thisbecasper, on 15 August 2018 - 05:38 PM, said:
Is there a way for duke to be ignored by monsters? In this coop game mode, when one dies, he will stay on the ground, dead, waiting for someone to revive him. I'd like the monsters to switch from the duke they killed to the other player naturally...
The difficulty is that all of the monster movement commands are oriented to the nearest player, even if the player is dead. A properly coded monster will check for "ifp palive" before firing, but they will generally still seek the nearest player regardless.
I guess the easiest way would be to insert some code into the monsters via EVENT_GAME. The code would check for if the nearest player is dead, and if so would change the angle of the monster so that it moved in a more appropriate direction. Depending on how much work you wanted to put into it, you could do something simple like make the monster walk off in a random direction, or you could write your own pathfinding code.
Here's a very simple and untested attempt at what I'm talking about:
appendevent EVENT_GAME
switch sprite[].picnum
// keep adding cases...
ifp palive nullop
else ifmultiplayer
ifmove ENEMYWANDERVELS nullop else
move ENEMYWANDERVELS randomangle
Note: you may need to make adjustments if you are using an old version of EDuke32 that doesn't allow the abbreviated CON commands