Altered Reality, on 09 July 2019 - 12:14 PM, said:
That wouldn't be the only reason. It's not surprising to see something like this in Metroidvania games nowadays (where of course this mechanics was implemented due to consoles limitation, Metroidvania games rely basically one one big map or a bunch of maps connected with each other). In fact even System Shock games had a bit similar mechanic (except you were basically getting resurrected instead of just saving), you could also explore the whole game just like in typical Metroidvania games, but at the same time you could save your game too, like in any PC game. This is where comes the problem though, as thricecursed said:
thricecursed, on 11 July 2019 - 01:43 AM, said:
Sounds like they're trying to focus on many and unnecessary things from other video games at once, not just to make a classic Quake successor. Does it mean that they want to make the game closer to Metroidvania, especially in term of level design where it would make sense to use such mechanic? I don't really get it. If not, it just looks like typical checkpoint system like in Serious Sam, Painkiller, etc.
If they going to turn it into yet another bland retro bait FPS, not going to complain much, never was a big fan of Quake anyway and I've got my fix which is Ion Maiden.