The clipshape feature when applied to moving actors is very buggy. Actors can hit their own clipshapes when firing, and I recently discovered that it breaks jumping (at least when using the hardcoded jumptoplayer). The clipshaped enemy will go straight up into the air and spin, keep spinning and come down. It can't get over itself -- I think it continually bumps into itself which triggers hardcoded angle changing, and the rapid angle changing makes it move in a very tight ciricle, thus appearing to not move horizontally.
I have a workaround for this which involves the enemy temporarily cactoring into an identical looking actor that doesn't use a clipshape. I don't expect that clipshapes will be worked on any time soon, but I'm reporting this nonetheless. I do not have time to look into it further.
EDIT: clipshape can have the same effect on the actor simply running forward as well (they are stuck on their own clipshape and can't run forward). Since this feature was primarily intended as a way to make models clip correctly, it's not surprising that it doesn't work well with moving actors. Still, it would be nice if it did.