spessu_sb, on 11 March 2019 - 07:36 AM, said:
If enemies are added in (and they will) it's more to cover up places that had no enemies (DNF has way too many sections where nothing happens. There's nothing wrong with having a break per level but DNF takes this too far, to the point of several parts of levels being literally devoid of any combat whatsoever, like DB part 1) and they will be classic style placements (I can't figure out how to get factories functioning for me, and also, most enemies are spawned via said factories. DNF has very few classic style enemy spawns)
Also, I want to tone down a bit on the arena style level design whenever possible (such as the example described with the nighttime vegas level prototype) but always keep in mind what I can do is limited and some levels can't have their arenas removed otherwise they make no sense or are too cut down to be enjoyable (such as DB part 3, or clone carousel's start)