Trooper Dan, on 29 September 2018 - 04:58 PM, said:
The AMC TC has over 20000 tiles. I'm fairly confident that the vast majority of new textures would be power of two, but there may be some outliers.
In fact, I'd suggest that the AMC TC would make an ideal stress test case for PolymerRTX; several of the maps are very large, highly detailed, use a variety of unusual constructions, and of course draw from a huge pool of custom art assets, with countless custom code effects like 3D skyboxes and alternative pals.
Mark, on 29 September 2018 - 06:49 PM, said:
A new renderer which has flawless TROR like polymer, but with a higher framerate than classic (not to mention correct perspective) will be very useful, even without dynamic lights and other fancy effects.
I'm sure that TX and Hendricks would want there to be the highest possible level of compatibility between the renderers if they're to be included in the main eduke32 branch. You don't want to automatically exclude a wide range of existing content.
Phredreeke, on 29 September 2018 - 07:33 PM, said:
Clear the Coast is a fairly large map with reasonable detail level. I've been working on a large map which has a single-digit framerate in polymost, but is quite playable in classic.