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Rednukem - Redneck Rampage & Duke3D/64 port with focus on accuracy  "Now with official autobuilds on first post"


View PostJimmy 100MPH, on 04 January 2019 - 03:37 PM, said:

A port should not ship with a mod. Mods should be optional.

GZDoom ships with some .pk3 files to add brightmaps to the original games. This is basically a mod that ships with the port, but it is easily disabled if you don't like it.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that it would be nice to a RR HRP.

Over in the PolymerRTX thread, ICD upscaled textures with ML to make textures / sprites that were faithful but looked much nicer.

My guess is that he used this:


But I've seen some really good packs that came out using ESRGAN.


If someone has a dump of sprites/textures from RR, a similiar mod can be created for this project.

User is offline   RoyBatty 


This is great, thanks for this. I can finally play the games again. It's also nice that ripping the music to .ogg works, and thanks to Marphy Black for the info.

So far the only things I've noticed which are fairly minor is climbing ladders is touch and go, and the sound effects constantly pop and click which is kind of annoying after long play sessions.

Thank you axl for packaging the widescreen fixes, and thank you Phredreeke, fgsfds and Dzierzan for making them.

Do you plan to support Redneck Deer Huntin' ?

User is offline   AlexeyM 


View Postenderandrew, on 31 January 2019 - 09:35 PM, said:

GZDoom ships with some .pk3 files to add brightmaps to the original games. This is basically a mod that ships with the port, but it is easily disabled if you don't like it.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that it would be nice to a RR HRP.

Over in the PolymerRTX thread, ICD upscaled textures with ML to make textures / sprites that were faithful but looked much nicer.

My guess is that he used this:

But I've seen some really good packs that came out using ESRGAN.


If someone has a dump of sprites/textures from RR, a similiar mod can be created for this project.

Unfortunately, there are some problems with the processing of sprite images and characters. The edges of the sprites are pixel, scary and unnatural faces of the characters), you still can not do without Photoshop. But in any case, Neural Networks are the most effective and fastest way to give the old games a new look. Here are some examples:
PS (sorry for my English, I use a translator):
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This post has been edited by AlexeyM: 16 February 2019 - 11:11 PM


User is offline   Phredreeke 


I started on an upscale pack for Redneck Rampage which I never released. The methods I used I would consider obsolete now. My current approach tackles the harsh edges you mention by preprocessing the image with a custom antialiasing script. If I decide to return to RR the same approach should work there as well.

User is offline   AlexeyM 


View PostPhredreeke, on 17 February 2019 - 01:49 AM, said:

I started on an upscale pack for Redneck Rampage which I never released. The methods I used I would consider obsolete now. My current approach tackles the harsh edges you mention by preprocessing the image with a custom antialiasing script. If I decide to return to RR the same approach should work there as well.

This is a good idea, I previously stroke a sprite (Photoshop> Filter> Other> Minimum). It gave a great result, but you still have to delete all the excess.
Posted Image

This post has been edited by AlexeyM: 17 February 2019 - 03:16 AM


User is offline   MrFlibble 


Alexey, about the sprite edges, you might want to take a look here and here.

User is offline   beer 


Sorry for the dumb question but NRedneck github has no readme, and I can't find instructions anywhere. How do I get rednukem to detect both games from the GOG installer? I've extracted the GOG installer with innoextract. If I put all the game files in the root of ~/.config/Rednukem, it finds the game. However, if I put the game files in sub folders (like ~/.config/rednukem/Redneck Rampage and ~/.config/rednukem/Redneck Rides Again), it doesn't detect them.

Thanks :)

User is offline   Master O 


View PostNukeYKT, on 24 October 2018 - 04:19 AM, said:

After months of reverse engineering and reimplementing it on EDuke32 engine my RR port reached its public release state.

Rednukem is a open source project based on EDuke32 which allows you to play Redneck Rampage, Redneck Rampage: Rides Again and Duke Nukem 3D with high degree of accuracy to their original DOS versions.

Current version is still beta and possibly has various bugs. Please report any bug or problem you've encountered here.

Source code

Windows x64 binary

Can you add a readme to your Redneck Rampage port?

View Postbeer, on 23 February 2019 - 02:35 PM, said:

Sorry for the dumb question but NRedneck github has no readme, and I can't find instructions anywhere. How do I get rednukem to detect both games from the GOG installer? I've extracted the GOG installer with innoextract. If I put all the game files in the root of ~/.config/Rednukem, it finds the game. However, if I put the game files in sub folders (like ~/.config/rednukem/Redneck Rampage and ~/.config/rednukem/Redneck Rides Again), it doesn't detect them.

Thanks :)


User is offline   Nuke.YKT 


View Postbeer, on 23 February 2019 - 02:35 PM, said:

Sorry for the dumb question but NRedneck github has no readme, and I can't find instructions anywhere. How do I get rednukem to detect both games from the GOG installer? I've extracted the GOG installer with innoextract. If I put all the game files in the root of ~/.config/Rednukem, it finds the game. However, if I put the game files in sub folders (like ~/.config/rednukem/Redneck Rampage and ~/.config/rednukem/Redneck Rides Again), it doesn't detect them.

Thanks :)

I think easiest way is rename REDNECK.GRP from rides again to RA.GRP for example and put all files to main folder(you'll have REDNECK.GRP, RA.GRP, REDNECK.RTS there)

User is offline   Master O 


View PostNukeYKT, on 24 February 2019 - 04:04 AM, said:

I think easiest way is rename REDNECK.GRP from rides again to RA.GRP for example and put all files to main folder(you'll have REDNECK.GRP, RA.GRP, REDNECK.RTS there)

Either way, please make sure that Red Nukem has a readme file, since there currently isn't one.

This post has been edited by Master O: 24 February 2019 - 11:42 AM


User is offline   beer 


View PostNukeYKT, on 24 February 2019 - 04:04 AM, said:

I think easiest way is rename REDNECK.GRP from rides again to RA.GRP for example and put all files to main folder(you'll have REDNECK.GRP, RA.GRP, REDNECK.RTS there)

EDIT: GOT IT!! My problem was that I zipped up the music files with compression. When I used the "store only" option to create redneck_music.zip, it works! On linux, just need to do:

zip -0 redneck_music.zip *.ogg && mv redneck_music.zip redneck_music.dat

I will post my full setup once I get everything working. Route 66 is still failing with the error "Map "/Route66\Start.map" not found or invalid map version!" .. once I get that resolved everything should be working


Thanks!! That seemed to work well. I have one last question.. I was struggling to get the music working all weekend and never did have any success with it. I tried following this post down to the letter and I still can't get it working. I'm not sure I have my files in the right place? I really don't know how these grpinfo files are supposed to work

Here's a screenshot of everything how I currently have it, and where everything is located. Can anyone point me in the right direction, I'm having a lot of trouble with this.

Posted Image

$ ./rednukem 
Rednukem r(?)
Built Feb 18 2019 13:44:24, clang 7.0.0, 64-bit
Using /home/adam/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Duke Nukem 3D/gameroot/ for game data
Using /home/adam/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Duke Nukem 3D/gameroot/addons/dc/ for game data
Using /home/adam/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Duke Nukem 3D/gameroot/addons/nw/ for game data
Using /home/adam/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Duke Nukem 3D/gameroot/addons/vacation/ for game data
Using /home/adam/Software/NRedneck/ for game data
Using /home/adam/.config/rednukem/ for game data
Initializing SDL 2.0.9
Using "x11" video driver
Searching for game data...
Checksumming RT66.GRP... Done
Using "REDNECK.GRP" as main game data file.
Using file "music/redneck_music.dat" as game data.
Compiling: GAME.CON (30879 bytes)
Including: DEFS.CON (24992 bytes)
Including: USER.CON (37823 bytes)
Including: LEONARD.CON (9414 bytes)
Including: BILLY.CON (11369 bytes)
Including: HEN.CON (2282 bytes)
Including: COOT.CON (9530 bytes)
Including: MOSQUITO.CON (3516 bytes)
Including: COW.CON (3753 bytes)
Including: PIG.CON (3050 bytes)
Including: MINION.CON (5157 bytes)
Including: HULK.CON (7719 bytes)
Including: TORNADO.CON (1815 bytes)
Including: SHERIFF.CON (8025 bytes)
Including: VIXEN.CON (15867 bytes)
.CON: In actor `VIXEN':
VIXEN.CON:600: warning: `
nullop' found without `else'
.CON:668: warning: `nullop' found without `else'
VIXEN.CON:668: warning: empty `ifspritepal'
Including: BUBBA.CON (5294 bytes)
.CON: In actor `BUBBASTAND':
BUBBA.CON:207: warning: `
nullop' found without `else'
Including: DOG.CON (4400 bytes)
Including: CRICKETC.CON (2474 bytes)
Including: TURDBOSS.CON (7723 bytes)
Found 4 warning(s), 0 error(s).
Script compiled in 28ms, 99592 bytes
Initialized 96.0M cache
Loading "redneck.def"

Definitions file "redneck.def" loaded in 2 ms.
RTS file
"REDNECK.RTS" loaded
Initializing OSD...
0 joystick(s) found
Executing "settings.cfg"
Setting video mode 2560x1440 (32-bpp fullscreen)
Refresh rate: 144Hz
OpenGL information
.Org Radeon RX Vega (VEGA10, DRM 3.27.0, 4.20.10-111.current, LLVM 7.0.0) 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 18.3.3
Opened "textures" as cache file
Initializing music...
Initializing sound... 64 voices, 2 channels, 16-bit 48000 Hz
Sound flush.voc(#79) not found!
Sound grind.voc(#148) not found!
Sound whisper.voc(#442) not found!
Sound droppie.voc(#460) not found!
: invalid sound #213
(): error: read -1 bytes from "track03.ogg", expected 5215197
(): error: read -1 bytes from "track03.ogg", expected 5215197
Wrote rednukem.cfg
Wrote settings.cfg

The errors are the end are triggered when I use the 8-track player from the game audio settings and toggle one of the stations on and off

This post has been edited by beer: 25 February 2019 - 10:18 AM


User is offline   Nuke.YKT 


For Route66 you have to replace backslashes to slashes in con file

User is offline   beer 


View PostNukeYKT, on 25 February 2019 - 10:22 AM, said:

For Route66 you have to replace backslashes to slashes in con file

EDIT: Got it again. I just needed to put the route66 maps into ~/.config/rednukem/ROUTE66 even they were already in my route66 grp file ... right now I think everything is working.


Thanks, I was wondering if the inverted slashes might be an issue. I just tried that though and I still get the same error, just with all forward slashes this time. Any other thoughts? I appreciate the help, I've spent a lot of time trying to get everything up and running

Initializing music...
Initializing sound... 64 voices, 2 channels, 16-bit 48000 Hz
Sound flush.voc(#79) not found!
Sound grind.voc(#148) not found!
Sound whisper.voc(#442) not found!
Sound droppie.voc(#460) not found!
: invalid sound #213
Map "/Route66/Start.map" not found or invalid map version!
Wrote rednukem.cfg
Wrote settings.cfg


definelevelname 0 0 Route66/Start.map 03:50 01:49 HIT THE ROAD
0 1 Route66/Carnival.map 06:15 04:13 CARNIVAL OF TERROR
0 2 Route66/Truckstp.map 04:10 02:11 BIG BERTHA'S
definelevelname 0 3 Route66/Brewery.map 05:00 03:02 BIG BILLY'
0 4 Route66/Flea.map 05:15 03:15 FLEA MARKET
0 5 Route66/Slaughtr.map 03:10 01:03 SLAUGHTERHOUSE
0 6 Route66/Minigolf.map 06:50 04:49 FUN PARK

1 0 Route66/Gas.map 06:15 04:12 GASSIN' UP
definelevelname 1 1 Route66/Ranch.map 05:00 03:01 HOUSE OF ILL REPUTE
definelevelname 1 2 Route66/Coffin.map 04:45 02:32 MYSTERY DINO CAVE
definelevelname 1 3 Route66/Campy.map 07:50 05:53 CAMPY CRYSTAL LAKE
definelevelname 1 4 Route66/Bigfoot.map 04:00 02:02 BIGFOOT CONVENTION
definelevelname 1 5 Route66/Hoovrdam.map 10:00 08:13 HOOVER DAM
definelevelname 1 6 Route66/Alien.map 07:10 04:55 ODDITY MUSEUM

This post has been edited by beer: 25 February 2019 - 11:21 AM


User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Seems like the paths don't get passed nicely or something...
Having a slash at the start would start searching for Route66 path from the root '/' itself.
Try absolute path?
./Route66/Start.map might also work, just guessing.

User is offline   micmon 


View Postbeer, on 25 February 2019 - 11:09 AM, said:

EDIT: Got it again. I just needed to put the route66 maps into ~/.config/rednukem/ROUTE66 even they were already in my route66 grp file ... right now I think everything is working.

Did you manage to get this working without copying the maps? I also can not get the maps to load from inside the GRP.

User is offline   micmon 


View PostNightFright, on 07 November 2018 - 11:01 PM, said:

Got it working!

Grpinfo needs to look like this:
"Suckin' Grits on Route 66"
        flags      GAMEFLAG_RR

"Size" and "crc" are from the custom-made route66.grp (which can be compiled from the GOG version according to this guide, but I think you don't have to rename the maps since user66.con already uses the right names) while the "dependency" value is the CRC of redneck.grp.

Could you please explain how to get the size and crc values?

User is offline   micmon 


View PostNightFright, on 07 November 2018 - 11:01 PM, said:

How to get music working:
1) Create two zipfiles with the ogg tracks inside, named track02-track09.ogg (Redneck Rampage) and track02-track10.ogg (Rides Again). Rename file endings from .zip to .dat (e.g. redneck_music.dat and rides_music.dat).
2) [OPTIONAL] Put both .dat files into a subdir called "music".
3) Create two textfiles named redneck.def and rides.def. Redneck def should contain
loadgrp music/redneck_music.dat
and rides.def should contain
loadgrp music/rides_music.dat
. If you didn't put the files into the music subdir, omit the "music/" part.
4) Create another textfile named e.g. redneck.grpinfo with the following code (assuming you are using the GOG.com files, otherwise you need to adjust the size/crc/dependency lines): ...

This kind of works for me, but as soon as I have the RR:RA music in only plays music from that ZIP, even when I play vanilla RR. Any idea?

User is offline   Besli 


View Postmicmon, on 09 March 2019 - 08:37 AM, said:

This kind of works for me, but as soon as I have the RR:RA music in only plays music from that ZIP, even when I play vanilla RR. Any idea?

Take a look

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Besli: 24 March 2019 - 09:53 PM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


View Postmicmon, on 09 March 2019 - 08:34 AM, said:

Could you please explain how to get the size and crc values?

Once you have launched the groupfile at least once, there is a grpfiles.cache in your root directory. It reads like this:
"route66.grp" 18211915 1541406596 -1467060190
"rides.grp" 191798609 1227896520 -1786767162
"redneck.grp" 141174222 1227896404 433699961

The first value is the file size, the third is the CRC (you can ignore the second entry). All this is also explained in detail in section III of the Addon Compilation readme.

Regarding the music issue I have no idea what could be happening, though. A problem could be that the tracks in both .dat files share the same names, so it might be that one pack is overriding the other. This shouldn't be happening though since you specifically call one of the two dat files in the grpinfo. You can still try moving one of the files into a different folder and edit the grpinfo file accordingly. I seriously doubt it would make any difference, though.

Again, this is my redneck.grpinfo file:
"Redneck Rampage"
        flags      GAMEFLAG_RR

"Redneck Rampage: Rides Again"
        flags      GAMEFLAG_RR

"Suckin' Grits on Route 66"
        flags      GAMEFLAG_RR

loadgrp music/redneck_music.dat

loadgrp music/rides_music.dat

This post has been edited by NightFright: 25 March 2019 - 12:33 AM


User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostMrFlibble, on 17 February 2019 - 07:55 AM, said:

Alexey, about the sprite edges, you might want to take a look here and here.

I concluded that my previous method of pre-processing sprites before scaling up with ESRGAN is imprefect but I found a better solution which allows to get the results like this without using any masks:

Kudos to Phredreeke for the suggestion to add noise to image before processing.

User is offline   Phredreeke 


Neat. Maybe we should make a new topic for RR upscales though?

User is offline   l_johan_k 


Where can I find installation instruction for this source port?

User is offline   Master O 


View Postl_johan_k, on 13 April 2019 - 06:08 AM, said:

Where can I find installation instruction for this source port?


User is offline   mwnn 


I just thought I'd list how I've gone about installing it.
I can see from reading the thread there's other ways of doing it - I've kept the games separated.
I'll probably fork the repo, write a WIKI page and issue a pull request.
The process can probably be automated too!

I've got latest GOG installer (setup_redneck_rampage_2.0.0.11.exe)

I've extracted the data using innoextract:
innoextract -d output setup_redneck_rampage_2.0.0.11.exe --gog

GOG include the CDAudio on the BIN/CUE but rename the files.
I use bchunk to extract it in WAVE format:
bchunk -w REDNECK.gog REDNECK.inst track

Then I just convert the tracks to FLAC/VORBIS with SoundConverter although I'm using XFCE.

Overall directory structure is this:
tree --dirsfirst

Redneck -> https://pastebin.com/ukkHNpWG
Rides Again -> https://pastebin.com/XDssVwUt

Route66 needs the backslashes changed to forward slashes in USER66.CON
Rides Again just needs a quick renaming fix for two tiles
Rides Again also seems to have a video file which doesn't currently play

I can run Route66 by doing:
./rednukem GAME66.CON

Is there anything I'm missing there?

This post has been edited by mwnn: 12 May 2019 - 01:37 AM


User is offline   micmon 


View PostNightFright, on 25 March 2019 - 12:23 AM, said:

Regarding the music issue I have no idea what could be happening, though.

Well I tried some more and found that SelectedGRP ends up as "rides.grp" in rednukem.cfg and this causes the RRRA music to be played. If I replaced "rides.grp" with "redneck.grp" it works fine. Is there a way to chose this from the command line? What I currently do is run the executable with -g redneck or -g rides but this does not seem to change SelectedGRP.

User is offline   LAW 


How does it compare to M210's work? I don't use Java at all (even portable) so I am very excited.

Ad vocem Erampage. I have been working a bit on this project with my friend Jon. I have had a very hard time in my life back then and my options have been very limited. So I have decided to alter a bunch of levels for Erampage and I have done some quick code tweaks the "dirty way" - it was better than doing nothing in life. This was all we could do in a short time and taking into account that Jon and I are adult, nice guys who have their lives. Happy lives after all. Believe me - it would be very hard to find bigger Redneck psychofans than me or Jon, the site owner of Totally Redneck - and we were happy enough with the results. Back then it was the only way to play in high resolution.

This post has been edited by LAW: 12 May 2019 - 10:51 AM


User is offline   Phredreeke 


I did use erampage as a test platform for skyboxes prior to RedneckGDX being released.

View PostLAW, on 12 May 2019 - 10:50 AM, said:

Back then it was the only way to play in high resolution.

RR lets you select high resolutions though... 1024x768 is high res right? <_<

This post has been edited by Phredreeke: 12 May 2019 - 04:08 PM


User is offline   mwnn 


I wrote a quick bash script for Linux that uses the latest GOG Windows installer to setup the game(s)

It sets up all the directories, copies all the game files (apart from the exe), rips the audio from the CD image (REDNECK.gog) and encodes with FLAC.
The two fixes for Route66 are handled as well (artwork + pathname fix)

It requires the user to have flac, bchunk and innosetup installed.
The user still has to install all the usual eduke32 build dependencies and run make to compile the code.

Suggestions are welcome:

A bash script for Blood would be a bit trickier as GOG have stupidly stripped the Redbook CD Audio off the included image.
Only providing lossy vorbis files.
I had to grab a CD image from archive.org to get a lossless copy of the music:
They've done a few alterations to the track lengths as well.

This post has been edited by mwnn: 13 May 2019 - 02:16 PM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Since some folks have been asking me how it works with my grpinfo solution, here is where you have to place the files:


\music subdir

This post has been edited by NightFright: 28 June 2019 - 07:06 AM



Where are you getting the music.dat files?

What is the best way to rip the audio on Windows?

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