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EDuke32 Scripting  "CON coding help"

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View PostSuperthijs, on 14 April 2012 - 07:29 AM, said:

Yeah, I think that's what I need. But how do I convert the 'horiz' number to a slope value, e.g. 4096?

Subtract 100, multiply with 32 (= 4096/128).

User is offline   m210® 


Mapster32 and hard-code have a very good command - alignflorslope,but in con-code I must writing:
getflorzofslope sectnum x y z 
getsector[sect2].floorz z2
subvarvar z z2
divvar z 2
setsector[sect2].floorslope z

And this code works slowly with the formation of gap. Any ideas for fix it? <_<

Second question - How can I get a level name and show this on display?

This post has been edited by M210: 15 April 2012 - 01:07 PM


User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


I don't know, what exactly alignflorslope does?

User is offline   Hendricks266 

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View PostM210, on 15 April 2012 - 01:06 PM, said:

Second question - How can I get a level name and show this on display?


User is offline   m210® 


View PostFox, on 15 April 2012 - 10:31 PM, said:

I don't know, what exactly alignflorslope does?

It get floor slope (like floor vertical angle) to a given value of z coordinate.
If z coordinate is changing by moving sector, my code no time to determine the exact position and the gap is obtained.

View PostHendricks266, on 15 April 2012 - 10:37 PM, said:

Thanks a lot <_<

This post has been edited by M210: 15 April 2012 - 11:07 PM


User is offline   m210® 




Line 139, setvar: sprite structure member `statnum' is read-only.

It's not a read-only value! And I not want to set statnum = 14 manually. What can I do else?

User is offline   Diaz 


I believe there's a command called "changespritestat" which changes statnum....

User is offline   m210® 


Yeah, it's works <_< Thx

User is offline   m210® 


Hi again. It there a command like espawn in mapster32.
I want add a sprite with differect x y z coordinats, picnum and other bits in mapster32 via script.
I don't understand how works insertsprite command and I think it's not what I need

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostM210, on 24 April 2012 - 02:06 AM, said:

I don't understand how works insertsprite command and I think it's not what I need

It probably is what you want, but it's not documented and I have never used it. But it should be possible to insertsprite and then set it to have the coords and other things you need.

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View PostM210, on 24 April 2012 - 02:06 AM, said:

Hi again. It there a command like espawn in mapster32.
I want add a sprite with differect x y z coordinats, picnum and other bits in mapster32 via script.
I don't understand how works insertsprite command and I think it's not what I need

For some reason I marked insertsprite as "deprecated/do not use", so I guess I wanted people to use dupsprite instead. It will clone the sprite with the given spritenum and set the current sprite to the newly inserted sprite. Movements should then be done with bsetsprite and attribute changes with "set .xxx yyy". The a.m32 script contains an example that constructs a round or linear staircase from one stair part and a pivot sprite.

User is offline   m210® 


Ok thanks for question <_<
Can dupsprite command insert a nullsprite (picnum = 0) with xvel,yvel,zvel = 0?
It's very important to have a zero all the bits in new sprit

This post has been edited by M210: 24 April 2012 - 10:00 AM


User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


By "clone" I meant that the inserted sprite has the same values for all sprite members as the source one.

Btw, the reason I discourage insersprite is that the member values are indeterminate after insertion, since the only thing it does is to allocate a new spritenum from the list.

User is offline   m210® 


For test I have written a code for a enemy
ifactor BUTCHER { settspr[THISACTOR].tsprang 512 }

action ABUTCHERWALK  0  4  5  1  20
useractor enemy BUTCHER
getactor[THISACTOR].mdflags  tmp
orvar  tmp 16
setactor[THISACTOR].mdflags  tmp
ifai NO { sizeat 24 24 cstat 257 ai AIBUTCHERWALK }
bla bla bla

But enemy still directed towards the player, why?

This post has been edited by M210: 02 May 2012 - 11:44 PM


User is offline   CruX 


Uh...Is there any movement type being used for its AI? If not, using geth might do the trick, but I'm not sure why you're messing around with its tsprite in the first place, if you actually want it to change its angle. Didn't the tsprite array only effect how the sprite's drawn?

User is offline   m210® 


I want the enemy doesn't turn away in the opposite direction if it is close to a wall or obstruction.
To understand what I want to make a better look at this video

As you can see the angle of the enemy is not related to the angle of direction. So I made ​​sure that the enemy doesn't turn away rapidly from the wall, but the animation turns out wrong, and the enemy begins like to walk backwards

This post has been edited by M210: 03 May 2012 - 03:04 AM


User is offline   m210® 


I forgot about EVENT_GAME. Now I solved my problem

User is offline   Diaz 


He kinda looks like Michael Jackson <_<
Glad you solved it!

User is offline   m210® 


I thought about it too <_<

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: -001-112.jpg

This post has been edited by M210: 03 May 2012 - 04:14 AM


User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


I'm thinking of assigning SE lights to an exclusive statnum when they spawn instead of throwing them into STAT_EFFECTOR like the other non-transporter SEs. This would have various benefits. Is there any CON code out in the wild that relies on SE lights having effector statnum?

User is offline   Diaz 


Doesn't Duke Plus play with changespritestat for flickering lights?

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View PostDiaz, on 06 May 2012 - 05:32 AM, said:

Doesn't Duke Plus play with changespritestat for flickering lights?

True, it seems to implement a light SE spawner which sets the spawned SE's statnum to STAT_EFFECTOR. I went ahead and made the change because the benefits outweigh everything else IMO. r2646 should be of interest to CON coders messing with lights.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


So the light controlling sprites will still have a picnum of 1, but a different statnum? I guess the only thing I would need to change in my code for this update is using the new statnum, right?

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


Should be all that's needed. It's 14, by the way.

User is offline   Diaz 


The new sound-related events have broken something in one of my projects.

The pistol was supposed to play the firing sound plus a distinctive sound when only 5 shots were remaining in the clip. I did this by playing a sound on EVENT_DOFIRE when conditions were met. Now when there are 5 bullets left, that distinctive sound plays, but the pistol firing sound doesn't, and ammo is not substracted during these 5 shots.

This post has been edited by Diaz: 15 May 2012 - 01:44 AM


User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


That's probably because you set gamevar RETURN to something else.

User is offline   Diaz 


But it was working fine until the last update... in fact if I revert to the previous one it does work right...

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


I understand. But set RETURN to zero anyway.

User is offline   Diaz 


Nope, didn't help...
Anyways, got it fixed by using EVENT_FIRE instead and changing the code slightly.

This post has been edited by Diaz: 15 May 2012 - 10:35 AM


User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


I am not sure, but while DOFIRE runs each time a weapon fire, FIRE runs each time you press the fire button, meaning it's quite not related to the weapon itself.

I recommend you to use the code in the APLAYER code itself, and check if kickback_pic equals WEAPONX_FIREDELAY.

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