I reuploaded some things to keep it save.
Highlights of this thread:
Commando Nukems polymer intro
Cages Logos
Posts starts here:
Eduke logo:

SVG-Version: http://www.intrinia....ogo/eduke32.svg
Polymer logo:

SVG-Versions: http://www.intrinia....er_logo_svg.zip
My 3D-animation

Direct download:
If you use this for your own video, it would be nice to mention me in your credits as "Intrinia Solutions".
Using this video in Eduke32 as intro animation
How to install:
* download logo.zip and put it into your autoload folder of eduke
* start the game like this: eduke32 -mx logo.con -mh logo.def (or create a .bat file in your eduke folder with this in it...)
* add this to a .con file that is beeing loaded at startup: include logo.con
* add this to a .def file that is beeing loaded at startup: include logo.def
If you're interessted in making your own Eduke32 intro this thread is what you're looking for: