Duke4.net Forums: The Real Critic - DNF Demo Dropped the Ball - it is HALO! - Duke4.net Forums

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The Real Critic - DNF Demo Dropped the Ball - it is HALO!  "Why George can't Hide"

User is offline   Assblaster 


View PostMadmaxwell, on 05 June 2011 - 04:18 PM, said:

Don't hate halo 1 was epic the rest were crap >.<

I wish they only made halo 1 because of the ending

User is offline   VinsaneOne 


Good to see a debate without the hate. Staying off the negative rep button was huge I must say!
As for getting back on the topic of the demo which I haven't played yet, it seems that opinions vary saying it has elements of other games, and maybe so. But still, I think most would have to agree it has many things
that other games just don't.
The main thing keeping other games from ever being close is, they'll never have Duke! (I know, I didn't have to say that....aw hell, yes I did!!)

This post has been edited by VinsaneOne: 05 June 2011 - 08:42 PM


User is offline   Laokin 


View PostMr.Deviance, on 05 June 2011 - 03:10 PM, said:

Sorry if I hurt your feelings by calling the games shit but sadly that's what I think about them and not just because I had to test them from prealpha to gold through numerous and very painful failed submissions for microsoft but also because I found the characters and the story to be childish most of the time.
I will give Halo 1 credit for having an ambient that was at times similar to that of Mass Effect 1 (which I did like) as for everything else, I don't have anything good to say.
I know the halo series has caused obsessions across the new generation of gamers but I was just never into the games. They weren't serious enough for me.
I grew up with the first fps games ever made and I kept enjoying new fps game up until crysis hl2 and portal 1 times.
The fps games made after that time are not really motivating me to play them anymore.
I am only interested to play a few more fps games and then quit gaming completely.
I want to play Rage, DNF, Deus ex Human Revolution and to check out doom4 and see if it's worth it when it comes out.
That's pretty much it.

Played Human Revolution... It's erm, Deus Ex... The design is very much in line with the first one, you just automatically get the regen aug(I know...but it is super slow). It's very true to the property.. Probably more so than Duke, although it does have one or two things that make you scratch your head... (like the regen aug and the cover system.) Pretty impressed though, I was[I played the leak that is floating about.] I hear Doom 4 is going back to the open areas and lots of monsters, so maybe it'll pan out. Rage looks kinda bad IMO, awesome game engine though. I grew up on the same shooters you did.. Gotta say, not feeling many out now either...

I'm waiting for Tribes 4, Human Revolution, DNF, and BF3. Still I can't see how Halo is a terrible game... but it is "Family Friendly" though... It's even got old school style weapons without ADS.... Although, I'm primarily an MP gamer and Halo's MP is pretty much the only part of it that is good... (3 out of the 4 games I'm waiting for are for MP.) I guess I'm waiting for Thief 4 too....

LMAO over that whole "Cunt" scenario too... Had me in stitches.

To the other people -- There is no point in getting personal about internet "debate." He's entitled to his own opinion as is everyone else and if he chooses to exercise his freedom to express his feelings about something, who is anybody that wants to stop him?

Y'all need to go to yoga class or something.

This post has been edited by Laokin: 06 June 2011 - 01:52 AM


User is offline   muskydragon 

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View PostVinsaneOne, on 03 June 2011 - 10:53 PM, said:

Was it not you who claimed to help George and GBX with the development of DNF? You went on and on about how much you had to do with it. Seems that was a lie, or you wouldn't be acting like someone who had no clue of what to expect from the demo. Lies usually have some way to eventually bite you in the ass and here, a huge chunk was torn out of yours. You got caught.
I rest my case.

I did but again that was around like fucking 2001 dumb fuck. He changed the game.. that isn't my fault. If it was doing the game i'd have health packs like what halo 1 did just saying to make it more challenging.

Concerning other shit.. I could careless. How did I get caught again? All I did was talk to George on an instant message program. I am not the one to blame for him fucking the game up so badly.

So shut the fuck up.. I tried to make Duke a game that people could remember. I am a Game Designer.. so suck it down!

This post has been edited by muskydragon: 06 June 2011 - 03:33 AM


User is offline   muskydragon 

  • Yatta is a dictator! :)


View PostVinsaneOne, on 05 June 2011 - 08:39 PM, said:

Good to see a debate without the hate. Staying off the negative rep button was huge I must say!
As for getting back on the topic of the demo which I haven't played yet, it seems that opinions vary saying it has elements of other games, and maybe so. But still, I think most would have to agree it has many things
that other games just don't.
The main thing keeping other games from ever being close is, they'll never have Duke! (I know, I didn't have to say that....aw hell, yes I did!!)

Shut the fuck up your hypocrite. Your just jealous cause you didn't get to make suggestions to georgw.. . concerning the rest. I talked to george and was hoping I could help save 3drealms.

I've tried to help many other video game companys.. for example "Factor 5" which got fucked by Sony. If you don't know who factor 5 is they did "Star Wars: rogue squadron". They tried to make an epic dragon video game but without the help of Sony they kept having programing issues. So Sony fucked them in the ass instead of helping them and there game lacked good gameplay elements and focused mostly too hard on the horrible motion controlling issues.

Glad to see Sony got hacked to be honest and I can't wait to see them crawling on there knees to the gamers of E3. But knowing Sony they will probably show crappy short video game clips of future games while blasting loud music over the speakers. Have a goodnight!

I am done talking to the idiots on these forums who cannot get there facts straight.

This post has been edited by muskydragon: 06 June 2011 - 03:32 AM



View Postmuskydragon, on 06 June 2011 - 03:30 AM, said:

Shut the fuck up your hypocrite. Your just jealous cause you didn't get to make suggestions to georgw.. . concerning the rest. I talked to george and was hoping I could help save 3drealms.

I've tried to help many other video game companys.. for example "Factor 5" which got fucked by Sony. If you don't know who factor 5 is they did "Star Wars: rogue squadron". They tried to make an epic dragon video game but without the help of Sony they kept having programing issues. So Sony fucked them in the ass instead of helping them and there game lacked good gameplay elements and focused mostly too hard on the horrible motion controlling issues.

Glad to see Sony got hacked to be honest and I can't wait to see them crawling on there knees to the gamers of E3. But knowing Sony they will probably show crappy short video game clips of future games while blasting loud music over the speakers. Have a goodnight!

I am done talking to the idiots on these forums who cannot get there facts straight.

I am still wondering why you got such a low rep..
Maybe it is about all the crap you are posting ?
Insulting other members and not giving any fair or polite response ?


View Postthemaniacboy, on 06 June 2011 - 06:00 AM, said:

I am still wondering why you got such a low rep..
Maybe it is about all the crap you are posting ?
Insulting other members and not giving any fair or polite response ?

That can't be it... :(


View Postmuskydragon, on 06 June 2011 - 03:26 AM, said:

So shut the fuck up.. I tried to make Duke a game that people could remember. I am a Game Designer.. so suck it down!

You are a baby designed to annoy us and your mother is obviously late for your breast feeding time.
Your mother seems to be neglecting you yet again while she is busy on the freeway meeting 1 hour dads.
Don't worry little baby, no need to scream and weep so hard, your mother will breast feed you soon and you will soon be a happy pink drooling baby yet again :(

This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 06 June 2011 - 06:33 AM


User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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View Postmuskydragon, on 06 June 2011 - 03:26 AM, said:

I am a Game Designer.. so suck it down!

Pics or it didn't happen.

...actually, lets just go with 'it didn't happen.'

User is offline   ferran275 


muskydragon you are a cancer to this forum, a trolling, acid spewing, bullshit cream filled retard who tries to justify himself by making up a bunch of crap about being a "LEET AWESOM GAEM DESINUR!!!!11!!!1" I don't give a fuck if you are the president of 2K Games, you are an ass and like I said earlier you really just need to go away.

The only reason I can see that the mods keep you around is you amuse them with your shit spray.


View Postmuskydragon, on 06 June 2011 - 03:26 AM, said:

I did but again that was around like fucking 2001 dumb fuck.

Haha. Dude, wake up, In 2001 your grandfather was in his teenage years.
You couldn't have been a game designer back then because your dad wasn't born yet...

User is offline   DN4EVR 


View PostMr.Deviance, on 06 June 2011 - 06:43 AM, said:

Haha. Dude, wake up, In 2001 your grandfather was in his teenage years.
You couldn't have been a game designer back then because your dad wasn't born yet...

Musky is a twat but is trolling him back good as a reflection of the community? Just a thought.....and I meant this to everyone doing so, not just you btw.

User is offline   trustn0! 


Just ignore him hes like the kid who pulls on his sisters ponytail just to get attention

User is offline   DN4EVR 


View Posttrustn0!, on 06 June 2011 - 06:58 AM, said:

Just ignore him hes like the kid who pulls on his sisters ponytail just to get attention

User is offline   Mad Max RW 


I'd like to play some of the games muskydragon designed.

User is offline   DN4EVR 


View PostMad Max RW, on 06 June 2011 - 07:09 AM, said:

I'd like to play some of the games muskydragon designed.

Here's a short list then:

Daikatana 2, Prey 2, Blood 3, System Shock 3.....need I go on?


View PostDN4EVR, on 06 June 2011 - 06:54 AM, said:

Musky is a twat but is trolling him back good as a reflection of the community? Just a thought.....and I meant this to everyone doing so, not just you btw.

I wasn't trolling him. I was taking a piss on everything that he represents and having my fun on his expense.
It's impossible to troll such a dumbass.

This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 06 June 2011 - 07:14 AM


User is offline   DN4EVR 


View PostMr.Deviance, on 06 June 2011 - 07:13 AM, said:

I wasn't trolling him. I was taking a piss on everything that he represents and having my fun on his expense.
It's impossible to troll such a dumbass.
Still, is it any way to represent the forums?

Just a thought....don't kill the messenger, et al.

User is offline   trustn0! 


View PostDN4EVR, on 06 June 2011 - 07:12 AM, said:

Here's a short list then:

Daikatana 2, Prey 2, Blood 3, System Shock 3.....need I go on?

Kinda funny that you mentioned Prey 2 since its actually being made.....with a different character,different setting,different mechanics,different enemies,different aesthetic........................

Why is it called Prey 2 again? :(

User is offline   DN4EVR 


View Posttrustn0!, on 06 June 2011 - 07:16 AM, said:

Kinda funny that you mentioned Prey 2 since its actually being made.....with a different character,different setting,different mechanics,different enemies,different aesthetic........................

Why is it called Prey 2 again? :(
Why are all the final fantasies called final fantasy all the time when they're about different worlds most times? B)

User is offline   trustn0! 


View PostDN4EVR, on 06 June 2011 - 07:19 AM, said:

Why are all the final fantasies called final fantasy all the time when they're about different worlds most times? :(


on a completely unrelated note FF 13 blows


View PostDN4EVR, on 06 June 2011 - 07:15 AM, said:

Still, is it any way to represent the forums?

Just a thought....don't kill the messenger, et al.

I wouldn't know. I don't represent these forums, I represent myself.
Ask Yatta or TX, I think they represent these forums.

This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 06 June 2011 - 07:22 AM


User is offline   DN4EVR 


View PostMr.Deviance, on 06 June 2011 - 07:21 AM, said:

I wouldn't know. I don't represent these forums, I represent myself.
Ask Yatta or TX, I think they represent these forums.
The userbase always reflects on the forums as a whole in some way.


Lets see if we can get that rep down to -100! Posted Image


View PostEARTH DEFENCE FORCES, on 06 June 2011 - 07:28 AM, said:

Lets see if we can get that rep down to -100! Posted Image

I would personally make a rule that gets anybody that reaches -100, instantly banned on their entire ip range.

This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 06 June 2011 - 08:15 AM



View PostMr.Deviance, on 06 June 2011 - 08:15 AM, said:

I would personally make a rule that gets anybody that reaches -100, instantly banned on their entire ip range.


User is offline   ferran275 


View PostMr.Deviance, on 06 June 2011 - 08:15 AM, said:

I would personally make a rule that gets anybody that reaches -100, instantly banned on their entire ip range.

that'd be awesome, like a forum bomb ht them in the face :(

User is offline   Laokin 


Holy shit. Talk about Dukicide... Dude just killed himself on these forums, lol....

Prey 2 is a cool concept, although -- it shouldn't have been called Prey 2, it should of be called "Prey: Insert Subtitle Here" to show that it's indeed a spin off, not a sequel. Because that's what it is... The stories are related, but subtley and definitely take place in the same storyverse.

It's probably gonna be mediocre though.

User is offline   trustn0! 


Prey 2 has the same developers but differemt producers and its way too early to tell


View Postmuskydragon, on 06 June 2011 - 03:30 AM, said:

Shut the fuck up your hypocrite. Your just jealous cause you didn't get to make suggestions to georgw.. . concerning the rest. I talked to george and was hoping I could help save 3drealms.

I've tried to help many other video game companys.. for example "Factor 5" which got fucked by Sony. If you don't know who factor 5 is they did "Star Wars: rogue squadron". They tried to make an epic dragon video game but without the help of Sony they kept having programing issues. So Sony fucked them in the ass instead of helping them and there game lacked good gameplay elements and focused mostly too hard on the horrible motion controlling issues.

Glad to see Sony got hacked to be honest and I can't wait to see them crawling on there knees to the gamers of E3. But knowing Sony they will probably show crappy short video game clips of future games while blasting loud music over the speakers. Have a goodnight!

I am done talking to the idiots on these forums who cannot get there facts straight.

Münchausen syndrome FTW!!!

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