Click the image for an imgur gallery of map screenshots! (Warning: Some shots may be NSFW)
More screenshots will be uploaded over time.
Just what is StrikerDM?
- StrikerDM started as a very simple personal project, born out of being sick of Megaton and World Tour's workshop limitations. At the beginning, it only had a few CON tweaks and touched-up/overhauled versions of some old maps of mine from 2002, one of which was on the workshop for some time before this project. It was quite simple, and was my way of re-familiarizing myself with Duke3D Modding after an insanely long hiatus. Over time, the project increased in scope, and I ended up adding new weapons, sprites/textures, sounds, and features to coincide with my fixes and improvements to EDuke32-OldMP (Now known as NetDuke32). My goal was to make the ultimate Dukematch mod, while still keeping the gameplay faithful to what makes Duke3D Multiplayer so great. I managed to catch the attention of the community, and people started giving me their maps to include in the mod, thus it became a community-driven effort in the end.
What are StrikerDM's features?
- New maps from myself, and many members of the community! (Over 100 maps!)
- New weapons! (Super Shotgun, Incinerator, Railgun, Plasma Rifle.)
- New mapping features! (Jump pads, Doom-style timed platforms, insta-kill floors, no pistol start mode, etc.)
- New game modes! (Instagib, Roidmatch, Dukematch with Weapon Stay.)
- Updated and fixed maps from "Duke Tournament"! (With mikko_sandt's permission.)
- Mild balance improvements! (Stronger Mighty Foot, faster Devastator missiles, hitscan-shootable Tripmines, and nerfed Pistol accuracy only at extremely long ranges.)
- Fair Dukebots! (No longer have godly aimbot aim with weapons.)
- More gore! (Gibs have blood trails, impact noises, and will stay on the ground for a bit before fading away.)
- HD Sounds! (Some are HD versions of Duke3D's original sounds, many are new!)
- HD Duke Talk! (From Manhattan Project, Duke Nukem: Time To Kill, Duke Nukem Forever, and 20th Anniversary World Tour. Over 70 new lines! When dialogue is shared between games, the one with the best performance is chosen.)
- Duke Talk in Dukematch! (Dukes getting kills will speak, with proper stereo positioning.)
- Context-specific Duke Talk! (Different weapons like the Shrinker and Freezethrower will trigger different lines, or using certain items like Steroids.)
- Respawning props in Dukematch! (Long Dukematches will no longer leave a map devoid of shit to break!)
- Widescreen-friendly weapon sprites! (No cutoff in widescreen resolutions)
Who are the people involved in StrikerDM? Got credits? Special thanks?
Yes! They are here: CLICK
If I'm missing anybody, please let me know! I don't want to be an asshole and leave anyone un-credited for their stuff.
What do I need to run StrikerDM?
Without this, it'll either refuse to run, or get CON errors.
Also, you'll need to run it in the Polymost (OpenGL 32-bit) renderer! This mod isn't software friendly at all.
Got a download link?
How do I install it?
- If you're using NetLauncher (included with NetDuke32), stick the StrikerDM-r###.pk3 file in the /mods/ subfolder.
- If you're using Meltdown, stick it in "Meltdown/Duke Nukem 3D/Mods"
- If you're using YANG, stick it in the same folder as NetDuke32, and add "-gStrikerDM-r###.pk3" to the room's launch args.
- If you wish to use the command line, see the list of commands and their descriptions when you type "NetDuke32 -?".
Can I play "Alien World Tour" with this?
Yes, but you need to use a tool to generate the necessary file out of your own copy of Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour.
You can find said tool here: Link
Just carefully follow the instructions within.
Anything else I should know?
Yes, there's fair bit of adult/NSFW content in some maps. The adult mode toggle has been changed to toggle this content, rather than toggling gore/swearing. Make use of this when streaming or near sensitive folk.
Also, while not necessarily important, I do reccommend using VirtualMidiSynth with the Arachno Soundfont, as that's what I used when deciding which midis to use in this mod! You can find them here and here.
Any upcoming features?
Absolutely! But I'm going to keep that a surprise for now.
Do you take map submissions?
Absolutely! That's one of the points of the mod. PM me your maps with a matching song (MIDI only for now, please!), and I'll stick it in the Community Maps episode with your name credit in the in-game level title.