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Hollywood Reporter: John Cena in Talks to Star in Duke Nukem

User is offline   Mr. Tibbs 


Just like the title said.


The wrestler-turned-actor is negotiations to star in Duke Nukem, a big-screen adaptation of the popular video game franchise featuring the politically incorrect action hero that is set up at Paramount.

Platinum Dunes, the company run by Michael Bay, Andrew Form and Brad Fuller, will produce the movie.

No director is on board at this stage. A search for a writer will begin soon to develop a script for what is intended to be a star vehicle for Cena.

Sounds like this project is in the very early stages if a script isn't even ready.


User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


I can see it. Voice doesn't quite fit, though. Not really deep enough...I suppose we'll see. Least it's not some prettyboy young guy so we're not getting Douche Nukem.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 22 January 2018 - 06:10 PM



View PostMusicallyInspired, on 22 January 2018 - 06:08 PM, said:

I can see it.

But we can't see him.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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View PostMarphy Black, on 22 January 2018 - 06:10 PM, said:

But we can't see him.

Well done. *slow clap*



Hulk Hogan as General Graves or it will not happen.

This post has been edited by Fantinaikos: 22 January 2018 - 06:32 PM


User is offline   Steve 64 


NukemDave told me that John not happy with it, I do like to see a Duke Nukem Movie but really John Cena of all people, as I said in my Duke Nukem Movie post I would have gone with https://www.bing.com...x=17&ajaxhist=0

User is offline   Mr. Tibbs 


:dukecigar: :)
Posted Image

User is offline   Maisth 


So are you telling me we can't see Duke Nukem now?

User is offline   stumppy84 


It’s Jon’s livelihood so I can see why he is protesting it.. And a video game & movie adaption usually goes bad! But this is hard not to get excited over with Cena attached!! Here’s hoping it’s great and Cena stays on!!

User is offline   Mark 


Instead of complaining, JSJ should lose the beard and glasses and start a strict workout at the Gym. He still has plenty of time to bulk himself up and save "His" character. :dukecigar:

User is offline   Mr. Tibbs 


Regardless of quality, having a live-action film would certainly be a huge boost for the brand, but there's no movie at this stage. They don't even have a script, director, or star attached. In the extremely unlikely event that this news ever materializes into a actual film, it'll be years away.

Jon St. John wanting a major film studio like Paramount to invest tens of millions into an R-rated, CG blockbuster feature starring a video game V.O. actor will never, ever happen in a million years.

User is offline   Mark 


Right now its Hollywood's equivalent of someone posting in these forums "I've got this great idea for a mod but I have nothing done."

User is offline   Mr. Tibbs 


View PostMark., on 22 January 2018 - 07:19 PM, said:

Right now its Hollywood's equivalent of someone posting in these forums "I've got this great idea for a mod but I have nothing done."

Haha, exactly. We're not even at the "here's my single weapon render and trash can sketch, looking for level designers, artists, and programmers" stage.

User is offline   Mark 


I know its not a direct comparison but I don't believe the Doom movie with Dwayne Johnson killed off the game franchise. I'm not worried about a mediocre Duke movie ruining the franchise either. I look forward to a movie.


As a Duke fan, this is pretty great news... As someone who's doing everything he can to play Duke in the movie... This is the worst news...

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


I don't agree at all with the notion that video game movies have to be CG (let alone have to be CG to be good). Prince of Persia wasn't bad, as was the original first Tomb Raider movie. Besides those and the wonderful so-bad-it's-good Mortal Kombat, there aren't really any decent video game movies for sure, but that doesn't mean they all suck. I even enjoyed Max Payne. Heard good things about Assassin's Creed, though I've never seen it (or played the series).

I am glad that Spielburg didn't get to make that Monkey Island movie, however....what a travesty that would have been.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 22 January 2018 - 08:43 PM


User is offline   xMobilemux 


No video game movie is good, none, they can be fun, but none of them are good.
The first Tomb Raider movie falls into the "guilty pleasure" category for me, it's not good, but it's fun.
If the Duke Nukem movie can get into that category with an R rating then maybe it could work.

Unfortunately in today's Hollywood political climate, I see this being a PG-13 borefest filled with CG explosions, green screens and Duke being partnered with some female sidekick who will emasculate him every chance she gets so the studio can score progressiveness points.

At least Cena has the look for some passable posters.
Posted Image

JSJ is going into meltdown on Facebook and Twitter, he even signed and shared this petition.

This post has been edited by xMobilemux: 22 January 2018 - 09:46 PM


User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


Jon might be stretching it a bit saying that Duke is "his character". I think he's putting words into the mouths of all the fans by saying they want a CG movie. I'm certain that's not the case. All I can say is that the few CG movies I've seen based on video games didn't knock my socks off. Not that I think a great CG Duke movie couldn't be made, but I think it has just as much of a chance of being good as a live-action movie starring John Cena. Considering Jon's recent voicework for Duke not being completely on-point, I'd have doubts about a CG Duke movie as well.

If Cena can pull off that classic Duke3D voice in the movie, I'll give it a chance... if it doesn't turn into a SJW-appealing movie. Here's a video of him voice acting:

When he says "Oh" at 1:50, it seems like he could have it within him to pull the voice off.

I remain neutral on the subject. I think both live-action or CG has the potential to either be great or terrible.

This post has been edited by NUKEMDAVE: 22 January 2018 - 10:20 PM


User is offline   HulkNukem 


I'm hype

User is offline   Forge 

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View PostxMobilemux, on 22 January 2018 - 09:05 PM, said:

I see this being a PG-13 borefest

is the antagonist dr. proton? = PG-13 borefest
is the antagonist aliens trying to steal our women? = R (boobfest)

This post has been edited by Forge: 22 January 2018 - 11:21 PM


User is offline   Dacoolguy 


Aww fuck no. Here comes Duke Nukem Forever 2... I bet they will also release a movie based video game with Duke Nukem, looking like John Cena now.
I can't wait to see all those nitpickers that nitpicked how Duke used to look like Bruce Willis during the development trailers of DNF.
So much nitpicking has went with how every crease of his face was supposed to look to match the Duke 3d image we've all had of him.
Now take this kids, he will look like John Cena in the next game, I will bet my ass on it.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


this is the same thing recycled every few years. First it was Dolph Lundgren, then Bruce Willis, Now John Cena
(I think Howie Long & Kurt Russell's names were tossed around as well - can't remember actual casting from fan-boy list anymore)


This post has been edited by Forge: 22 January 2018 - 11:32 PM


User is offline   Dacoolguy 


Randy Pitchford will do anything with this ip at this point.
Cashing in on a shitty Duke movie is most likely the best that he can do with this everything but dead Duke ip..
He knows that if he puts gearbox money into the development of a new Duke game, it would take shitloads of money for a proper Duke Nukem fps game that both looks up to standards and plays well.
So after multiple fails such as DNF, Alien: Colonial Marines or Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour he is most likely done with this triple A business, especially what is not Borderlands related and even more so if it's related to Duke that has become a despised name in the industry...
Sad that what was once a proud epic name is now just a hated relic of the past. Seems that we are living tragic times.
First they killed a brand like Duke Nukem and now they are also killing Star Wars.
The western pop culture is going to shit fast and they have epic ways of ruining what once seemed to be Diamond brands that could never die in the collective eye...
I bet Terminator is very soon to get killed too, especially after the last movie bombed so hard...
If Cameron and Tim Miller can't save it now, nobody will...

Also, why do I get the ideea that John Cena was picked to play Duke just because Doom was also made with into a movie where the main character was a WWE wrestler (The Rock) ?
Do we really need both Doom and Duke Nukem, two of the most awesome classic Fps games ever made, have their main characters replaced with muscle head WWE wrestlers in those shitty movies?

And the last question is. Why hasn't anybody blackmailed Randy with his gay porn pedo threesome sex tapes to force him to sell the Duke Nukem Ip yet?
I mean, he must have such tapes right? He seems like the type of person that totally can be blackmailed with such tapes because he is totally gay and a child molester.
He has definitely molested my childhood with his gay shit...

This post has been edited by Dacoolguy: 23 January 2018 - 04:37 AM


User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


View PostDacoolguy, on 22 January 2018 - 11:11 PM, said:

Now take this kids, he will look like John Cena in the next game, I will bet my ass on it.

Hey I'll take it. It's better than the current gelled-hair Douche Nukem frat boy model.


I feel like putting a Duke movie out before another game in the series is putting the wagon before the horse somewhat. I love Duke, you love Duke, everyone here loves Duke, but even within the confines of the brand loyal fanbase there is dissenting opinion about the concept of a Duke Nukem movie. To the general audiences? We're 7 years removed from Duke Nukem Forever, and 22 years removed from Duke 3D, and World Tour didn't seem to make too big of a splash when it dropped. Do John and Jane Q Public care about Duke enough to see an video game adaptation, ostensibly based on the action films of three decades ago?

I know this is Randy's biggest concern right now, and why he's been trying to do these little side projects with the character to try and build him back up in public consciousness, and, hey, I'll be there on opening day if a Duke Nukem movie ever makes it to theatres- but, again, I just feel like this is the wrong first step.

also John Cena is fine casting as far as im concerned, as long as they get the costume right. Hope to see him chomping on a big cigar lol

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


Everyone seems to have the wrong impression of what Duke Nukem is in the public. All over Twitter they're destroying the very idea of this movie already because of what Duke Nukem Forever was, which has tainted the memory of Duke3D. Someone actually said "if you enjoyed Duke3D then you're a tasteless a**hole". Clearly that person has never played the game. Also, everyone's calling it an "action-comedy". I couldn't disagree more with a direction for a Duke movie or that concept of Duke as a whole. He's an 80s-style action hero who cracks one-liners. It's not a comedy any more than Die Hard or Commando is.


View PostForge, on 22 January 2018 - 11:07 PM, said:

is the antagonist dr. proton? = PG-13 borefest
is the antagonist aliens trying to steal our women? = R (boobfest)

The Dark Knight = PG-13
Doom (the movie) = R

Which one was the borefest?

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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Doom was seriously rated R? Could've fooled me...

User is offline   Zaxx 

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Not a bad idea, we don't need a genius actor, I just hope it will be rated R. The PG-13 Mortal Kombat movie was already too much of a blow.

This post has been edited by Zaxx: 23 January 2018 - 09:34 AM



My girlfriend always poked fun of my Duke obsession and I made fun of her John Cene / WWE obsession. I told her this news and now we've both agreed to be fans of Duke / John Cene. Hoping this brings new Duke fans.

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