zazo, on 23 October 2012 - 01:22 PM, said:
I agree with Hendricks266, I prefer using the regular 'useractor enemy' than 'actor'. But for 'useractor notenemy', there are odd things with it, like passing thru them when it walknig toward you.
Diaz, on 23 October 2012 - 11:59 PM, said:
For 'ifcansee', it's when there are a line of sight between you and the enemy, even when he's not looking you. It not triggers if there a wall between the player and the enemy.
But for 'ifcanshoottarget' it's... weird. It seem always triggering, whatever you do. I've thought it triggering when the player is in the field of vision of the monster (meaning it's not trigger when the enemy is not looking the player), but thats not the case

So the safer thing you can do for your custom monsters is to replace the 'ifcanshoottarget' by 'ifcansee'.