ck3D, on 14 September 2023 - 08:06 AM, said:
When it comes to the official add-ons I have no idea what one really can do, or how AA goes about it (it's a good question, the current status of those maps). I'm mostly thinking about user maps that if one went about to collect, reedit and redistribute wouldn't catch a particularly good look, unless there is at least an attempt at communication with the respective authors to make sure each maker is fine with it.
That list of all the maps above actually is funny to me because I never even realized this many of my own released user maps were in War of Attrition until now. I only knew about AMC Pleaser being in I'm pretty sure. Not that I mind because Dan's a pal and I genuinely appreciate his appreciation (I've probably green lighted it before too), but different people in comparable situations could be bummed, for instance if they have a different plan of their own for the future of the presentation of their levels.
Oh ok yeah i misunderstood you. For my user map filled slaughter map episode I read the readmes and followed their usage parameters to a T. So I’m covered there. Thanks for the Alt+C command. Forgot all about that.