I wanted to do a last tribute to duke3d and re-upload dukearmy. Short description
of my TC:
A TC that changes Duke Nukem 3D into an exaggerated army-style
shooter with various multiplayer additions (CTF, Hill Defend, Assault).
Main focus is multi-player (though 1 playable single-player episode is included)
and the massive unrealistic use of gore elements to turn the TC in
kind of a "splatter game".
The TC was made for an older eduke32 version, and several elements will not work with the newest snapshot (I guess terminX "fixed" the bug that no events are triggered anymore if you use an item which you dont own, for example holoduke) and I included
in my archive an older version which works fine.
Installation: all what you have to do is extract the archive, copy your duke3d.grp (version 1.5) in the main folder where
the execute ables are located and start "dukearmy.bat". Have fun playing it
oh and before asking that question: you should take a look at key bindings before asking "how to activate this and that bla bla".
It should be self explaining how to set alternate fire and so on.
Download 3.14
Download 3.15 cons
Download 3.15