in the following maps - Neutrino, Eviction Notice, Forgotten Tomb.
1_ Okay I'll do that, and glad to see it helped on your end ^^
2_ Well I did replay it and nothing changed, it still sends me to Daikrarin and it's not displayed completed O_o I'll try carrying on from Daikarin to see if it helps. (if you don't hear from me about it then it's all good)
3_ Well yeah I mean the ones in Egypt but the reason why I ask is that I have a slot in the Loadout Editor that says "Not found yet" and there's no research project for them that unlocked. I'm confused o_O
4_ Really ? I'll have to check because I thought I had done that, maybe my memoy again >_>
5_ Oh no I found all the caps. I was asking about the one you told about which involves hefty paper work ^^;
#166 Posted 23 March 2019 - 05:28 AM
the paperweight thing was a joke, it's the car you can buy for 600k - it doesn't serve any purpose apart from dick waving basically.
#167 Posted 23 March 2019 - 07:10 AM
Jblade, on 23 March 2019 - 05:28 AM, said:
the paperweight thing was a joke, it's the car you can buy for 600k - it doesn't serve any purpose apart from dick waving basically.
Oh okay ^^;
So what about the last slot in alt ammo that says "not found yet" ? Are cryo slugs glitched or is it something else ?I do remember seeing "Tek Bolts" somewhere but I doubt it's implemented ... (sorry I couldn't resist taking a peek)
BTW I have checked my EDuke32 and there's actually no EP3 Platinum line O_o, I think I'll either have to write it down myself or replay the whole thing again >_>And thanks for helping

#168 Posted 23 March 2019 - 09:41 AM
I played through all of Egypt with Rusty Nails, and the performance largely does seem better (keeping in mind I downgraded from 1920x1080 to 1280x720), except the village/suburb area that still runs horribly. This is the only area in the whole mod I'd say comes close to unplayable due to the frame rate, but it was doable on Expert so it's not *too* bad. Also this is unrelated to the patch but I noticed Le Sang had a different line of dialogue for Rusty when approaching the boss arena, which is a great touch (now I have to fight off the temptation to replay this level 8 more times). I also noticed another secret added to Catacombs, so the total secrets is now 20? Please correct me if I'm wrong (and yes I found the secret too).
I also did the "Under Attack" mission again, and unfortunately the "divide by zero" error came back. But this time, I was not using a scoped weapon, I was sprinting outside the base wall with a FAL and it just... did that. I could not reproduce it. (and I found the secret this time, woo; my problem before was not pushing E in the right place within that elevator shaft)
Another glitch I'm having is that Snowfall for me shows up as "Fatigued" all the time now. On this save, I only used him for the first mission, but he's been showing up as fatigued after every mission now. Before installing the patch and starting a new save, I did play a few EDF missions as James and Geoffrey after Snowfall's final story mission, and when I started this file, Snowfall did not show "fatigued" when I picked him for the first mission, so I have no idea.
Finally, I am in Eviction Notice now, and I was able to use the scoped .50 rifle with zero issues (especially not dividing by them). I saw up there that the last bottlecap I need is in here, so I'm scouring every surface. No luck yet, and hopefully blowing up buildings with C4 doesn't somehow destroy the cap or I'll just have to do the level over. I did get the blue key for the new weapon though, so at least that.
This post has been edited by John Brown: 23 March 2019 - 09:43 AM
#169 Posted 23 March 2019 - 09:58 AM
This post has been edited by Jblade: 23 March 2019 - 09:59 AM
#170 Posted 23 March 2019 - 10:33 AM
John Brown, on 23 March 2019 - 09:41 AM, said:
I played through all of Egypt with Rusty Nails, and the performance largely does seem better (keeping in mind I downgraded from 1920x1080 to 1280x720), except the village/suburb area that still runs horribly. This is the only area in the whole mod I'd say comes close to unplayable due to the frame rate, but it was doable on Expert so it's not *too* bad. Also this is unrelated to the patch but I noticed Le Sang had a different line of dialogue for Rusty when approaching the boss arena, which is a great touch (now I have to fight off the temptation to replay this level 8 more times). I also noticed another secret added to Catacombs, so the total secrets is now 20? Please correct me if I'm wrong (and yes I found the secret too).
I also did the "Under Attack" mission again, and unfortunately the "divide by zero" error came back. But this time, I was not using a scoped weapon, I was sprinting outside the base wall with a FAL and it just... did that. I could not reproduce it. (and I found the secret this time, woo; my problem before was not pushing E in the right place within that elevator shaft)
Another glitch I'm having is that Snowfall for me shows up as "Fatigued" all the time now. On this save, I only used him for the first mission, but he's been showing up as fatigued after every mission now. Before installing the patch and starting a new save, I did play a few EDF missions as James and Geoffrey after Snowfall's final story mission, and when I started this file, Snowfall did not show "fatigued" when I picked him for the first mission, so I have no idea.
Finally, I am in Eviction Notice now, and I was able to use the scoped .50 rifle with zero issues (especially not dividing by them). I saw up there that the last bottlecap I need is in here, so I'm scouring every surface. No luck yet, and hopefully blowing up buildings with C4 doesn't somehow destroy the cap or I'll just have to do the level over. I did get the blue key for the new weapon though, so at least that.
About the bottle cap you should carefully explore the part of the main base that is the most furnished ^_-
For the fatigue thing I got the same feeling as you BEFORE the patch, after Providence it took FIFTEEN freaking missions for James to be back to shape O_o
This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 23 March 2019 - 10:35 AM
#171 Posted 23 March 2019 - 11:21 AM
Jblade, on 23 March 2019 - 09:58 AM, said:
I just went to the dropship and finished that one mission, and went back to base and suddenly Snowfall's fatigue was down to zero. But, Micky's was 7249 from just that one mission (imagine if I did Micky Begins...). Then I did Voices of Authority with Snowfall, and now, Micky's was reduced to 6265 (still with yellow fatigue border). Snowfall's was raised to 1029 with normal gray border.
I hope that helped. (and I'm assuming I'd just have to type "setvar DEBUG_STUFF 0" to turn this stuff off)
And thank you DragonLiner, I had a feeling it was in that room (if I'm thinking of the same room), I just already blew it up with C4 so the lights are off. I'll have another look later. (seriously I was looking in every shower and toilet stall and crawling under all the bunk beds)
#172 Posted 23 March 2019 - 11:25 AM
#173 Posted 23 March 2019 - 01:13 PM
#174 Posted 23 March 2019 - 02:21 PM
The hub missions don't carry fatigue from one mission to the next, which is why the total fatigue time only really consisted of the last map against Le Sang. I can fix this, it's just not a huge priority atm.
#175 Posted 23 March 2019 - 02:52 PM
This post has been edited by Jblade: 23 March 2019 - 10:00 PM
#176 Posted 23 March 2019 - 04:33 PM
This post has been edited by Jblade: 23 March 2019 - 10:01 PM
#178 Posted 23 March 2019 - 10:22 PM
Also also, I am having an issue that I saw earlier in this topic, of the weapons merchant in the Garmid hub not actually selling me any weapons. I say "I'll take it" and he tells me to check with the weapons dealer back at base, but I've talked to both him and the Russian arms dealer you rescue in Ep 1 (forgot his name, sorry), and I still don't see the new weapons for sale. I do have all three bottlecaps now, does getting them on two different playthroughs affect this? (when I replayed Neutrino just now, I went to the area where one bottlecap was and it was no longer there, which I expected with this mod's persistent nature).
Finally, I'm still getting the camera crash but only once, in Neutrino. I had no crashes in any of the other levels with cameras on this playthrough (particularly Rainforest since you cycle through a few of them), and after that one crash I just stopped checking cameras for the rest of the level and problem solved/avoided. I have had no other serious errors or crashes since last time, so that's good.
#179 Posted 23 March 2019 - 10:24 PM
#180 Posted 23 March 2019 - 11:35 PM
Jblade, on 23 March 2019 - 10:24 PM, said:
Awesome, that did the trick. Huge thanks. I turned in the bottle caps, and had just enough base budget to get all of them (10K to spare).